Best Friends Forever

Is It Only In My Dreams?

I was slowly getting pulled out of dream land by a strange noise. It was repetitive and rather annoying. I groaned and threw the large covers off of my feet and sat up. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and noticed that the noise was still going. Frustrated, I jumped off the edge of my bed and exited my room. Taking slow steps and feeling the cold hardwood floor against the pads of my feet.

When I was out of my room, I realized that the noise was my doorbell. No wonder it's so annoying I thought, still half asleep as I made my way across my small, one level home to reach the front door. I flicked on the light and winced at the brightness. Whoever's banging on my front door at this time of the day is going to get an- I thought angrily as I opened the wooden door. My thoughts were cut short when I saw who was on the other side. His short, blond tousled hair , his sheepish expression, his knuckles white from the tight grip on his bag and the fact that he was still wearing what seemed to be his pajamas, confused me as it was not what I was used to seeing. Whenever I saw him, he was always dressed in designer fashion and always dressed to impress, even when it wasn't a big occasion.

"Kibum?" I asked groggily, still not completely awake.

"Hey Haeri..."

"Wa...What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Um... C-could I come in? I'll explain everything."

"Yeah, yeah sure." I said moving aside as he entered. "Want something to drink?" I asked, a little more awake now, as I made my way towards the kitchen.

"Tea, if you don't mind?"

"When do I ever." I replied, a smirk on my lips as I grabbed two mugs from the overhead cabinet and started a fresh pot.

"And that is why you, Miss Jung Haeri, are my best friend" he said as he took a seat at the dining table. I laughed a little, and poured the tea into some white, porcelain mugs.

"So, care to explain why you're here?" I asked him as I sat down next to him and placed the steaming hot mugs on the table.

"About that..." he said looking into his cup.

"What did you do this time~" I asked exasperated, but in a sarcastic way.

"I got evicted..." he mumbled.

"Omo what!? why? when?" I asked, shocked by his answer.

"You and your questions..." he said shaking his head. He then continued,

"Because I failed to pay the rent in time, because I was struggling with my job and I got the notice on my door yesterday, packed up my things and moved out tonight."

"Key... If you were struggling so much... Why didn't you tell me?" I asked concerned.

"Because I didn't want to run to you for help so you could save me for the thousandth time, I'm a big boy, I should be able to handle this kinda stuff! But clearly I couldn't... I'm such a failure!" he exclaimed as he bent over the table, his head making a small bang as he hit the hard wood.

"Key... You know there's nothing wrong with getting help. And if I helped you a thousand times, it's because I care. That's what best friends do; they help each other out and save each other's butts when they need it. They're there to catch you when you fall and help you back up." he slowly raised his head off of the table and looked at me with pained eyes.

"Oh Key..." I said and leaned in to give my best friend since the 4th grade a hug.

"I don't ever want to lose you." he said, still hugging.

"I'm not gonna let you... and I don't want to lose you either." I replied and hug him hard. We pulled back and I noticed the teary eyes he had.

"Come on. It's been a long night for you, why don't we head to bed."

"I completely agree." he said with a smile and I smiled back. As we slipped off of our chairs, I made my way towards the bedroom but noticed Key was going somewhere else.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"The couch...?"

"That thing is lumpy and horrible. I'm not letting you sleep on that. Come on." and kept walking towards my room.

"But you only have one bed..."

"Key, we're grownups now. I think we can handle sleeping in the same beds as friends. And besides, we've done it before when we were younger."

"R-right." he stuttered and walked in the same direction. I closed the lights of the kitchen and opened the ones of the bedroom.

"Sorry it's such a mess." I said, seeing how it really was quiet messy in the light.

"It's ok, it's not like I never saw you bra before" he replied, dangling the undergarment with the tips of his figures. My eyes widened and I rushed over to snatch it out of his hands, only to stuff it away quickly into a nearby drawer, blushing.

"You know where the bathroom is, so you can go get changed and wash up and what not..." I said, not looking at him because of my embarrassment. He chuckled a bit and shut the door behind him. As he entered connecting bathroom, I sat on the edge of my bed and released a deep sigh.

I knew this night was too good to be true. Having a normal conversation without watching what I say, without worrying about how I look, without thinking about him in a dream like manner. That was my relationship in a nutshell. I've had the biggest crush on him since the day we met. Despite how long it's been, I can never shake the feeling off. Of course I've dated other guys in the past while we were still very close, but I never felt anything with them like I do with him.

He was always my go-to-guy for anything. Relationship problems, fashion advice, cooking recipes, even art tutoring when I was going to fail that class in high school. He did it all, and he was the only person in the world I could trust.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard noises coming from the bathroom. I cautiously got off of my bed, and slowly crept my way towards the attaching room. I leaned in, closer to the door, pressing my ear against the cool wood. I heard faint voices, like someone was talking, but they were very muffled . I could make out something like this:

"Why am I feeling like this? I've been friends with her for god knows how long and for some reason, I still feel the same. I know it useless, she probably doesn't even like me that way anyways..." I heard a sigh. "Get a hold of yourself Kibum. You are going to go out there, and act like nothing's wrong and you are going to have a good night's sleep. You like her as a friend, and only a friend." Before I had time to react, the door knob turned and the door swung open. Resulting in me falling on Kibum and him falling back onto the chill, tiled floor in surprise.

