Chapter 9

It Started in a Bed


Bal Masqué Partie II









After his little moment with Chaerin, Jiyong got back in the garden where the party was held. He was on his way to the bar when someone tapped his shoulder to get his attention.


"Hyung!" Seungri was in front of him.


"How did you know it was me?" He asked smiling.


"I saw you with my cousin just now. It seems that you were having a pretty good time." Seungri smirked.


"Yeah but your uncle ruined it." They both laughed.




As they were laughing, Jiyong wondered how he got close to Seungri this fast. He remembered how they met during is first week of work for YG Corp. It was 5 p.m, the day had been rough and it wasn't even over yet and so Jiyong decided to have a smoke to calm his nerves. His office being on the 10th floor of YG building, he went to the rooftop to have his breaktime. This is where he met Seungri. They introduced themselves to each other and started to talk. It soon became a kind of routine between  the two and this is how they got close. He had to admit it, Jiyong found Seungri annoying at first but he was a funny guy who was easy to talk to. Seungri was like the little brother Jiyong never had. He didn't even had to tell him about his feelings for his cousin, Chaerin, Seungri found out on his own. Since then, he was showing all his support to his Jiyong hyung ; he didn't want that Seunghyun guy as his cousin's husband at all and for 2 reasons 1) because they had the same name - even if everyone called him Seungri, Seunghyun was still his name! - and 2) because Chaerin deserved way better. And Jiyong was way better than that guy.


"Hyung, I need an advice." Seungri asked.




"I invinted Kiko to the party but she coldly rejected my invitation. She didn't even make up an excuse, she just said no. What should I do, hyung? I mean I really like her but I don't have a clue about what she thinks of me." Seungri whined.


"Don't worry about that, she just wants to make sure that you're really into her."


"Then, why did she decline my invitation?"


"To see if you'd invite someone else but you didn't. You passed the test!" Jiyong smiled.


"Really??" Seungri asked like a kid.


"Yup." He nodded.







She finally managed to leave Jiyong with her heart beating like she was running for a marathon. Thinking at what she almost did while her parents and her fiance were there too, there were no doubts : this man was dangerous. She was losing her sanity because of his cocky smile and his touch, she was starting to fall for him if she didn't fell already. She looked yp at the crowd gathered in the garden and spotted her dad waving at her. She breathed in and out, cleared her thoughts and when she was sure her heart had calmed down, she approached him. To her dismay, Seunghyun was there too. 'What a luck' she thought.


"You called for me dad." She smiled.


"Yes I thought you might want to have a dance with Seunghyun" Her dad smiled back. 'Did he just interrupt my moment with Jiyong to dance with Mr.Arrogant? Hell no!' she thought. She looked up to Seunghyun for some support but he was smiling arrogantly at her so she gave in.


"Alright." She muttered and as soon as she said that, her fiance took her hand and lead her to the dancefloor. She forced herself to smile when he put his hand in her back and brouhgt her closer to him. 'Too close' she thought. They began to dance. She intentionally avoided his gaze as she remembered the incident when she kissed him at the resataurant to make Jiyong jealous and she couldn't help but be angry at herself for being so silly. But thanks to Seunghyun's arrogant and self-centered persona, he just said he couldn't blame her for kissing him 'cause "no one could resist his wonderful lips". So things were back to normal between them and they both acted as if nothing happened.


"Chaerin-ssi, I've been thinking..." Seunghyun started.




"Can't you do something to call off the wedding? It's not that I don't find you attractive, you are and look at me, I'm a god! But let's face it, we're not made for each other and I'm too handsome to settle down with one person for the rest of my life! Look, I'm stuck in here, if I call the wedding off, my dad will disinherit me, but if you tell your dad I'm sure he'll listen."

Was he serious? At that moment, Chaerin wondered how this guy managed to be a lawyer but he had a point, they're certainly couldn't get married.

"My dad and I had an agreement : if I still wasn't married at my 24th birthday, he'd had to chose my husband and we signed a contract. I'm stuck as well!"

We both sighed and continued our dance in silence.





'Finally!' Jiyong thought as he sat at the bar which he had intented to do half an hour ago but Seungri wouldn't let him go and he kept whining about Kiko againg and again.

"Aish, this brat..." Jiyong said aloud. He ordered his drink and turned around to scan the crowd. He finally spotted her, she was dancing with Mr. Intense Gaze. 'I should be the one dancing with her' he sighed. Everytime he looked at her, his heartbeat increased and everytime she smiled, he couldn't help but smiled too. How he wish it was just the two of them this night! The bartender gave him his drink. Tired of it, he removed his mask and took a sip of his drink.

"Jiyong-ah, it's you?" A woman asked. He turned around and saw that it was Chaerin's mother.

"How are you Mrs. Lee?" He bowed politely.

"Jiyong can we talk?" Curious at what it was about, Jiyong paid for his drink and followed the middle-aged woman inside the villa where it was quiet. They finally settled in a little library where no one would find them. Once they were sit, Jiyong broke the silence.

