Explanations and Thoughts

Because Conversations are As Comfortable As Silence Between Us

Heechul's POV

Oh well seems like I have to explain. We all were seated in the car or say limo. And there was silence which soon was broke n by my father. "Well son, you have already met my wife, but not your sister. Her name is Hwang Min Hee. And before you ask, she took up her mother's maiden name. I know you two will bond well." He was smiling. I didn't comment upon it, infact now that I was looking at him I didn't know what to feel.The fact that he had left, that he had remarried, that I have a sister who I dont even know. I started answering his questions from before, "You had asked me why I was all covered up" without any expression looking out of the window.

"Ahh, Yes. I'm very interested to know. After all you never were the type to hide your face in public."Mr.Kim said. "Yes I know father, atleast you remember" I dont know whether he caught my sarcasm. "i had auditioned for SM and I became a trainee you know and debuted two years ago in the band Super Junior as a singer you know and also started acting MCing and stuff. The group is popular so I can't just walk out like that anymore. Its not easy to run from fans. Well you werent here and I had no contact with you so yeah, you don't know anything." Well thats done. "Oh, so thats why. Well thats good.You chose your path." Mr.Kim said. Yeah I did and you didn't help me with that, Thank you, Heechul thought.

The rest of the ride was silent except for the occasional chat of the elderly couple. The sibling were lost in their own thought, now, both of them looking out of the window.

Min Hee's POV

Ohhh.. so my brother is a Singer?? ohk.A popular guy for brother.. should I be excited..Nah.. not me. I mean.. Don't even know the guy. Well that explains the outfit. I have heard about Super Junior but never checked them out after all I do listen to Korean music. Well that aside, I can see he's a bit bitter, I noticed the sarcasm in his voice, well I wouldn't expect any less from myself. I might have burst out or something or just have completely ignored them. And its not like me and mother are really his family are we.

He kept looking out of the window too, as I'm also doing now. I'm bound to do it, now that I will be living here and that it is a new place to me. But it isnt new for him is it. Now that I know that he's a singer, he must have travelled a lot so these ways shouldn't be new to him yet he stares out of window like the most interesting thing is occuring out there. Well must be his way of escape, cuz right now I think he doesn't want to look at any of us. I might have done the same.. or I am doing the same, I mean I am also looking out of the window. I must Seoul is beautiful, I liked the look of it, reminded me of Canada. Here also its lined with skyscraper and stuff, but I guess it wouldn't be silent. It wasn't that back in Canada either, so how can I complain. Its just the fact that I prefer silence as is in this car right now. I like it. I'm very much free to contemplate. But I must say that it isn't exactly the comfortable silence I prefer..but it is there and I not going to do anything to change it. 

 Mrs.Kim's POV

Awkward I must say, but yes I realize that it couldn't be avoided. I may not be Heechul's mother, but yes I do sympathize with him. He's been alone and now we just come back into his life like its nothing. I did notice his bitterness and I know my husband did too because I can see it in his eyes. The expression in them is nothing short of regret, sadness and longing. Well, I can also see that he is proud to know that his son has done well even without him though I think he was hoping for something else also.

 My daughter is expressionless, and we are not new to it. She hasn't spoken anything which is also not uncommon. I wish she would open up a bit more. I just hope things turn out to be better for both of them..

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Sorry 4 not updating. Am not comfy updating on mobile. And was sick for the past month. Mianhae. *bow to evryone*


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AWWWW don't worry eonni I will wait wan!!!
Babysaurus #3
Huhihuhuuuuuhuihhu eonni this is INTERESTING!! :D im
Currently out station and i dont think i can udate, though ill try, i dont want to disappointed my readers! Btw fighting eonni! Hope your umma is well now! ;)
I'm sooo sorry I haven't commented yet! Been busy lately ><
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