Chapter 1

Through Fate

"Anneyong" Jinyoung cheered from the table. He smiled like no other human could, his lips tender and moist, pink as a peach and curved to the point where it was more than beautiful.

I stood across from him on this sunny day, wondering how today was going to end. Of course I felt something great was going to happen but what more could happen?

"Anneyong" I cheerfully said looking straight into his eyes, acting as if it were only the two of us. I somehow wished that this moment would last for ever and ever. I had no intention of him staring at me for so long but he did. Was I already on his hit list?

"So what would you like" Jinyoung asked pleasantly right when I was about to ask him what I'd like.

I bit my lip, full of happiness, and looked around. So many young teens waited in line with enthusiasm. I couldn't let this chance past. It was all for my good.

Jinyoung, who I loved more than anything. He was the best thing that ever happenend to me. I couldn't regret it could I? What if it turned out that Jinyoung thought bad of me. No I couldn't let that happen, for sure Jinyoung was mine for now. No one could take that away no matter what. His only obssesed crazed fan, Krystal would protect him.

"Mm.. I just want an autograph please" I gently smiled at him, and handed him my newly bought B1A4 album.

Jinyoung grabbed the abulm and pointed his pen towards me and slightly tapped it at me then said "that'll do" smiling joyfully.

He held the album in his hands and stared straight at me, "is that all you want" he surprisingly asked.

I was shocked, whatelse would I want. I thought the only things we could get were autographs, you know, and abousulutely nothing else.

"Well, umm.. what else would I want" I asked softly having the pleasure to know whatelse was there to want.

He laughed and it melted right through me. I couldn't think straight but, I wanted to know so badly so I concetrated the best I could.

"Well, you know, most of my fans ask for hugs but, I rarely give them out and you know, you can be the luckly one today" he smoothly said and winked at me.

I felt more than obsessed, but a hug from him, of course I would take it.

"S- so.. can I really get a hug" I asked innocently so he wouldn't change his offer on me.

"Of course you can" he smiled and laughed at the same time, preparing to get off stage.

I quickly grabbed my album from the table and put it in my bag ready for the time of my life.

He got up from his steel chair and pushed it in, slowly making his way off the stage. I turned my veiw torwards him waiting just for him. He finally got off the stairs and stood 10 feet away from me. He stood there like he had prepared something, and then suddenly yelled out "honey-ah" and ran to me with his arms opened wide so he could embrace me.

I felt the butterflies going through my stomache, and my heart beating 100x faster. He made a stop when he hit my chest hardly, he held me like we were lovers, lovers that had a strong passion, who've haven't seen eacth other in decades. He held onto me so tight that I could baerly breathe. Trying to restrain some musscle from him so I could have a slight more chance of not fainting. I closed my eyes and felt like it were the two of us shut in our own little world. I couldn't beleive this was happening but it was.

Suddenly the crowd went crazy and someone pulled Jinyoug from me. I opened my eyes to see who it was but it was just his manager. They quickly ran towards a van and drove off in a hurry. Everyone started chasing and screaming after the van as if they were running for their lives.

I stood in the same place where he hugged me motionless. I didn't know what to do, I felt done for, like he just broke up with me or something, but it was just an accident. If the fans didn't go crazy then he wouldv'e said good bye to me.

I walked away from the place I had just been hugged and felt sad and extremely happy at the same time. I thought my fairy tale was fading away but I didn't know, I'd just see what happens later on.

As I walked towards the side walk I saw something white reflecting from the sunlight. As I got closer I realized it was a cellphone, a cellphone that was in decent shape. I got off the curve of the side walk and picked it up.

"Ah" an I phone I sighed. The phone was surely covered up good. The hardcase was white and imprited "never deceive your goals". I'm guessing it was a hard core fan that dropped it while chasing the van?

I pushed the top button on the phone so it would turn on and slid my finger across the "slide to unlock" so it would unlock, but nope, it had a password. What a bumer.

I didn't know what to do with it so I put it in my bag and walked towards home seeing if someone would call to claim it.


I know it's not the best but bare with me it'll get better :D

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omg!! plz update soon!! i love this
ilykk15 #2
Update soon !