"You are jealous!"
"You are~"
"You really are."
"Then why are you sulking after watching them being lovey dovey together? And Kyuhyun didn't even do a lot of fanservice with you lately. I noticed that."
"Will you just shut up already?! I am not jealous! And whatever they do, whether in front of the fans or not, is none of my business!"
Aish! When will Donghae ever stop teasing me?! How many times do I need to tell him that I am not jealous with the WonKyu couple?! That I don't really care if those two look at each other with longing and love?! Like the hell I would care if that evil magnae will not do any fanservice with me! It's better that way. Or is it not? Aish! I hate this day. I better go out and do something that's worth doing than argue with this fish all day.
"Hyung! Can you just be true to yourself just this once? I know that you like him and I am not blind to see how you clenched your fist tightly when you see them hug, held their hands, and even kissed each other's cheeks. I swear you could kill them especially Siwon with your dangerous glares during concerts. I am glad that our fans haven't noticed those things."
See? That's the overly childish and persistant Lee Donghae for you. I ignore whatever crazy ideas he have of me liking Kyuhyun and such. I am not gay! I just love pink and that even don't make me a gay, right? Anyway, I went to the door and was about to go out when I heard him call me again.
"Where are you going, Hyung?"
I didn't bother to look at him as I replied, "Just going out for some fresh air." I closed the door behind me as I jingle the keys in my hand, and I was able to hear Donghae's childish voice behind the door. "Hey! Hyung, I'm not Hyukkie~ No need for fresh air!" I chuckled before going towards the elevator. Hmm. Now, where should I go? I was deep in thoughts that I didn't notice the elevator door opened.
"Sungmin hyung? Where are you going?" That voice! I looked at him and tried to fake a smile as I saw Siwon beside him with arms wrapping around Kyuhyun's shoulders protectively. Duh? Like I will steal this magnae away from him! They look so overly sweet that it can make your blood sugar shoot up in seconds. I swear I'm going to have a hyperglycemia soon if I will not get away from here.
"Hyung? Are you okay? You seemed to be-"
"Oh! I'm so fine. I'm really really fine." I immediately replied, cutting Siwon's comment. I saw him raised his famous shibrows together and I have to smile at him again. "If you two won't mind, I'll go now." I said and hurriedly went towards the elevator. I saw Kyuhyun glancing at me. I rolled my eyes when I saw him smirk. What the hell was that all about?
The elevator door was about to close when Kyuhyun suddenly went inside. He was still wearing that famous evil smirk of his.
"What are you doing here? Siwon is waiting for you." I asked bitterly but he just ignored it.
"You're jealous."
What?! I looked at him unbelievably, trying to mock him. But you know how hard it is dealing with the evil magnae right now. He was just smirking at me! And that smirk has a great effect on me. He slowly lowered his face towards mine. I can feel his hot breathe in my face and I swear my face would resemble a red tomato right now. Why am I even blushing? I saw him stared at my lips for a while before crashing our lips together. Wait! He's kissing me! What the heck?! My eyes widened at his action. I need to do something. I need to end this, but his lips are so soft and tastes so sweet that I can't help but get addicted to it. I want more. Wait! What did I just say?
I felt him nibbling my lower lip as I closed my eyes and I let out a moan when he suddenly squeezed my , letting his tongue explore the insides of my mouth. I wanted to end this, but my hands seemed like to have a mind of its own as it slowly wrapped around his neck. Suddenly, the elevator came to a halt, and we let each other go.
"W-what happened?" I stuttered. Why am I stuttering? My face is still flushing and I have to avoid his gaze because of embarrassment.
"I think we're gonna be stuck in here for a while. The elevator seemed to be not working." He answered coolly.
"We're what?!" Oh no! Last thing I want is to be stuck in an elevator with him! Oh fate, what have you done?
"Yeah. And I'm glad that I'm with you right now." Eh? What did he just said? "Tell me, Min. Are you jealous?"
