What If

What If



“ Well, well, well, looks who’s finally will get married. “ Yoona said with teased tone to one particularly person who sitting right beside her, in her left to be exact.

“ Yeah, what happen to ms. I-will-never-get-married-till-no-else-beautiful-woman-in-the-world-who-I-can’t-dated? “ Hyoyeon asked the former player and smiling when witness the rolled eyes from the person.

“ She meet her soulmate. “ Yuri calmly answer while grab her fiancé hand, intertwine their finger and kiss it gentle at the back at her hand. Smile never leave her face.

The gesture earned her kiss on the cheek by her only lover and soon to be wife, Tiffany.

“ I love you too babe. “ she said it after kiss her. Make smile on Yuri face getting wider.

“ Aww, you guys make me jealous. You know its should be me who get kiss and act lovey dovey like that. But some PERSON apparently to busy stuffing food into her tummy. “ Sunny said that while glance to Sooyoung, hoping the later get what she means.

“ Whawt? I’m hungwry. “ said Sooyoung with mouth full of food.

“ When you’re not? “ response Yuri quickly.

The later just shrugged her shoulder before back to devour her food. Some of them just shook their head by Sooyoung antics. The other give her chuckled.

“ What about you two? How you and Taeyeon end up together? “

I startled a little by sudden question thrown at me by Hyoyeon. I cleared my throat trying buy some times to find the right answer. But unfortunately my mind goes blank. How I can explain the situation now?

All eyes on me now. Expecting whatever will comes from my mouth.

“ Er, exactly we didn’t—“

My voice stop when suddenly I feel Taeyeon hand grab mine under the table. I turn to my right and look at the latter confused, but she just smile and directed her gazed to everything around the table except me. Pretend like she wait for my answer.

“ We didn’t know either, “ I pause a moment. My eyes still look at Taeyeon. But she too stubborn to look at me. “ We childhood friend. We met again after almost 10 years. We follow the flow and we end up here. “ I finished my sentences. And finally Taeyeon turn to me. Her eyes look into mine. We just stared at each other for moment. Trying to talk without words before she broke it after give me a smile. But I’m not protest. Somehow I know what she’s doing. And I very thankful for that.




Tell me? Why I’m doing here again? Why I’m here at the boring  party I don’t even know why I attend to? There’s so much person I don’t know here. If it’s not my co-worker who beg me to came, I honestly preferred to sleep in my room cuddling with my soft pillow. I sighed, before took a sip from a glass wine I hold. I look around me and decide maybe the balcony much better than standing at side this room.

I walked in there. It’s true, it’s way better than to be in that room, the breeze really is make me calm.

“ Ice Princess? “

Someone called me. Make me turn to my right. To look at the person who I never expected to meet.

“ You know, I never heard someone called me that like in years. “ I chuckled said to that person. Silently gazed at her face. There’s not much a light in there but I could tell she not change. Well, maybe her character become more mature than before, her hair is short now, and the way she choose her clothes is more fashionable. But she still same. Her skin still flawless, her face still child-like, her voice is still soothing, like the last time I saw her.

“ Well, that’s because I’m  the only who brave enough to called you that. “ she said while slightly move closer to me.

“ Kim Taeyeon. “ I said her name when she stand face-to-face with me.

“ Jessica Jung. “ she reply with smile on her face before pulled me to her embrace.

“ How are you Sica? “ she said softly my pet name while hug me.

“ I’m good. What about you? “ I asked after she release me.

“ Fine. “ she answer and give me her dorky grin which now I realize, I miss it  from her.

“ I miss you. “ she said to me later.

“ I know. It’s like what, 10 years? “

“ Yeah. The last time I saw you, you still on your ripped skinny jeans, leather jacket, rock & roll style and gum. “

“ Oh my God, don’t remembered me that. It’s was the darkest time of my fashion style. “ I covered my face, embarrassed to hear my fashion choose when I was at high school.

