Age: 1

The Boy Next Door


The Lee household was buzzing that afternoon.
The whole neighborhood was there celebrating Taemin's first birthday.
It had been a bit difficult to get the adults to strike up a conversation and for the kids to stop hiding behind their mothers, since this was the first actual neighborhood gathering. But the mother, with her birthday boy in arms, managed to make the mood light and happy.
Everyone loved the charming Taemin whose answer to everything seemed to be his own name. Although the rest of the family were balls full of energy as well.
The neighborhood kids were led by the triplets. All over the house on some kind of 'treasure hunt'. None of the parents understood the point of the game, but their children seemed happy and entertained, so they also played along whenever they would all pass by.
Meanwhile, Taemin's parents were more than excellent hosts. They had joined forces to create a masterpiece of a banquet and cake. Along with their fun anecdotes and enchanting conversations. The afternoon was passing easily.
The only detail in this almost spotless party was the cutting of the cake. They were a bit behind on it.
The kids were starting to get antsy, their hopes for cake becoming demands. The parents weren't as impatient, yet they the night was approaching rapidly and it would be rude to leave without watching the birthday boy blow out his first candle.
"Honey," The father whispered to his wife after the third had begged his parents for cake, "Don't you think it's time already?"
She bit her lip. "But they said they would come..
"It's already late, maybe next time." He rubbed her arm consolingly.
"You're right." She sighed. She opened to call everyone towards the kitchen when the doorbell rang. A smile grew on her face.
"I'm so sorry we're late." Mrs. Choi bowed as best as she could with the child in her arms when the door opened.
"It's fine. You came just in time." Mrs. Lee led them inside with the bright smile locked in place.
The family of three walked in bashfully. The rest of the guests quieted down a bit after they entered. The Chois had kept to themselves ever since they had moved in four years ago as a newlywed couple. They hadn't even invited anyone over for their son's first birthday. It was the first time anyone had seen them interact with anyone who wasn't themselves. Even their occupations were unknown.
The family was composed of the mother who was the first one to come inside. Her hair was dark and straight, she was very pretty. Her skin was extremely pale and there was an unhealthy glow to her skin. She was extremely thin, but beautiful nonetheless.
Then the father who flanked his wife as they entered, his gaze all over the place. He had shifty large eyes and jet black hair. His hair was slightly wavy and although he wasn't as thin as his wife, he was still slim. His skin was a richer olive color and was a very impressive height
Then lastly, there was the baby. The little boy was now walking with his uncoordinated legs, a bit frightened and begging for his mother to take him into her arms again. His hair had obviously not been cut at all in his short life, so it was a bit long for a kid his age. His eyes were just as large as his father's, though with such a small face, they looked almost frog-like.  His nose was quite round and his lips were full and plump. His cuteness rivaled that of Taemin's; in a different way.
"We're about to cut the cake." The hostess announced, allowing everyone to proceed to the dining room. Although there was a slight tension as the Chois tried to assimilate into the group.
Taemin was seated at the front of the table, with the big cake in front of him, a single candle lit at its top. Everyone sang, but the birthday boy only looked confused. He was used to songs because his mother had sang to him since birth, but he had never seen so many people singing to him.
He looked around when the song stopped, unsure what he should do next. Somewhat aware that he was the center of everyone's attention. His parents were behind, so he couldn't see them. Meanwhile his sisters were completely out of sight. His eyes widened as he saw people point at the hot light on top of his cake. He really didn't know what to do.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a black head of hair popped out next to him. He leaned forward and blew the candle out for him.
There was silence.
"Minho!" His mother quickly scooped him up and away from the table. "I'm so sorry." She bowed to Taemin's parents.
The other mother was about to appease the anxious woman, but a quiet laughter interrupted her.
Everyone turned to see the one-year old clapping and giggling happily at the extinguished candle. No one was quite sure how to react, so Mrs. Lee took the initiative. She joined her baby in the laughter.
Almost immediately, her husband followed; and soon after, the whole room was filled with laughter. Even the kids, who hadn't bothered to really pay attention to what was going (all they cared about was cake) also participated in this harmonious chuckling.
The mood was restored and the cake was passed around.
It was only after everyone had gone back to conversing and eating around the living room that Mrs. Choi approached Taemin's parrents.
"I'm really, very sorry for all of the trouble we've caused you tonight." She did a perfect ninety-degree bow and stood back up. "Perhaps its best if we leave now." She smiled awkwardly albeit sadly. She turned around to leave, but a light hand on her shoulder stopped her.
"No, please stay." The mother begged. She wasn't quite sure what it was about that family, but she somehow felt guilty if they were sad. They all seemed so frail and weak. "I think Minnie likes your boy." She smiled, pointing at the two boys on the floor next to them.
Taemin had gotten the candle out of his cake and was playing with it and his sticky fingers. Minho had joined him and they would take turns "blowing out" the candle. Every time they felt their breath on their hands, they would giggle madly.
Minho's mother's face softened. "Are you sure? We've been nothing but problems for you today." She inquired her pale face insecure.
"Of course I'm sure." She smiled again. "Even our husbands seem to be getting along." Now she pointed at the two in the corner chatting seriously about an unknown topic. They were too far away to be heard.
The other woman hesitated, but gave in after her second glance at her son's happy face. "Thank you for letting us stay."
"My pleasure." She replied warmly. "You son is Minho, right?"
The mother nodded. "Yes. My only baby boy." Only when she spoke of her son the unhealthy glow in her face disappeared. At least momentarily.
"Mine are Mins too!" She exclaimed happily. "SunMin, EunMin, HeoMin, and Taemin."
"It's almost as if we planned it." She joked, because they both knew min was a common Korean name.
The conversation continued. The playing continued. The serious looking talk continued. Even after all of the guests left and it was hours after nightfall, they still sat in the living room. Talking.
It was only when a sleepy SunMin reached for her mother and told her she was going to sleep that the adults realized how late it was.
"Omo! It's already so late! I'm sorry to have kept you so long!" She quickly apologized, frantically looking around for a clock to tell her the time.
"Oh but look-" She pointed to the ground, "they're asleep." She whispered, suddenly realizing there were two little boys with closed eyes, breathing deeply and hugged tightly.
"What should we do?" Taemin's mother whispered as they both pondered whether or not they should wake them up from that adorable way of sleeping.
"I think we should go home but," She paused, "I don't want to wake them up when they're like that." She bit her lip and her eyes melted.
"Oh, wait! I have an idea!" She said as she ran into on of the rooms, only to come back quickly with a Polaroid camera. "Here, let's take a picture."
The smile on the other woman's face grew and lit everything up.
They both stood up quietly and stealthily snapped a shot. "I think you should keep it." The Lee mother offered, holding out the still black polaroid.
"No it's fine, as long as there's a memory of this it's-"
"Please, take it." She interrupted and held it further out. The other woman looked reluctant, but as her husband touched her shoulder, signaling to leave, she took one last look at her boys and sighed, caving and grabbing the picture.
"Thank you." She said earnestly as she carefully placed the picture in her bag.
The other woman only smiled.
The parents said their goodbyes at the doorstep while holding groggy babies in their arms. They thanked each other for various things that happened during the night and laughed about a few others. The other couple family leaves while the host one goes back inside.
Everyone's sluggish as they put their children to bed, and finally, the parents are able to get in their own bed.
"What did you and Choi-ssi talk about?" His wife asked after they had turned off the light, the question having been in her mind all night.
The husband took a moment to think. "His wife, I suppose."
"The whole time?" She questioned again, this time with raised eyebrows, though they were unnoticed in the dark.
"Well, he didn't specifically say it was his wife but he asked some pretty specific questions."
"Probably because I'm a doctor." He shrugged, causing the beed sheets to crinkle audibly.
"Oh, so they were health questions?" He hummed in affirmation. "About his wife?" He hummed again. "But...why?" She was puzzled.
"I think-" He stopped.
"What? What is it?" She sat up and with the dim light of the moon she could see the frown in her husband's face.
"I think she might be sick." He answered reluctantly.
"Like a cold or something?" She pressed, though she knew what he meant as soon as he said it, she just couldn't  believe it.
"No. I think she might be-" He looked at his wife seriously, knowing the weight of his words. "I think she might be dying."
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Chapter 3: Eeeee! 2minnnnnnn!
This is adorable (omg, the Lee's are sweeter than pecan pie), but I'm wondering about the Choi's. :\