"Excuse me? Me?! Jealous? With whom? Where and When?" I asked before laughing. More like pretending to laugh. I am so pissed right now. Seriously, what is wrong with these people today? Why are they saying that I'm jealous?! Am I that easy to read?
"No need to pretend, Minnie. I can see right through you." Oh! I guess I'm really easy to read. Sigh~ "And when I kissed you just now, it only made me prove one thing." He smirked again and pulled me into his arms. OMO! You stupid heart! Why are you beating so loud and rapid right now?! You'll gonna fracture my ribcage any time soon! And what is this Cho Kyuhyun trying to say? What did he had proven from that kiss anyway?
I pushed him away from me, but he won't let me go which made me more irritated. "What do you want, Cho Kyuhyun?!"
"I want you, Lee SungMin." He whispered huskily in my ear. I felt all of my blood rushed southward and my heart beat frantically. I had dreamt of this scene many times, which would sometimes caused me to have wet dreams. Yeah! I know it's disgusting for a guy like me, but it's Cho Kyuhyun we're talking about here. Hey! Don't get me wrong. I don't like him. It's just....Aish! I don't know.
"You want to know what did I found out when I kissed you a while ago?"
"W-what is i-it?" I mentally slapped my face. Hard. What is so wrong with me?
"That you like me." I was shocked for words and I heard him chuckle as he slowly the shell of my ear which immediately send shivers down my spine.
Does it mean that he likes me? Or is he playing pranks with me again? This scene had happened before. No! He has Siwon now and what he is trying to do is play with my feelings again. I won't let you do that, Kyuhyun! I pushed him harshly away from me and he stumbled to the floor. I felt guilty when I saw him winced in pain but I need to pretend that I was not affected and glared at him. "Don't make fun of me, Kyuhyun. You can pull those stupid prank of yours to the other members, but not with me! Everyone was telling me that I'm jealous because of the fact that you and Siwon are so sweet towards each other. Want to hear the truth? Fine! I AM JEALOUS! I am so ing jealous that I wanted to rip you two apart. I am so jealous with the way you look at him, the way you held each other's hands and all. I can't accept the fact that WonKyu is real. I was so happy before when we do a lot of stuff together. But you ignored me one day, then make out with me only to found out that it was all just a joke. That you are just bored and wanted to test me! Are you happy now, huh?! Then after that you tried to ignore me and you were all over with Siwon. Just how good does it feel for you to hurt me a lot? Do you love watching me suffer with this too much heartache all the time? And yes! I like you, Cho Kyuhyun. No! I love you more than you'll ever know. So don't you dare say that you want me or play with my heart ever again cause I will not be fooled by your tricks this time!"
I was breathing hard after saying those words that I wanted to say to him all the time. I felt like a heavy load was pulled out from my chest after confessing- Oh no! Did I just confess to him?! Oh ! No! My eyes widened as realization of what just happened hit me. How can I be so careless? What a stupid mouth that I have! And now I need to stay away from him. I am just too embarrassed to even look at him as I went towards the corner of the elevator and stare at the floor. If only this floor would open up and just me down to the underworld! This is so awkward. KILL. ME. NOW.
"W-what did you just say to me, hyung?" Did I just heard his voice crack? No! It's just part of his evil scheme. Don't get affected, SungMin. "Please hyung. I wanted to hear it again. Oh God... You don't know how much.... Aish! Hyung, please."
No! You didn't hear anything, Sungmin. Don't look at him or it will be your end.
He gently held my hands and kissed it. "Please hyung look at me. Don't ignore me like this." I still didn't listen to him, but honestly my heart will melt anytime soon if he don't stop kissing my hands right now. I then saw him kneel in front of me and something wet fell down to the back of my hands. Is he crying?