She laugh. “ Nonono, we should remember about that. In fact why don’t we go somewhere to catch up? “

“ What, now? “ I asked surprise with her idea.

“ Yeah, the party is boring anyway. “ she said with low tune.

I chuckled after hear that. Glad that someone have one track mind like me.

“ Come on. We waste a time. “ she said before grab my hand and run to exit door.




 After bickering almost 15 minute in the car, to decide weather eat Italian food ( Me really craving pasta)  or Korean food ( Taeyeon said she want eat Spicy Rice Cake ) we end up at little café in midtown, busy to devour ice cream we order.

“ You know it should be go to Guinness book of record, the category food which doesn’t get enough to eat. “ Taeyeon said while finished her third bowl of vanilla cookies ice cream.

I smiled before take a spoon my strawberry flavored one. “ What about Jelly then? “ I asked her. Knowing fully that Jelly is her another favorite.

I saw Taeyeon ponder a bit. She let spoon hanging in while thinking.

“ Ehhmm, it’s in different category. “

“ What? “

“ Food which doesn’t get enough to eat by Kim Taeyeon. “ she said while hold a spoon in the air with superhero style.

I chuckled with the sight. Her dorky antics never gone from her. But that’s one of her many quality which make me like her.

“ I thought you work in San Francisco. “ she asked me later.

“ I am. “

“ So what are you doing here? “

“ I got project here. And my best friend getting married. “

“ Ah, I bet the second one is more important. “

“ In fact, it is. I’m the bridesmaid. “

“ Really? I’m the best man. “ she said excited.

I furrowed my eye brows.

“ My best friend getting married too. “ she explain.

“ Seriously? I want to see you with tux. “ I blurted out while slightly smile after imagine Taeyeon in tux.

“ You should. I’m coming from London just to attend her wedding, I bet is gonna be awesome. It’s 4 August by the way. “

“ Ah, my friend wedding is 4 August too, talk about unlucky. “ I said with pout.

“ Wha—so saaadd. “

We laughing after that. And continue to talk about the past.

“ So, any girlfriend, or maybe boyfriend? “ Taeyeon suddenly asked me with her cheeky smile.

I smile before answer it, “ Nope. “

She checked me for while before give me ‘I-don’t-believe-you’ look.

“ I’m serious. “

“ Why? With that look you can owned whoever. “

I thinking a while and decide to , “ Because you reject me. “ I said while glance her little. Want to know her reaction.

Taeyeon leaned back to her chair but her eyes never leave me. Her face look like she still decide if I tell the truth or not.

“ I don’t believe you. “ she stated after.

I give her grin before continue my teased, “ Remember the nigh we sleep over before graduation day in high school? “

She thinking for while before answer, “ Yeah..? “

“ Remember I said I like someone but to afraid to confess? “

She nodded confused.

“ That someone is you. “ I said calmly.

Well it’s true, I like her back there. Even I plan to confess to her at graduation day.  But then I got cold feet and  decide to forget it. And then again, I treasure our friendship so much so I’m afraid it will affect it if thing didn’t worked out.

Taeyeon looks like still processing what I told her. slightly open, while her head titled a little to the right.

“ You know what funny is? “ she finally speak. “ I kinda like you too back there. “ she finished her sentences.

“ ........ “

Well, this is awkward. We just stared each other without words for almost couple minutes before I  decide to broke it off.

“ Huh? “ that’s the only words I could manage from my mouth.

“ I liked you back there. I even planed to confess to you at graduation day. But then I remember should go to London for  scholarship. I don’t know, I guess I’m afraid at the long distance relationship, so I decide not to. “

Her explain, make everything more awkward. But I try to not thinking about it to much.

“ Ahem, so what about you? No wedding? “ I asked her trying to eased the awkwardness and change the subject.

She smile and playing with her spoon a while before answer, “ Nope, but actually I kinda  like this girl. “ she started.

