Christmas Vacation: Preparations

Bunny Love

A fine Monday morning, the guys pushed the grocery cart as they picked up a few items Jieun had listed. She practically kicked them out of the house to buy some food for their Christmas party tomorrow night.


Zelo looked around the grocery store. "Yonggukie hyung, where's Yi Jung, Himchan hyung and Daehyunnie hyung.?

"I told them to buy some party stuff. It's on Jieun's list" he said

Youngjae went closer to him and hit his arm. "Why'd you do that.?! Do you want to ruin a good party.?! You know pretty well that Daehyun isn't that great in picking party decorations.! Do you want to have a Christmas-Weird-Masked-Things theme party.?!"

Yongguk rolled his eyes "Oh would you relax.? Besides, Yi Jung and Himchan is with him"



"Go ahead without me. I still have somewhere to go" Daehyun muttered behind his mask

Himchan glared at Daehyun "Oh yeah sure. Leave me with the heavy party bags."

"You're exaggerating Himchan" he retorted

Yi Jung looked at his hyung, knowing where he's gonna go "Hyung, I'll come with you"

Going to the opposite direction, Daehyun and Yi Jung went inside a jewelry shop.

A store clerk  went up to them. "Master Jung, welcome. You must be here for the couple rings you ordered". The store clerk disappeared to a room and went back with a box in her hands. 


Daehyun opened the small white box to see the White gold couple rings he ordered 2 days ago. The rings have half-heart designed to each,  but if you put them together, it forms into a heart. He examined the rings and read the engraved words 'Together Forever'. 'Together' engraved on the bigger ring and 'Forever' engraved on the smaller ring. It might be cheesy, but he's little brother insisted for those words.

"Waaaaaa. It looks perfect hyung. I'm sure Hyosung noona will love it" Yi Jung smiled


Meanwhile, back in the Rest house, the ladies were all busy cleaning the living room for tomorrow night's party. Sunhwa plopped down onto the couch and brought a hand to her forearm "Aaahh.! I can't take it anymore. I'm gonna diiieee"

Hyosung laughed "But we've only been cleaning for 20 minutes"

Sunhwa got up and waved her hands frantically "Have you seen these beautiful hands.?! They don't work for cleaning.! They work for doing absolutely nothing Hyosung-ah"


"So, any Christmas present you ladies prepared.?" Zinger asked 

Jieun shook her head "Yongguk and I decided to have no presents for each other. Just a date" she smiled

"I prepared to give Himchan something he will never forget" Sunhwa said

"What's that.?" Jieun asked

Sunhwa smirked at her 3 friends "You know what I mean" she added a wink

Zinger ran to Sunhwa and nudged her "Yah.! Yah.! Yah.! Are you even ready.?!" 

"Well, we've been trying for some time but ended up not doing it. And I wanna do it wth him on Christmas" she said "Don't worry, we'll use protection"


Hyosung bit her lip as she watched her friends. Jieun and Yongguk decided to give each other presents by going on a date. While Sunhwa and Himchan are gonna do some hot steamy . She leaned her head to the wall, thinking that Daehyun won't probably like her present.


Suddenly, the door flung open. "We're heeeerrree.!" Jongup said as he entered the house.

"And I'm here with the party decorations" Himchan raised the 4 bags in the air

Jieun walked to Yongguk "Did you bought everything I listed.?" 

"Absolutely missed nothing on the list maam" he smiled

Hyosung noticed that her boyfriend and Yi Jung are missing "Wait, where's Daehyun and Yi Jung.?"

"In here noona.!" Yi Jung happily skipped inside the house with his hyung.

Daehyun got to her side, wrapped his left arm around her waist and pulled her closer. "Missed me.?" he whispered lowly in her ears making her blush. He just couldn't wait for tomorrow's party and give Hyosung the ring he bought.






(Huhuhuh. I'm so sorry I updated only a few today. Me and my family went to our hometown to visit my older brother. And as we got home, I suddenly feel nauseous. I think I ate too much food >_<)

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Chapter 39: such a cute story. although i am sad that there is no wedding... i am happy:) good job author-nim:)
Chapter 29: i am going to chase this evil Hyuna with mah dagger and gun. you better watch out ''. muahaha
sarangstories #3
tbh I love this story. So I came back to read and OH, the upvote exist now ey? *upvote* n_n
Chapter 39: There should be a part 2!
Levys12 #5
I really like your story.
And...and can I translate this into Vietnamese, please???
Your story will be a great gift for my friend on her birthday ^^
Chapter 39: Really like ure story
syakuzayamiky #7
i like your story and i really like daehyo couple.can you just create some other story about them..i really enjoy it. :)
Chapter 39: I've re-read your story for the 3rd time now... Yet I'm still hooked. I really love your story. Hihi. I love it's flow and ofcourse, it's ending. I'm so jelly~ Kekeke. ^^ anyway, i hope you make more fics. I love your writing dkills, keep it up!! :) ❤
Chapter 39: that was awesome! I read it all in one sitting!! The ending was so cute~~