"I'm so sorry, hyung. I didn't mean to hurt you. I... I only wanted to know if.... if you feel the same way for me. I was so scared that time that I have to make up a very stupid excuse after making out with you. I am really a fool, hyung. I love you so much that I am so scared that you will reject and ignore me after I'll confess what I truly feels for you. I love you, Lee Sungmin! I really do. Please believe me." He said between sobs.
He love me too? Kyuhyun loves me? Oh my gosh! Am I dreaming? I pinch myself and yelped in pain after a while. I heard Kyuhyun chuckle and I glared at him. But my gaze softened when I saw the tears from his eyes. I pulled him up and gently wiped his tears away with my fingers. "Is this real, Kyu? Did you really confess to me? Do you really love me? Are you not playing with my heart again?" He nod his head in reply and pulled me in a tight embrace. "W-what about, Siwon?"
He let go of me for a while and stared right through my eyes. "Siwon and I don't have anything going on. We are just hanging around a lot together because I'm helping him in preparing a surprise for Kibum for their first anniversary as a couple." Kibum and Siwon are couple?! I can't believe how stupid am I to even get jealous with someone who already has a boyfriend. But no one can blame me, right. Cause I don't know anything.
"And he is also helping me in making you jealous, which by the way is really effective." I hit his chest lightly and he then stole a kiss from me which made me blushed hard.
He pinched my cheeks and kissed my forehead lovingly. "Min, can you say those words to me again?"
"Which of those words?" I asked him innocently, trying to pretend that I didn't understand what he wanted me to say to him.
"Oh! You know what I mean."
"I had told you a lot of things and I don't know which of those words that you wanted me to repeat." I .
"Min.... please...." He said and tried to do an aegyo which made me laughed hard. He pouted his lips more and pretended to cry. Seriously! This evil magnae is doing the weirdest aegyo ever in front of me. Only me! And I can't help but feel so happy about it.
I pecked his pouty lips and we both smiled at each other. "I love you so much my Kyuhyunnie. Only you."
He grabbed my waist and lifted me up. I held onto his shoulders and smiled at him lovingly. "I love you too, Minnie. Forever and always." I lowered my head towards him and we shared a kiss full of longing, love, sincerity, passion, and a promise of forever.
"Ahem! Guys, you may come out now. There are a lot of people who wanted to use that elevator." We heard Siwon talked behind us and we immediately let each other go. I am blushing madly right now, as well as Kyu, when we see the other members' meaningful stares towards us. Way to go in ruining a perfect moment, guys. I love you so much that I wanted to kick all of your asses right now.
My anger melt away when Kyuhyun held my hands comfortingly as he proudly announced to the others about our relationship and I am so glad that everyone are so happy for us, especially the fish who is currently clinging to his monkey's embrace.
Kyuhyun hurriedly pulled me towards our shared room. He kissed me passionately, then went to and a sensitive part on my neck. He let me go just to close the door. And before we even start making out again, we heard Teukie hyung's voice. "Don't be so loud! Remember, Henry is with us and I don't want our baby mochi to get traumatized!"
"Hyung, I'm not a baby anymore and I even experienced hearing those kind of things from Heechul hyung and Hangeng gege."
"You what?! Heechul! Hangeng! I need a word from both of you! NOW!"
-----Sorry for some grammatical errors and all...Hope you guys like it...^^
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gotasdemiel #1
Chapter 1: Your fan fic is so cute <3 It's just i need today, thanks you!
kyushie #3
Chapter 1: Assfghkkgfd I LOVE KYUMIN!!!!
Chapter 1: OMO Mochi so cute tuekie worried and kyumin awww jelly min
Chapter 1: I really wanna see Kyu's aegyo!!!!! >.< and Hanchul really can't control their hormones hehehe xD
hmwlove #6
Chapter 1: Totally love the last part!! How everyone treats henhen like a complete baby even though he's just a year younger than kyu. Cos he's not evil like kyu! Great writing as usual ^^

Great story authornim :D I can't stop laughing while reading. XD
arinaabrar #8
Chapter 1: so .. really fluffy >///<