Bumping Heads

Coffe Shop Woes

Analise Sato grumbled to herself as she entered a modest coffe shop, turning the volume low on her phone. She sighed, recalling her aunt's comment earlier in the day.

"Be careful, Anali-chan! The streets are no place for foreigners anymore."

"Because I'm such a foreigner being full-Japanese," Analise muttered in English as she waited in line to be served. She sighed, wishing she had decided to stay in Toronto for the summer to attend classes at her college instead of being stuck in Tokyo for the eigth summer in a row. She hated the way her cousins treated her, reminding her how to act while in Japan, as though she didn't know already after coming to Tokyo every year during the summer. Or the way her aunts tittered about, asking her what she was doing at college as a psychology major.

She sighed once more, turning around at the sound of the door chimes going off. She rolled her eyes lightly as she saw a man dressed in short sleeves but a scarf around his neck, hiding of his lower face, a hat planted firmly on his head and glasses that were so dark she wondered how he managed to see through the tinted lenses.

What a weirdo, Analise thought, shaking her head as she turned back as her turn came up. Quickly giving her order to the barista, double mocha, extra cream, she quickly paid, giving a quick thanks as she turned to exist the shop.

The guy behind her looked at her, smiling despite the scarf and glasses as he approached the counter. She lightly nodded, noticing the buds in his ears that blasted some form of Asian Pop music. She placed her respectful earbuds in her ears, blasting the homey French Pop music, so different from what blasted through the speakers of the cafe.

Strolling outside she tipped her head back, enjoying the breeze that lifted her hair off the back of her neck. Analise searched for a place to go, remembering how she had explored Tokyo so long before.

Just as she finished reminiscing she turned around, a happy smile on her face before it was wiped completely off as she crashed into someone.

With her drink all over her shirt and a very pissed off expression on her face she turned to yell at the person, recognizing the person immiedetly as the guy who had stood behind her in the shop.

"Watch where you're going, baka!" she exclaimed, even as the scarf fell away and she saw plump lips pulled into a surprised expression.

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Looks like only one person has said they want a sequel. Mind you, thats not really cutting it for me. Let me know if you really want a sequel!


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I love this story, no matter how disppointed I was by the end.
I don't think there should be a sequel >o< Life is ups and down and Analise's relation with Bae was a down...
I think she was right in her decision...It should be hard to handle a relation with an idol. I hope they're still friends though...
But of course, if you make a sequel, I wouldn't mind reading it.
oh my God.. Poor Youngbae.. Poor Ana.. :'(
I wonder about what is Youngbae thinking.. Is he just let her go? XD and I'm so excited to see your next story! yay!
Sequel!! That was sad. I felt like Youngbae should have held on to her instead of letting go that easily
Addicz #4
I want to kill them
Chappychanful #5

Would anyone like a SMALL sequel to this story? Let me know why you do and you intake on this situation.
Wait... so that's it? o__o She just leaves?! B-But... B-but... but she... and him! They were— and, and—

...I need to kill those fangirls, even if they weren't real.
Can I like...hunt down those girls and kick their asses? Even if they aren't real, I still want to do it.
Addicz #8
Peneapple head ....
: erm.. Anthony is so protective of Analise!! why?! he's afraid that YB will leve Analise like how their Dad did to them?! erm....
Addicz #10
Anthony overprotective