Keeping It A Secret (3)

Bunny Love


~ Friday ~

"Hey guys. Come to our club this Saturday. The Mojo Ice Club" Youngjae said

"Why hyung.?" Zelo asked

Youngjae looked at him "It's the 2nd Saturday of January"

"What about it.?" Hyosung asked

Himchan thought for a second before he realized something "Ooohh ooohh. It's time for the Ultra Mega Party"

"Ohhh yeeeaaaahhh. Paarrttyyy.!" Jongup shouted

Hyosung stared at Jongup and Himchan who were so excited "What's that.?"

"Oh. Every 2nd Saturday of January, Youngjae always throw a party" Jieun said

"Yeah. It's to celebrate for a good whole year. It's a Youngjae tradition" Sunhwa added

Youngjae grabbed a small megaphone speaker and walked in the middle of the cafeteria. "Okay. Everybody listen up. Party at Mojo Ice Club this Saturday. It's time for the Ultra Mega Party. 7 pm. Don't be late"

Then everyone in the cafeteria cheered.


~ Saturday ~

Hyosung was knocking on Daehyun's door.

"Daehyun-ah, are you ready.? Let's go. Yi Jung, Yongguk and Jieun is already waiting donwstairs" she said. When she heard no response, she walked inside. She looked around to find him "He must be in the shower"

She was just looking around his room, to the books and pictures in his study table. Then she spotted a familiar looking bunny keychain beside a cute Tokki Land stuffed animal. She took the bunny keychain and stared at it for a few minutes "It's just like my bunny keychain". Suddenly, a pair of strong arms hugged her from behind. 

Daehyun rested his chin on her left shoulder. 

"Wh-when did you get this.?" Hyosung asked, showing him the bunny keychain

"When I was little"

She stared at him for a moment "Co-could he be the boy?". She shook her head, getting back to the real world. She placed the bunny keychain back in his study table. "Let's go" she smiled


~ Mojo Ice Club ~

Everyone in school was in the party; dancing and drinking, having a blast. Daehyun, Hyosung, Yi Jung, Yongguk, Jieun and Zinger were just outside, sitting near the pool.

"Have you guys seen Jongup and Zelo.?" Zinger asked

"There they are. They're coming this way noona" Yi Jung said

Jongup and Zelo approached them, carrying 2 cans of beer in each hand. 

Zelo tossed one can of beer to Daehyun "Hyung, catch", then to Hyosung "Noona, catch". When the can was about to reach her hand, Daehyun caught it.

"Not here." he said to her

Yi Jung sat closer to Hyosung and whispered in her ear "Noona, just understand hyung. It's a boyfriend's thing"

Hyosung laughed and ruffled Yi Jung's hair "Arasso. I know"

"Zelo-ah, Jongup-ah. Come with noona. Let's play in the arcade upstairs. I heard they have the new extreem bazooka death shooter" Zinger said

Jongup dropped his mouth open "Waaaaaaaaaaa. Really noona.?! What are we waiting here for.?! Let's go". When the three of them were already inside, Jongup came back to the pool and handed the four can of beer he was holding to Yongguk "Hyung.! Hyung.! Hold it for me." then started running back inside.

Yi Jung ran after Jongup. "Jonguppie hyung. Wait for me, I wanna play too"

"Youngjae hyung, nice party" Jongup said as they ran past Youngjae

"Wait. Where are the others.?" he asked

"Near the pool. We gotta go hyung. The extreem bazooka death shooter is waiting for us upstairs" Yi Jung said

Youngjae nodded and walked near the pool. "Hey guys, everything alright in here.?"

Jieun smiled and looked around the club. "Yeah we're doing good. Nice party. Much nicer than last year's. No offense though"

"No harm, no foul" Youngjae chuckled. "Where's Himchan and Sunhwa.?"

"I think they are inside, dancing" Hyosung said

Youngjae sat next to Yongguk and grabbed the beer in his hand. "Beer.! A man's great companion"

"Don't drink too much. You don't wanna throw up again, like the last time" Yongguk laughed

Hyosung turned her head to Daehyun and patted his lap "I gotta use the restroom. I'll be right back", and Daehyun nodded

"Where you goin'?" Jieun asked

"Girl's restroom"

Jieun stood from her seat "I'll go with you"



Hyosung and Jieun were fixing their hair in the girl's restroom. 

"Jieun-ah, do you have a hairbrush.?" she asked


Hyosung brushed her hair and tied her hair up in a ponytail. She looked at herself in the mirror and fixed her side bangs. She looked at Jieun and handed her back the hairbrush "What do you think about my hair.?"

Jieun smiled "Cute"

"Let's take a picture" Hyosung said as grabbed the camera around her neck

1 2 3. . . Click. . . Click

"You really love your camera. I've never seen you without your camera" Jieun laughed

Hyosung laughed along with her "I really like photograpy. Is there something bad about that Miss Jung Jieun."

