Love To Learn

Coffe Shop Woes
I could put up a chapter to this story in another directors cut edition, but it might not be out for quite a while.

I'm glad some of you are still enjoying the story ^^

Has anyone seen the new layout for the mobile version of Aff? Seems a lot of people are complaining, but I genuinly like it ^^ app is just around the corner. Thoughts on this? Post on my wall ^^


Analise yawned as she and Young Bae exited a car in front of her mothers catering business. She pulled at her sweater, fixing it as she turned to Young Bae.

He smiled at her, taking her hand as they walked into the building.

Walking in, Young Bae looked at the flurry of activity, the ten employees he saw, all busily doing something. They gave him and Analise a curt nod, some of them calling out to Analise and Anthony, who came in behind them several seconds later. He looked around, trying to find Kiya Sato, finally spotting her with a couple at a small black table in the corner.

"Come on, let's sit down somewhere," Analise said, pulling Young Bae towards a table nearby. They all settled down, Young Bae looking around at the scene before him. He turned to Analise, smiling lightly at her as she took a book out of her bag, flipping the pages open to a certain spot.

"Bookworm," Anthony muttered, snickering at his sister.

"Doofus," Analise countered, not looking up from the pages of her book.

Young Bae chuckled at their antics, wrapping his arm around the back of her chair as he leaned over her shoulder to glance at the book. Only to quickly realize that the entire thing was in French.

"French?" he mused, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She simply noded, already too engrossed into her book. He smiled, drawing back to Anthony who sat, his seat tipped back to look at the ceiling.

Their small group sat in comfortable silence for several more minutes until their mother came up to them.

"My children!" she exclaimed, patting them both on the head, "And hello Young Bae. Did you sleep well last night?"

He nodded, bowing in his seat to her, "Yes, ma'am."

She smiled, looking back and calling to one of her employees to go and get them some food. She settled into her seat, looking around at them.

"So, Young Bae, is your life very busy in Korea?" she questioned once they brought the food over.

Analise looked at Young Bae as she settled her book down, wondering how he'd answer.

He nodded, "Its the most hectic lifestyle out there."

Her mother laughed, "Imagine catering an event," she chuckled, "Its probably about as hectic as that."

Young Bae chuckled, nodding and answering any questions Mrs. Sato threw at him.


Kiya Sato looked out the window above her sink to where Young Bae and Analise stood in the yard, laughing as he mocked danced in the gazebo in the center of the yard.

Anthony came up behind his mother, looking at the couple, "He's in over his head, Ma."

Kiya nodded, rinsing a dish in her hands, "And what of your sister? Is she right on track?"

"She's falling in love, but she's not off the tracks," Anthony shrugged, "I don't want to see them get a heartache from an unneccesary relationship."

Kiya did nothing more then nod, choosing not to say anything for a while, "Allow them to figure out what they will want in the end."

Anthony sighed, turning away from the scene outside.


Analise laughed as Young Bae gave her a mock performance of one of his new songs. She claped before joining him up onto the gazebo. He took her hands, gently pulling him into his arms and wrapping them around her. She smiled, placing her hands on his shoulder.

Young Bae smiled, humming as they twirled around the gazebo. Analise settled her head in the crook of his neck, fiddling with his necklace. He smiled, reaching up and lacing their hands together. She tilted her head up, meeting his lips.

Pulling back she smiled up at him. He smiled back, kissing her forehead, before placing his chin on her head as they continued to dance.
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Looks like only one person has said they want a sequel. Mind you, thats not really cutting it for me. Let me know if you really want a sequel!


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I love this story, no matter how disppointed I was by the end.
I don't think there should be a sequel >o< Life is ups and down and Analise's relation with Bae was a down...
I think she was right in her decision...It should be hard to handle a relation with an idol. I hope they're still friends though...
But of course, if you make a sequel, I wouldn't mind reading it.
oh my God.. Poor Youngbae.. Poor Ana.. :'(
I wonder about what is Youngbae thinking.. Is he just let her go? XD and I'm so excited to see your next story! yay!
Sequel!! That was sad. I felt like Youngbae should have held on to her instead of letting go that easily
Addicz #4
I want to kill them
Chappychanful #5

Would anyone like a SMALL sequel to this story? Let me know why you do and you intake on this situation.
Wait... so that's it? o__o She just leaves?! B-But... B-but... but she... and him! They were— and, and—

...I need to kill those fangirls, even if they weren't real.
Can I like...hunt down those girls and kick their asses? Even if they aren't real, I still want to do it.
Addicz #8
Peneapple head ....
: erm.. Anthony is so protective of Analise!! why?! he's afraid that YB will leve Analise like how their Dad did to them?! erm....
Addicz #10
Anthony overprotective