I live with this guy. . .


You, Song Miyeon, moves to Korea leaving your parents, You thought it would make your life better. But maybe you were wrong when you run into a boy that takes you to his home. What the weird part is he's in gang.And when you start living with him,you develop new feelings you never knew you could feel. You also go through rouch times with him,because he's Mr.popular at school,he has to watch out for his reputation. Then you find out it's not easy living with this guy.


"The more I see her the more I fall in love."

...Zelo...Daehyun or L.joe?

this story is somewhat PG-13.It doesn't contain nasty things but rather bad language and just some wrong actions.So yeah.



I cant put the link here,(idky) but the sequel to this story is up so yeah .-. go on and read it. :)




You/ Song Miyeon: Age 16 and is kinda 4-D like. She never was one to talk alot so she has a passive and quiet personality. She also can be really bubbly and scary.Miyeon doesn't know much about love,she never thought it was important to her.

L.Joe/ Byunghyun: Age 18. The gangster that she lives with. Unlike Miyeon,L.joe is very experienced in love,but just because he has that player reputation. He can be a ert and tease Miyeon.He gets jealous easily and is slightly hot tempered. But other than that he is a laid back,cool fighter.


Zelo: Age 16. Bubbly and nice. Tall and fun to be around. Likes to play around with you.

Daehyun: Age 18. Mysterious. Sweet, likes you, seems shy but is really silly and cute.

Teen Top: They're a gang,maybe not the very best but they are well known. They take care of Miyeon and befriend her.

B.A.P: Fun and wild. Also a gang.

And other suprise characters will come. (:


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Chapter 37: Woah...chunji is soo funny when he is drunk. And what could this be when you said "Come on man..say it..or i will have to take her for myself...* Three anxious guys were focusing on L.joe and you." For two people surely Zelo and Daehyun but who the last one?
Chapter 37: Awwww... such a sweet ending! I love it! Great job you did here author-nim! :D
Chapter 16: its funny when u captioned it sounded wrong lol
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 18: hey author-nim you said daehyun will come at chappie 18???and now is 17...
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 14: hehehe...i dont like hara...but i agreed with him and junhyung if he happy... :(
Chapter 37: New reader. So adorable! I Loved it. Great job author-nim! :]
PandaChu #7
Chapter 37: Hahahaha.....Chunji was damn funny!!!!he must be drunk
Chapter 37: LOL at the last chapter XD Is ChunJi drunk? haha
Anyway,awesome story author-nim ^_^