"No maam. As a matter of fact, I LOVE taking pictures with you Miss Jun Hyosung". Jieun grabbed her cellphone from her bag "Let's take a picture in my phone too"

1 2 3. . . Click

Jieun looked at the picture in her phone "We look so cuuuttee. Totally gonna be my screensaver"

"Yongguk might get jealous" Hyosung chuckled

"Oh you know he won't. You're my be--"

Hyosung stared at Jieun "Be-- what.?"

Jieun smiled and looked at her "Bestfriend. Is that okay with you.?"

"Aaaaawww" Hyosung nodded and hugged her "Bestfriend it is"

They broke apart from the hug and laughed as they took one last picture together.

"So how is the Secret Love between you and my cousin.?" Jieun asked

"We're doing good. I'm glad nobody except you guys knows about our relationship" she said

"Well I'm surprised Daehyun got through the whole secret thing" Jieun said

Hyosung chuckled "Aegyo is the best way to convince him"

"You're good. Maybe I should do that more to Yongguk" Jieun laughed as they went outside the girl's restroom


Little did they know, someone in the restroom heard them, hiding in the restroom cubicle. "They're a couple.??!" the girl said


Hyosung and Jieun came back to the pool and noticed that all of their friends were already there. Sunhwa and Zinger were standing near the pool while B.A.P and Yi Jung were sitting near the Mojo Bamboozle Hut.

"Oh hey, where were you.?" Sunhwa asked

"Restroom" Hyosung and Jieun said at the same time

While the girls were talking near the pool. A group of boys and girls, their juniors were playing around. Then someone accidentally bumped into Hyosung, causing her to fall in the pool.

"Hyosung-ah.!" Sunhwa shouted. She turned her attention to the guy who bumped Hyosung "Are you crazy.?! Our friend doesn't know how to swim you jerk.!"

"I-I'm sorry. Tha-that was an accident" the guy apologized

"Hyosung-aaahhh.!" Zinger said as she jump to the pool

Sunhwa stared at the guy pushed him to the pool. "You idiot, help them.!"

Jieun called out for her cousin who was sitting near the Mojo Bamboozle Hut "DAEHYUN-AAAAHH.! Hyosung is-- Hyosung is--- " she panted as she pointed to the pool

Daehyun looked over the pool and saw Hyosung drowning. He quickly ran to the pool and jumped.

"Noona.!" Yi Jung said as he got near the pool

All of them surrounded the pool area. Not soon enough, Zinger, the guy Sunhwa pushed came out first, with Daehyun following them who was carrying Hyosung. He layed Hyosung to the floor and checked her pulse, he then tapped her lightly on the cheeks.

After a few seconds, Hyosung slowly opened her eyes and coughed pool water. Jieun kneeled beside Hyosung and wrapped her  in a towel "Are you okay.?"

"What happened.?" Himchan asked as he gave Daehyun and Zinger a towel

Sunhwa eyed the guy who was soaking wet and soon enough all eyes were on him. "I-I d-didn't do it on purpose. I didn't mean to push her. I'm sorry Miss Hyosung-shi" he stutterd

Daehyun angrily threw the towel on the floor and glared at the guy. He stood up and walked towards him, his eyes like daggers.

Yongguk grabbed his arm and stopped him "Daehyun, don't. You have some other business to take care of"

Daehyun looked at Yongguk then to Hyosung who was freezing. He walked back to her and carried her, bridal style.

"Don't. They might suspect us" she whispered as Daehyun carried her, her lips shaking

Yi Jung stood beside them "Noona, don't protest. Let's just go home"

Hyosung looked down at Yi Jung then to Daehyun who was looking straight ahead, looking pissed.





(Dun. Dun. Dun. Dun. Ddduuuuunn. It's done. The rain and loud thunder stopped.)

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Chapter 39: such a cute story. although i am sad that there is no wedding... i am happy:) good job author-nim:)
Chapter 29: i am going to chase this evil Hyuna with mah dagger and gun. you better watch out ''. muahaha
sarangstories #3
tbh I love this story. So I came back to read and OH, the upvote exist now ey? *upvote* n_n
Chapter 39: There should be a part 2!
Levys12 #5
I really like your story.
And...and can I translate this into Vietnamese, please???
Your story will be a great gift for my friend on her birthday ^^
Chapter 39: Really like ure story
syakuzayamiky #7
i like your story and i really like daehyo couple.can you just create some other story about them..i really enjoy it. :)
Chapter 39: I've re-read your story for the 3rd time now... Yet I'm still hooked. I really love your story. Hihi. I love it's flow and ofcourse, it's ending. I'm so jelly~ Kekeke. ^^ anyway, i hope you make more fics. I love your writing dkills, keep it up!! :) ❤
Chapter 39: that was awesome! I read it all in one sitting!! The ending was so cute~~