"So-sorry!" I exclaimed as I quickly got up from his chest.

"It's fine..." he said in a slight groan as he got off the floor. "But those tiles are no joke." he said as he rubbed the back of his head. I chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I replied sheepishly, as I fixed up the bed slightly and placed another pillow on the other side of my queen size.

We quickly got ourselves comfortable and I shut off the lamp on the edge of my night stand.

"Good night Kibum..."

"Good night Haeri." He replied. With our backs turned to each other, I struggled to fall asleep at first but eventually found peace in my dream land. Somewhere along the way, I felt a strong, yet warm presence envelope me. I snuggled into the warmth with a small smile on my face, and soon the feeling drifted to the back of my mind, but never leaving it completely...




The sun was shining brightly through my blue colored curtains. Feeling the sleep escape me, I opened my eyes a bit and winced at the morning light. Being the lazy person I was on a Saturday morning, I turned around, facing away from the light. Although soon realizing that something was stopping me. I felt something move a bit around me stomach and my eyes shot opened.

I looked down to find the answer to my assumptions. His hand was wrapped around my mid section, keeping me close to his warm body. The warmth I felt last must have been him... I thought. I didn't know what to do in this situation. I didn't want to wake him up, but I did want to get up and eat something. Although, now that I think about it, I don't really mind staying here like this. It's probably the only chance I'll get.

"Relax..." I tensed a little more then what I already was at the sound of his raspy morning voice. "You're so tense... It's a Saturday morning, just relax."

I flipped around to face him but backed away a little at how close our faces were.

"K-Kibum...You're awake..."

"Yeah." He said with a smirk. His eyes never opening an inch.

"Look, about what just happened-"

"Just answer one question for me?" he interrupted. I didn't say anything in response so he took that as a sign to continue. "Do you like me?"

"Of course I like you, you're my best friend since... ever."

"That's good to know...But I'm asking if you like me more than a best friend." For this kind of question, he was acting surprisingly calm.

"O-of course I don't, what made you say that?" I replied nervously.

"Well, the fact that you snuggled into me last night when I wrapped my arm around you, and that you seem to stutter a lot when you talk. At first I thought it was just a condition that you had, and being the great person I am, I didn't say anything, but I'm starting to think otherwise."

"Well, I don't. So get that silly thought out of your head."

"Don't lie to me Jung Haeri." Wow, even on an early Saturday morning, he can still be a diva.

"Kibum, I told you-" I was cut short when I felt something soft on my lips preventing me from continuing my speech. Without even thinking, my eyelids slowly descended upon the brown orbs beneath them and I found my own lips kissing back.  The kiss was short lived when he pulled back, and I looked into his eyes with many emotions.

"You were saying?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes in response and grabbed both sides of his smooth face.

"Come here you diva." I said as I reconnected our lips. We kiss passionately for the rest of the morning.




My eyes slowly opened and a content sigh escaped my lips. I sat up and stretched out my arms with a groan. I looked over to my left, expecting to see Kibum but was sadly disappointed when no one was to be seen. My room looked tidied up and everything seemed to be in place, like nothing had been touched. This just brought more confusion to my just awoken and dazed brain.

"Was it all just a dream?" I asked myself quietly. Disappointment soon washed over me as I soon concluded it was. I lay back down with a puff and stared up at the white ceiling above me.

"I could of sworn..." I mumbled.

 Figuring it was pointless to mope about it, I was about to throw the covers off and get my day going when my door suddenly opened and in walked in the person I was hoping for with a tray of orange juice and toast.

"Kibum...?" I asked confusedly.

"Hey... look who's finally up" he said with a bright smile, as he place the tray on the night stand and kiss my for head lightly. I stared up at him confusedly when he pulled away.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" he asked. I shook my head in the negative. "Then what's wrong yeobo?" he asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Y-yeobo?" I asked.

"Is that a problem? I can just call you by your real name if you want-"

"No, it's fine... I just... So, it wasn't a dream?" I asked myself but was looking at him.

"A dream? What, us? You thought that what happened this morning and last night was all a dream? Oh you're so silly Haeri" he chuckled and ruffled my hair. A smile slowly crept up onto my face as I reached over and hugged him tightly. Finally... My dream came true.

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xXCiaDXx #1
O.O marry me... no seriously, MARRY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love u and your stories sooooooo much!!!!! and don't worry about our little jongie getting jealous of us, cuz i support jonkey!!! lolz see what i did there :P jjong onew aaaaand key ;D heart heart heart eheheh this little bit of insanity was brought to you by xXCiaDXx... and chocolate milk :D
waaaah !!!! <33333333333 i wish my dream last night would come true T.T trolololol~ Ü
CookieDookie #3
Bahahaha you makin' a oneshot now XD have fun writing it ~