Keeping It A Secret (2)

Bunny Love

One week had already passed, Daehyun and Hyosung's relationship was going surprisingly well even though they've been keeping it a secret to the whole school. Whenever they have time, they would always sneak together so that they could have a little time with each other. Even if they live under the same roof, it wasn't enough for them. 


~ Tuesday ~

Daehyun was walking towards Hyosung who was standing beside her locker, talking to Jieun. As he got closer to them, he suddenly grabbed her arm and walked straight ahead

Jieun waved at them "Bye. I'll see you later Hyosung-ah"

Hyosung looked at Jieun and waved back, then she turned her head to Daehyun "Wa-wait.! Where are you taking me.?" 

Daehyun didn't answer, he was still holding onto her arm. They were headed to the rooftop. When they were finally there, he ushered Hyosung to sit on the cloth-covered floor. Hyosung did as told and Daehyun lay down, his head resting on her lap, closing his eyes.

"Class is about to start. We should go" she said

He looked at her for a moment and closed his eyes again "I wanna sleep"

She bit her bottom lip and stared at him "I-I guess we can skip the afternoon class"

While Daehyun was sleeping soundly on her lap, her fingers slowly traced his cheeks "So soft". She quickly grabbed the camera that was hanging around her neck and took a picture of him, every features of him that she loves. She wanted to take his mask off but she was worried that he might wake up.

"You're staring at me too much" Daehyun said, his eyes still closed

"Ya-yah.! I thought you were gonna sleep" she said, shocked

He opened his eyes and smirked "How can I sleep if my girlfriend keeps staring at me."

Hyosung looked away blushingly "A-arasso. I won't look."

Daehyun grabbed her left hand and placed it near his chest "Sing me a song"

"A song.? What song.?" she asked


Hyosung cleared and started singing

 The wind knocks on the window

 Over the room as small as me

 Twinkling stars so beautiful

 Filling the room with love

 Don't be hurt

 Caressing my wound gently

 Embracing me to sleep

 Too hurt for my legs to walk

 Eyes so blurry with tears

 Before love never meant for me

 I will keep on smiling

 Like those stars embroideres on my eyes

 I will love you forever

As she finished singing, she looked down at Daehyun who had fallen asleep. She fixed his bangs lightly and whispered "I will love you forever"



"Where's Hyosung.?" Sunhwa asked Jieun

"With Daehyun" Jieun whispered

"Looks like he missed her" Zinger smiled

"A litte too much. He's been grabbing her out of nowhere, either she's in the hallway, in the gym or after she get's out of the girl's bathroom" Jieun laughed

Zinger stretched both her arms in the air and yawned "Young love. When will I ever get mine.?"


~ Wednesday ~

"Daehyunnie hyung. Can you help me with our Math homework.? I don't know how to answer this" Zelo asked 

Jongup choked on his food and looked at Zelo "We have a homework.?!"

"Yeah. Miss Soo wrote it down the white board right before the bell rang" Youngjae said

Daehyun took the notebook from Zelo and started answering it. After 1 minute, he gave it back to him

"Whoah hyung. This is really easy to understand. Gomawo" 

It was Sunhwa's turn to ask "How about us Jieun-ah.? Do we have an assignment that I forgot to answer.?" 

Jieun shook her head "No, I don't think so"

Daehyun started to look around the cafeteria, looking for his purple-head-gummy-smile girlfriend

"She's in the library" Jieun whispered to him. He quickly got up and went out the cafeteria



Hyosung was looking around the book shelves. She was looking for some new books to read. She traced her finger from books to books and silently read the title. Then she spot the book that she was looking for: 'A Midnight Kiss'. The only problem was, it was too high for her to reach, it was on the top most part of the shelf. She tried her best to tiptoe and jump so she can grab it. When she was about to jump again, a muscular hand grab it from behind. She turned around to see Daehyun effortlessly grabbing it.

"Oh. Gomawo" she said as Daehyun gave it to her. "Why are you here.?"

"I wanted to talk to you" he said

She chuckled "Wa talked all night last night on the phone"

"So.? This is different" he smiled behind his mask as he slowly leaned both his arms on the book shelf, trapping her

"Y-yah. What are you doing.? Someone might see us" she stuttered

"Kiss me" he demanded

Hyosung looked at him nervously "W-what.?"

"Kiss me" he demanded again

She looked from left to right to see if someone is there, then quickly peck his covered lips

"Yah. Lips to lips, not lips to mask" he pouted

Hyosung laughed "Why so cute.?" . She slowly took off his mask. When his full lips were about to be exposed, a nerd guy came. She suddenly slap Daehyun on his left cheek, surprising him and the nerd guy

"Mr. Jung Daehyun, i-if that's the way you apologize for accidentally dropping a book in my head, th-that's just wrong" she nervously said, loud enough for the nerd guy to hear

Daehyun looked at the nerd guy coldly who was returning a book from the shelf and soon left.

"Why'd you do that.?!" he asked 

She touched his left cheek and rubbed it slowly "Mianhe. I panicked. I didn't know what to do. Did it hurt.?

"No, but you sure did surprised me"

"I'm really sorry Daehy---- baby-ah" she said

"A simple sorry can't heal it baby" he smiled

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him in his left cheek many times "Im sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" she said between kisses





(What do you guys think about the new picture.? I think I might use it as the official logo of my story. Don't get confused if you see that in every chapter too. I'm just gonna put it in every chapter if I can't find any other pictures to put in it ^_^)

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Chapter 39: such a cute story. although i am sad that there is no wedding... i am happy:) good job author-nim:)
Chapter 29: i am going to chase this evil Hyuna with mah dagger and gun. you better watch out ''. muahaha
sarangstories #3
tbh I love this story. So I came back to read and OH, the upvote exist now ey? *upvote* n_n
Chapter 39: There should be a part 2!
Levys12 #5
I really like your story.
And...and can I translate this into Vietnamese, please???
Your story will be a great gift for my friend on her birthday ^^
Chapter 39: Really like ure story
syakuzayamiky #7
i like your story and i really like daehyo couple.can you just create some other story about them..i really enjoy it. :)
Chapter 39: I've re-read your story for the 3rd time now... Yet I'm still hooked. I really love your story. Hihi. I love it's flow and ofcourse, it's ending. I'm so jelly~ Kekeke. ^^ anyway, i hope you make more fics. I love your writing dkills, keep it up!! :) ❤
Chapter 39: that was awesome! I read it all in one sitting!! The ending was so cute~~