First Part

Looking Through The Window


[ He ]

Even if I try, I don't remember when or why I started to watch her. It's just that one day, I finally turned my head towards my window and there she was. For a second, I totally forgot what I was doing. Nothing was making sense anymore, except me looking at her. I had never noticed her before, I always have so many things in mind. To be a trainee is certainly not easy, but I can't wait to debut and show everyone what we can do. Watching her is my only time of rest. Everytime I look at her, everything else disappears. It's just me and her. I can't tell you exactly what  is so fascinating with her. I just... can't turn away.


[ She ]

Bits of his voice reach me. Even with our windows open, there's too much noise for me to clearly hear him. But I know he's singing. I sometimes take a quick look to see if he's still there. He has so much charisma, he could really be a singer. I don't know how long I stay like this, sitting on my couch, my eyes closed, trying to imagine what kind of voice he has. At last, I fall asleep with a smile.


[ He ]

I wonder what that black curtain hides. What's behind that window ? Maybe dead bodies, since she's a serial killer. Or maybe she has taken someone hostage. Or maybe it's just a black room. I often see her with a camera, she's probably a photographer. So that means she's an artist. I like artists. Especially the pretty ones.


[ She ]

My brother is here for the whole week, I'm so happy. He has taken a week of vacation to come see me. I miss him. He's my only family since I'm not very close to my parents. The only thing they ever gave me is money.


« Eun Ri-ah. Who is he ?

- Who ? »


I've just come back from getting food. I take off my coat, put the food on the table and collapse on my couch, next to him. I don't even have enough energy to try to understand what he's talking about.


« Your new muse. You have pictures of him everywhere. » he answers innocently.


I immediatly turn towards him with a furious look and hit him.


« Yah, Oppa ! You went to my room while I wasn't there ? »


He looks at me with a smile of victory.


« Got you. You know exactly who I'm talking about.

- Don't avoid the question. You know what's inside this room is personnal.

- I'm sorry, I just wanted to see what you were working on. And since you never tell me anything... »


I frown then sigh. Like it was my fault. I stand up and go to the kitchen to get the food ready.


« Well, it doesn't matter. He's just... someone. Why do you care anyway ? »


I hate to talk about my personnal life, even with my brother. And what is there to say anyway ? My neighbor is totally cute and hot, and I take pictures of him whenever I can, without him knowing. Yeah right, that doesn't sound fanatical at all.


« Because I'm your oppa and I want to know what kind of guy you're dating. »


Wait, what ?


« We're not dating, you babo ! I reply, rolling my eyes. I don't even know him.

- So he doesn't know you're taking pictures of him ?

- He doesn't even know I exist. »


I hear him laugh softly.


« You know that what you're doing is called spying, right ? Or voyeurism.

- No, it's not. I'm just... looking through the window. »


[ He ]

There's a man with her. He's been there for a few days now. Does he live with her ? Maybe he's her boyfriend. Or a friend. Or her brother. Or her boyfriend. Why do I care anyway ? Oh, that's right. I like her.


[ She ]

I finally remember who he reminds me of. A very interesting and unique character of a famous manga : L from 'Death Note'. Quiet, but smart. I like that. I like him. I don't know him though. Is that even possible ?


« You only like the idea you have of him. This isn't real, Eun Ri-ah. You don't know anything about this guy. »


My brother's words resound in my head. Is he right ? I think I get to know him a little more everytime I watch him. Is Oppa right ? I don't even know his name. Is Oppa right ? I wish I could just speak to him. That way, I would know for certain.


[ He ]

He's not here anymore. Guess he didn't move in with her after all. So he's not her boyfriend ? Oh, shut up, brain.


I don't know her name. I don't know what kind of person she is. But... I think I'll learn more about her if I watch her. Yet... I feel like I've known her ever since I first saw her. She's not a stranger to me. She's the girl across the street. Maybe we'll meet someday ?


« What are you thinking about ? I hear Sung Kyu Hyung's voice.

- Or who ? Ho Ya Hyung added.

- What are you talking about ?

- I'm talking about how you silently look at the window with a mysterious smile everytime we take a break.

- Sung Kyu Hyung is right, Myung Soo-ah.

- It's nothing, I'm just... looking through the window. »


[ She ]

He saw me. I turned my head to look at him, and he was already looking at me. It lasted a few seconds, but we made eye-contact. I'm sure I saw him smile though. God, he's cute.


[ He ]

She saw me. She suddenly turned her head when I was watching her. Does she know ? I immediatly turned around with a smile and went to my room. God, she's cute.


[ She ]

I see him less and less these days. It's already been three weeks, and still no sign of life. Maybe he moved ? He thought I was a creepy crazy neighbor and decided to leave. I'm so stupid... What was I thinking ? I don't know him. I never have. He was just... the guy across the street.


[ He ]

Finally. We finally debuted, after all these months of hard work. Our first single came out, and we filmed our first music video. we've only received compliments so far, I'm so happy and proud. I hope people will continue to like us and support us. Our fans are amazing. And now I live with the rest of the band. But it's not the same. Now, when I look at the window... she's not here.


[ She ]

It's been five months now. Where is he ? What is he doing ? What is he thinking about ? Is he with a woman ? Is he smiling ? Is he happy ? Shut up, brain. Why do I feel so empty ? It's like... something was missing. I just came back to my life before all that : useless and insignificant. I've become numb and unsatisfied again. I wish I could just see his face one last time... just to make sure it wasn't all just a dream.


I keep looking at the last picture I took of him, hoping it won't be the last. I also keep looking at the window. In vain. There's no one. No light, no sound, no voice. He won't come back.


« Dasi dorawa ! Dorawa, dorawa~ »


Guess what ? My brother is here for the week-end. I'm glad to see him, he helps me getting better and forget him. Well... at least for a few hours.


« God, Oppa, so noisy... » I sigh.


He sticks his tongue out at me. So childlish.


« What, so I can't even sing anymore now ?

- Depends on what song you're singing. What's this all 'Come back again' thing ?

- It's just a song I heard on the radio yesterday from a band who debuted few weeks ago. It's really catchy, I'm sure you'd like it.

- Another new band ?

- Don't be like that. This one is really good, trust me. It's called 'Infinite'. Go listen to their songs, you'll see. »


I shrug. Maybe I will. Music can be the best medicine sometimes, right ?

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Chapter 2: This was cute ;)
Danieea #2
Chapter 2: WOW..~ author-nim, this is super cute and beautiful story. sequel?
Omg! So cute!!! ><
ncie OS, i loved it <3
:o this was so fricken gooddddd
I LOVE IT~ One of the best fics I've read.<br />
Thanks for sharing this idea author-sshi~
Awrr i really love this story ^^ Myungsoo always makes me laugh :)
Cute !!!!!!
clalody95_ #9
Huaaaa. How sweets? Stalking an usual boy with no prediction that the boy who she's stalked going to be kpop idol. Must be nice if i we're her kekekek~ beeing the one who get myungsoo attentions. Nice story keep it up!
.. SHUT UP, BRAIN .. loving those lines .. :D