At six in the morning...

At six in the morning

Grumbling, Soohyun drew up his legs and leaned his head against the wall on which he leaned and threw a desperate look on his cell phone. It was just six in the morning and where was he? Right! He sat on the cold hallway of their hotel, only wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tanktop and had nothing except his mobile phone.

Why he was sitting there?

Soohyun sighed. It wasn't his fault that he had the stupid habit to kick around in his sleep. But unfortunately it was ​​this habit who had ruined the morning, when he inadvertently had kicked Kiseop out of their bed and hadn't really noticed it. Kiseop on the other hand hadn't really hesitated and had him unceremoniously thrown out of the room.

And since then, the U-Kiss leader was sitting outside of his own hotel room, almost for an hour and wrote periodically text messages at Kiseop. But he got no response.

"Oh come on Kiseop..." he sighed and shook himself briefly, tried to ignore the coldness and the goosebumps he got. He glanced at the clock on his cell phone again. Now it was six minutes after six.

"Besides, you're not better... you drools at me every night and soak all my shirts, but during all the time did I've ever said a word against it, or ed that it bothers me? No..." Soohyun murmured quietly and yawned softly.

"Uhm... Hyung? What the hell are you doing at the hallway at these time?" A sleepy and suspicious looking Eli appeared in the hallway and looked at Soohyun.

"Kiseop...", Soohyun replied annoy and a broad and smug grin crept in Eli's face as he disappeared in his own hotel room, returned back satisfied back into his own warm bed and snuggled into his cover and Kevin.

"Come on baby...", Soohyun wrote a new message at Kiseop. "It wasn't intentional and I'm really sorry! Please let me in!"

But again, he got no answer so Soohyun drooped his shoulders and sighed heavily. Well, that could be very funny, if Kiseop decided to ignore him for the rest of the day.

Annoyed Soohyun took his cell phone back and began listlessly to scroll through his Twitter, read here and there a few mentions from fans and surpressed a laugh, when he read the discussion of a fan base with some KissMe's about the lately, but suddenly obvious relationship of Hoon and Jaeseop.

"If they knew...", Soohyun grinned and began to peck here and there some Kiss Me's and replied to them, what led only to the fact that more fans tweeting at him and were asking why he was already awake at this time.

Soohyun was already about to write that Kiseop had thrown him out (and he was well aware what that lower wreak to their fans), when suddenly a Tweet from Hoon appeared in his timeline. Questioningly, his eyes wandered to the door, from where he knew that Jaeseop and Hoon had their room there.

He already wanted to write a reply at Hoon, when he suddenly heard a movement in his own room and he looked up surprised, as only a few moments later the door opened and a sleepy-looking Kiseop appeared right next to him in the door frame.

"You can come back inside...", Kiseop mumbled sleepily and before he could turn around and go back into the room, Soohyun was on his feets and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's slender body.

"I'm so so sorry! Really!" he buried his face at Kiseops neck, could feel the smile of the latter. "You should shut the door if you don't want to trigger a new scandal, like the image from the plane a while ago.", Kiseop grinned and let Soohyun push him back into the room. "And wear a jacket or something like that! You're icy!"

"It wasn't really warm in the hallway!" Soohyun smirked and bit his lover teasingly in the soft skin of his neck, which lead the younger to squirm himself free from Soohyun's grip and looked at him while he pulled a sweat jacket over his upper body.

"Your own fault..." Kiseop muttered when he went back to their bed and wrapped himself in the blanket. "Don't kick me out of the bed again! Or you'll regret it!"

"I told you that I'm sorry! How often do you wanna hear it?" instantly, Soohyun lay next to him and moved Kiseop back into his arms. "It won't happen again!"

An innocent smile appeared on Kiseop's face as he snuggled into Soohyuns embrace and wrapped him also in his blanket. "You could show me how much you are sorry..." he said softly and looked at his friend with a still innocent look.

Soohyun grinned knowingly and leaned over Kiseop nibbed at his lips. "Mhm... Sounds really good... let me see what I can do for you..."

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Chapter 1: cuteness!~ :3
Sooseop is adorable!!! something tells me that kiseop can really be this cranky when u wake him up...XD
awww, i like it too much !! xD
D'aw :3