Sorry this comment isn't long, but I'm getting sleepy. *rubs eyes*
Chapter 3: Baby 2min is so precious! :D
Louvegrise #3
Chapter 3: So TaeBaby is already 1 year old >O< He must be so cuuuute >ww< I wish I could see him and squeeze his cheeks >< Is it usual in the US to invite neighbors for at such an early age? I don't think a lot of people do this in France ^^! So I was surprised when I read that the Lee family had invited their neighbors the Tae birthday XD But everybody seemed to have fun (especially the kids XD) so that's great ><
But the end of the chapter cooled down ;___; I'm wondering what Minho's mother has ;___; And he's still so young, I hope you won't make her die soon or not at all, that wiil be great XD
Anyway the 2min moment was so cute >< So young and already attached to each other >O< I can well imagine them having fun when they will be older, inviting each other at home ><
So thanks for the chapter ^o^ Fighting for all you have to do o/ And see you soon I hope ><
Chapter 3: I totally agree @boondoks1 and @Lotus_Flower19! I really love your story. Please update soon if you can. What else can I say? This is too good. ^^
Chapter 3: I totally agree @boondoks1 and Lotus_Flower19! I really love your story. Please update soon if you can. What else can I say? This is too good. ^^
Chapter 3: I agree with @boondoks1, at first I was melting over the baby 2min adorableness: Minho blowing out Tae's candle, them giggling and playing with each other, and them sleeping while cuddled up on the floor together... I can sense the 2min romance already and their only a year old XDDD Then the boomshell that Minho's mom might be dying at the end, brought my cheerful attitude down completely, poor Minho I hope he doesn't take her illness to hard :'( This chapter was utter cuteness overall though and the chibi 2min moments took the spotlight in this chapter, I loved it <3<3<3<3 Please update again soon, I'm so eager to see how Minho and Taeminnie's relationship progresses :DD
boondoks1 #7
Chapter 3: omg,,at the beginning of this chapter, i was squealing with happiness with all those cute chibi 2min moments,,,,kekeke like when minho blew out tae's candle, them playing together and esp. the hugging part but when minho's sickness came up, my heart was shattered,,,huhu,,poor minho, hope he takes it well,,,kekeke but overall, it was a such a nice chapter,,can't wait for more,,,kekeke
boosher #8
Chapter 3: :( Poor Minho's mom... can't wait for more!!