What an Idiot - Choi Seunghyun

Day By Day

"So how's the frozen yogurt?" Jiyoung asked the Pettit girl beside him.

"It's yummy oppa, thankyou!" she said as she took another bite from it. A couple of minutes passed and later she got up from the bench she was sitting on and said "I'm done!"

Jiyoung then got up from the bench and threw his frozen yogurt cup away and then said to Taeyeon.

"Want to go on a walk since we both have 2 periods free?" He said as he was hoping for a yes.

"Uhhmmm..Okay oppa!" She said as she grabbed his right arm and wrapped it around her left arm.

Seunghyun was walking around the entire campus. He was in deep thought,

What would his mom do if she would find out?

and even worse what would his dad say?

He was thinking of an excuse until his deep thought was disturbed by a loud shriek of 'SHIATTT".

He saw a girl sitting on the concrete floor trying to get up by herself. Luckily noone was there to embarrassed her.

"What an idiot..." He said to himself smirking at the girl at the fail attempt of trying to stand up. Then something just hit him.

"That girl?..She's blonde, and noone in the entire school is blonde except for Jiyoung's little sister Jung Jessica.

'Urgh..' he thought to himself as he walked closer to her.



Jessica leg was in pain. In one minute she was texting and the other minute she fell from the stairs.

"I'm such an idiot..." she thought to herself. She then saw a figure coming close to her, As she looked up she saw this man with black slicked hair, a leather jacket with the 'Teddy University Uniform' and a smirked on his face.

"I usually never do this, But since your Jiyoung's sister I'm doing this" He said as he had a deep toned voice with that smirked still marked on his face.

"Thanks..." was the only thing she could say as she was trying to get up and tried to ignore the pain. She then bowed to him as a gratitude of thankyou and then walked the other side ditching leaving school.

"Can you try not to tell Jiyoung and Seungri about this?"

He nodded and then asked "Where are you going?"

"Home" She simply said.

"By what?"

"My car?"

"Can you even drive with a broken leg?"

".." she said.

"What an idiot..." he thought in his head.

"gimmie your keys i'll take you home" he simply said as he walked towards her.

She hesitated.

"Miss Jung, Give me your keys and I'll take you home" he said a bit annoyed that it was taking forever to give him the keys.


"So which Neighborhood?" He asked as he stopped at the red stop light.

"Shinwha Neighborhood" she said quietly.

"You guys are rich?!" Seunghyun said quite shoked that Jiyoung nevered told him about this.

She simply nodded.

      As they arrive at the house Jessica simply thanked him and began walking up the stairs which were very long and far from the main entrance door.

He sighed again and got out of the car and carried her 'bridal style' to the main entrance.

She thanked him again and began to open the door of the house,

"Will you be okay alone?" He asked a bit concerned

she nodded

"Your leg is a bit swollen, Do you know what to do?"

She didnt respond.

"Okay let's both go in" He said as he was about to step in the door.

"It's okay, You should go back to the campus" She said

Seunghyun was ticked off. He was offering to help someone which by the way he never dose and all she's doing is rejecting the help.

"Cant you see I'm trying to help you?!" He said as he couldnt help it anymore and just said what was in his mind.

She was silent.... She then nodded and letted him inside.

"Wheres your parents?" He asked.

"Nevered had one,,, They're always aboard at a country and sends us money everymonth" She said as she she slammed the picture frame of the picture of her and her parents facing down.

Totally not the best -.-

I'm still sick btw so brain is still not working D:

Focusing on couples that i havent wrote about that much for next chapter.

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Chapter 3: Could you put a lot of topsica moment on this story? Kkkkk i love to read sica clumsiness and top good maner kkkk
Princess1993 #3
Chapter 3: More topsica moment :) update
KamiliaBBC #4
Chapter 3: owh..poor sica..she fell..luckily top is there to help her..
Ziika04 #5
Chapter 3: continue please, aww a cute couple TopSica^^
I really seungyoung couple they are soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG Seungri and sooyoung couple!
angelhoney #9
Aww how cute Daesung!!