"What is it about?" Jiyong asked feeling nervous.

"You like my daughter, don't you?" Mrs. Lee asked.  Jiyong eyes widened, he certainly didn't expect that.

"Am I that obvious?" He shyly asked.

"So I was right." Mrs. Lee smiled. "I'm gonna be honest with you, I know you're a real gentleman and I really wish you'd marry Chaerin instead of that womanizer. I also know that Chaerin really likes you too but I want to warn you that she has been really hurt by a man she loved. And so, I'm not asking you not to hurt her, I know you won't but I'd just like to say that if she tries to push you away, don't let her and please, make her believe again that love exists."

"What do you mean by she'd been really hurt in the past?"

"I won't give you the details because she'll have to tell you this herself but I can tell you that it happened 4 years ago. I don't know if he was her first boyfriend but he was the first she introduced to me and my husband. We were so happy for her because he seemed so in love with our Chaerin but at the end we found out that all he was after was money. Since then, she refuses to believe in love but I think you'll make her change her mind."

"I definetly will Mrs. Lee." 

"I'm glad to hear it." Chaerin's mother stood up and got out off the room.

Jiyong was about to leave too when his phone vibrated. He took his phone out of his pocket and read the text he just recieved.

  Where r u?  - From Chaerin.

He tapped his answer and sent his text. Ten minutes later, Chaerin entered the library. She closed the door behind her, locked it and sat next to him on the sofa. Jiyong put his arm around her and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"Are we... Are we official now?" Chaerin shyly asked. Jyong looked down at her and saw that her cheeks flushed. He plant a soft kiss on her lips and looked at straight in her eyes.

"How about a date to make it official?" He proposed with a smirk.

"I'd love one but we can't go to public places since the media know I'm engaged now."

"Then how about a dinner at my place and some movies? I'll cook"

"You can cook?" Chaerin asked skeptical.

"Of course I can, just wait and see."

"Okay, when?" She challenged.

"Is tomorrow night too soon?"

"Probably but I don't care." She laughed but quickly stopped as Jiyong's face was just 1 inch away from hers. She didn't have to wait any longer, Jiyong's lips crashed onto hers, kissing her passionately. Things were where they left it earlier.




"Where did Chaerin go?" Bom asked at her two friends.

"I dunno unni." Minji shrugged.

"Maybe she left with Jiyong, just like when they first met." Dara giggled.

"I don't think she'll leave the party, CEO needs her here." Minji shook her head.

"I'll go and look for her. Be right back girls." Bom said before headed to the villa.

Once she was in the villa, Bom looked into every bathrooms but didn't find her Baby-rin. She then heard some giggles at the bottom of the stairs. Determined to find who it was, Bom headed towards the noises. In front of her were Seunghyun with two pretty ladies. So he didn't take her threat seriously, Bom smirked 'He's gonna regret it.'

"Tabi!" She shouted and approached him. Seunghyun looked surprised and so were the women who were with him.

"N-noona, it's not what you think it is." He tried to defend himself.

"How could you? How could you do this to me?" She faked to cry. "We've married for 6 years now and you dare cheating on me?" The two women were shocked by her words. "Have you think of our son? He's just three years old for Pete' sake! Do you want to destroy our family? Is that what you want??" At her words the women quickly disappeared.

"Noona, why did you do this?" Seunghyun sighed.

"I told you already that I'd cut everything that makes you a man if you dared sleeping with other women."

"Noona, it's not fair! I'm sure your friend is ing the guy who works with her and you're saying I can't even have a good time with some ladies?"

"Exactly and the next time I see you with a girl, I'll tell her you've got syphilis, ok?"


After her confrontation with Seunghyun, Bom finally went to her friends again.

"Did you find her?" Dara asked. Bom shook her head.

"No but I'm sure that wherever she is, she's having fun." The girls both agreed with her but Bom didn't even know how damn right she was.





I'm baaaaaaaack from vacation! I actually started to write this chapter while I was liying on the beach, I miss it already T^T. Anyway now you know a little bit more about Chaerin's history. Next chapter you'll have our SD first date kyaaa. I don't know when I'll update though since school starts tomorrow. Good luck to those who are going back to school like me! An a big thank you to my 57 suscribers <3, love you all!







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mbubbly #1
Chapter 9: Update.... Update... Eheh sorry. I just miss this story...
1234567891 #2
omg excited for the next chp lol SKYDRAGON SLEPT TGT AGAIN HAHAHA and Bon totally owned top lol I love this story
skysyagon #3
o m g hahaha
21BigBangVvn #5
Kya!!! You are back with a new update yay ^^!!! Can't wait for Tabi and Chaerin to call off the wedding!!
eggroll #7
so they are official now :)
i'm excited for your next update
LeadersGirl #8
Ohhh skydragon date!!! Can't wait!!<3<3
21BigBangVvn #9
Update soon!!!
Great story! :D
Anna_Ejibi #10
whhhhha author~nim i love this stooory please update iit sooon hwithing : D