Sehun Drabble #1

Sehun Drabble #1


'Dearest Juliet,
You don't know how much you mean to mean to me. Your smile is like the sun, that brightens up my day. When I see your beautiful smile, it makes my day. I could make a list of the things that i love about you it would be endless. You are a precious jewel that no amount of money can buy! When the time comes and I reveal myself to you, Will you accept me?

- Your Hiding Romeo'

Today you finally decided to confront your Romeo by waiting until he drops off his weekly letter for you in your locker. What does he look like? Do you know him? Maybe it's a creepy stalker! Whatever he 'was' you only hoped that this wasn't a childish prank on you.


"Sehun-ssi, what are you doing here so late?"

"I could ask you the same question"

"This is getting nowhere very quickly, but to answer your question I'm waiting for someone"

"S-someone special?"

"You could say that, so why are you here?"

"I just gotta give a lett- package to someone..."

"Good luck with that"

You gotta admit that Sehun is attractive, even though he acts shy and embarrassed you've seen him dance and sing with so much passion in the auditorium that you get chills throughout your body

"I guess he's not turning up" you sighed.

"What's so special about this guy anyway?" Sehun huffed "I don't know exactly who 'he' is but he has been dropping off letters to me every friday and I was hoping that today I could find out who he was..."

"Well I have a feeling he'll reveal himself to you soon....but it's getting late so I should drop off this package and get going, see you next week Jinae!" After saying what he had wanted Sehun rushed off in the opposite direction in which he came.

I should just go home and forget that this ever happened. Just as you were about to turn around in order to head home something on the floor had caught your eye, you bent down to get a better look at the object and you realized is was a simple looking envelope with the words 'Dear Juliet' written in English on it.

Your heart was beating twice as fast now as you started to open the letter that would most likely change your schooling life for the rest of the year. Taking the letter out of its' envelope was easy enough but your hands were shaking after you started to unfold the delicate paper this time it read:

"Dear Kwon Jinae,
You might be wondering who I am and it's about time you know. 
My name is Oh Sehun I was born on the 12th of April, 1994. I'm in most of your classes but I doubt you notice me, on White Day I don't send you roses because you think that they are overrated so instead I send you a single oriental lily because I know that they are your favourite.

So Kwon Jinae will you give me, Oh Sehun, the honour of calling you my girlfriend?"

By now a blush had silently crept it's way upon your cheeks as you realized how much Sehun pays attention to you. That poor boy thinks you haven't noticed him! Now it's your turn to play secret admirer, so you quickly wrote a response to Sehun and put it in his locker.

It read:

"Dear Romeo,
Thank you for noticing the tiny details about me, I find it cute. Also Sehun don't be embarrassed by your lisp, I have one too. My answer is yes, I will be your girlfriend Oh Sehun...

- Kwon Jinae"

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Chapter 1: this is so cute <3
glory_haneul #2
Gaah! I'm smiling like an idiot. >:D Yeah, I love your fic! I'll be looking forward to your next fics. :DD