The phone call

Come On Over

After so many hours of finishing paper work and essays, Jiyoon has finally accomplished finishing everything. By the time she printed out her last essay she finished, she looked at the time and noticed it was 2:00 am. But she didn't feel tired at all. She looked around her and randomly relized that she wanted tea. She got up from her chair and was about to walk out her room, but one step of out of her door and she forgot about her cellphone. As she turned around she got her cellphone and walked to the kitchen. Half way to the kitchen and her phone started buzzing, it made her jump a little cause she never thought anyone would call her at this time. She looked at her phone and noticed it was her boyfriend Jay, she smiled and shook her head wondering why her silly boyfriend is awake at this time. 

-While she answered her phone she continued walking to the kitchen-

Jiyoon: Hello?

Jay: Hey.

Jiyoon: -giggles- Babe, why are you awake right now? Aren't you busy tomorrow?

Jay: Nah. They re-scheduled. Guess I'm free for tomorrow.

Jiyoon: But still babo. You need your sleep.

Jay: Okay, than why aren't you sleeping?

Jiyoon: Cause I just finished my work. But after this I'm going to sleep.

Jay: Don't babe.

Jiyoon: Why not?

Jay: Cause... I want you to come over to my place.

Jiyoon: For what?

Jay: Just cause I miss you.

Jiyoon: -giggles- your sweet and all but why not later in the afternoon?

Jay: No, I want you here. I really miss you.

Jiyoon: You really do?

Jay: Yes babe I do.

Jiyoon: -thinks for a sec- Okay fine, I'll come over. I'll call you when I'm there.

Jay: -Chuckles- Alright than baby. I'll be waiting. Bye.

Jiyoon: -Giggles- okay bye. -hangs up the phone-

Once Jiyoon got off the phone, she didn't feel like making her tea anymore but she seemed more excited to see Jay. Although she was just wearing baggy basketball shorts and a tanktop she didn't really care how she looked because she though Jay wouldn't mind on how she looked at this time. She ran to her room, got a sweater and got her carkeys and left her house. She got in her car, put in the carkeys in the ignition and drove off to Jay's house.


A/N: Hey everyone. (: I hope you liked the first chapter. Like I said this is my first fanfic I've ever made, but please comment if I should do better or if its good or whatever. It doesn't matter as long as I get feedback. ^___^ Okay bye. :3

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Can't wait to read it! :D