Baby Don't Cry

Baby Don't Cry



Kris Scenario

Finally the day has come that your beloved boyfriend returned from his home country. Kris was travelling back and forth between countries, if he wasn't in Korea he would be in China so on and so forth.

You knew better than to pick him up at the airport because of the mob of fans that will mob him and the rest of EXO-M, also because of your relationship with him. It’s not that the both of you didn’t want your relationship to go public, it just felt a little bit more peaceful to be ‘under the radar’ than to have his fans swarm the two of you wherever and whenever.

How long has it been since you have seen Kris? Excluding all the video calls the two of you have had, Three weeks? A month? You can’t recall when it was, all you can remember that it was a long time ago. But the things you absolutely can’t forget about your boyfriend are his breath taking features: His almond shaped eyes, flawless skin and who could forget those perfectly sculpted lips?

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door creaking open to reveal your boyfriend, Kris, looking handsome as always if not more. Before he could take off his shoes you got up from the couch and hugged him like there was no tomorrow. Kris returned the hug with the same amount longing that you gave to him. After five or so minutes Kris broke away from the hug and pulled in for a passionate kiss, you have to admit Kris wasn’t the type of person to show a lot of emotion because he ‘had to be strong as the leader of EXO-M’ ,he doesn’t even crack a smile on stage sometimes! But when he was with you he just get this feeling in him that he just can’t explain.

“I can’t believe your back”

“Neither can I” he replied, even though the conversation was short you knew what he wanted to say.

— — — — —

You were awoken by sudden movement on the bed; you thought nothing of because Kris normally gets up at unusual hours in the early morning. While drifting back into your slumber you heard some muffled sounds, this got your attention, so you slowly rose up from your bed and called out.


“I’m here, did I wake you?” You nodded slowly

“Sorry Jia, I just had some things on my mind, can I talk to you about it?” You simply nodded again.

Kris started telling you about the hardships he and the rest of his band members endured China, how in one of their stages Lay injured his ankle during the dance break in MAMA, then just four days later Tao came down with food poisoning after eating something bad from an interview and how just last week he was being criticized on his leadership.

“We just can’t catch a break, I know the company wants the best for us but over-working us isn’t going to do me, the other members or the company any better! I just don’t know how long I can cope with all of this….this...”

Finally Kris had broken down, telling you all the insecurities he held upon his shoulders. This was the first time you ever saw him cry, it didn’t suit him at all, and you knew him as the man who was able to endure anything if it meant his or s’ happiness but who you saw in front of you wasn’t him at all. In this situation all you could do was hug him, consoling people wasn't your strong point but you would go to the ends of the earth just to see Kris smile and laugh again.

"Look Kris, things are bound to get tougher on the way to stardom but just remember the biggest critic is you! If everyone gives up on you, you will always have me supporting you from the sidelines, okay?"

Instead of replying Kris just gave you a smile before giving you a gentle kiss on the lips.

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insyirahdesu #1
omg Kris, don't cryyy. ;A;
givinkrishead #2
This is the real life of being duizhang
Baby don't keurraaay :'(
Kris!!! We got your back, so baby don't cry~~
Sry, had to borrow the title fr a while...XD
KrisHanna #4
aw.. I wonder if he really thinks like this?
anyway this is so heart-warming :)
@candyforlove thank you for your feedback :)
Aww, this is sweet. :)