The girl

Hold Me Close
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Zelo walked through the empty school hallway, as always, he was late for the class. It had been few days since he and Daehyun started dating, Zelo hadnt meet him since then. He walked over to his locker and opened it while yawning, lazily pushing his bag in. He stretched his arms and before he could even turn around, two hands were wrapped around his waist. 

"Hey there." The familiar voice greeted, his breath tickling Zelo's neck. Zelo gasped, turning around his body to face him. "Hyung!" He smiled and hugged his boyfriend back tightly. Daehyun chuckled and gave a peck on his cheek, "I was waiting for you~" .  Zelo smiled widely and blushed, his eyes glued to the others. "You shouldn't~ You missed the first period, hyung." Zelo replied feeling a little bad. "Nah, I used to miss it. Wanna skip the second period with me?" Daehyun grinned. He was used to skipping classes, it was not like he was a bad guy. He had took lessons outside school so he 'd knew the materials they'd be studying in class. He always got the highest score, so he wasn't really worried about it. 

Zelo was actually a little bit worried about it, he'd been skipping classes since now and then. But to be with Daehyun, he'd do anything now.


And so they went to the place where they had met before, at the backyard of the school, where a small field of grass was there, with some tall trees that they could use as a place for resting. They sat below a tree, an awkward, but calming silence was among them for a moment. 

"Hyung, " Finally Zelo spoke out, glancing at Daehyun who was looking at the clouds. Daehyun turned at him and raised his eyebrows, "Yeah?"

"Tell me about yourself." Zelo said and scooted closer, resting his head on Daehyun's shoulder.

"About myself? I don't know what to tell..." He chuckled.

"Anything! Your family maybe?"

"Hm. I live with my mom, my Dad is in China. I'm a momma's boy, " He paused and grinned at Zelo, leaning his head against Zelo's. "I have a hyung, but he's in China too..." He trailed off thinking about his father and hyung. His father had always worked in China since Daehyun

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Chapter 12: I love this story t-t please update
lynkpopfan #2
Chapter 7: Can I trans your fic? It's really great. I will do all conditions you give for me
Chapter 12: Omg! I love it so much! YOu have to complete that! Please update! Pleaseeeeeeee T______________T <333333
Chapter 12: pleaseeeee update soon
bananaminimin #6
Chapter 1: can i translate your fanfic to Vietnamese ? Your fiction is fantastic ^^~
Chapter 12: Please update !! T^T
ToppDoggFan13 #8
Omg, this story is soooo cute! Please update soon... ^^
Chapter 12: ohmygod, if you're not going to update, I'm going to have to track you down and force you.