“ Really? “ I smile and try to excited. But something tug in my heart. Strange feeling that I never expect to feel again. Especially not to the person in front of me.

“ But I can’t never get her. “

“ Why? “

“ Because she have someone better.” she continue with bitter smile.

“ Who are you to decide if someone is better for everyone else ,especially to the one your love? “ I asked her confuse, obviously didn’t like with what she said. “ Why don’t you fight for her? “ I continue.

“ Well I know because.. “ she take a breath for a second before continue, “ that someone is my best friend. “ she finished her sentences.

I raised my eye brows after hearing it. “ Are you for real? “

“ isn’t it. “ she forced smile but failed at the end.

“ Tell me about it. “ I sighed and unconsciously gazed something at far away. Didn’t aware at the eyes who stared at me.

“ You… “

Her voice broke my mind train. I just give her a little smile as an answer.

I heard Taeyeon sighed before she asked me, “ Are we stupid? Falling for someone who we know we can’t get? “

I thinking, but there’s nothing to come in my mind, “ I don’t know. “ I answer her softly. But it’s true. I don’t know.

There’s silent before Taeyeon broke it of with her chuckled, I looked at her suspiciously,

“ It was silly, but I can’t help to think what would become of us if I decide to stick to my plan and confess to you before? “

Her sentences make me thinking. Yeah, what would become of us? What happen, if she decide to tell me her feeling? What happen if I don’t get cold feet and still continue my plan to confess? Maybe now I’m the one who plan my wedding instead Tiffany. Maybe I never feeling lonely because she will be wait for me after long hour work. Maybe I never feel this forbidden feeling if we together. I sighed at the thought.


We keep contact each other after that night. But never really hang out together, Apparently I  to busy with my job project and bridesmaid.  While she  must back and forth London-Korea for job she  decide to take.

Our next meeting it’s not exactly what we ever imagine. It was one of boring day, out of the blue Tiffany called me and asked if I want to hang out with her and Yuri, her fiancé. I  usually reject it because I don’t want to be thirdwheel. But somehow Tiffany convince me that it’s not just the three of them. But couple of her and Yuri friend will join in.

We then decide go to the club. Tiffany keep her words that is not only the three of us. I get to met Sooyoung, Sunny, Hyoyeon,Yoona and Taeyeon. Yap, the last name is very surprising me. I never thought that she’s best friend of my best friend Tiffany and childhood friend of Yuri, my other best friend. We don’t talk to much that time. But somehow, trough examine the situation, which I guess didn’t hard to figure for someone who have same pain, we finally understand who the one we devoted with.


End Flashback




“ Really? How can you never told me Jess? I’m your best friend right? “ Tiffany complain and give me pouted.

“ Baby, Taeyeon is my best friend too and I didn’t see her trying to tell me either. “ Yuri give Taeyeon look.

“ Come on, it’s not like I’m aware the two of you knowing Sica, let alone be friend with her. I mean, Fany and I worked in London before Fany transferred here, Sica in US while you here. And I just met Sica after 10 years for god sake. “ Taeyeon trying defend her self.

“ But Taetae, we practically like sisters. We always together, how can I not know that you corrupt my childhood friend? “

Taeyeon rolled her eyes after hear Tiffany choice of words. “ Because you don’t love me anymore. You replace me to Yuri. “ Taeyeon pretend to sulking.

“ I did not! I still love you. It’s just now I love Yuri more. “ Tiffany give Taeyeon her puppy eyes.

“ Aw, I’m just kidding. I still love you. “ said Taeyeon.

“ And I love you too. “ Yuri follow Taeyeon and give Tiffany peck on her lips.

My lips drew a little smile after look the scene in front of me. But my heart feel empty. No hurt anymore. Just blank.

I feel a little squeeze on my hand. And suddenly aware that Taeyeon hand still on mine. I smile to the gesture and turn to her. She smile at me. As if said that everything will be okay.






“ Jessie~ I’m getting married! “ said Tiffany excited. She almost tackled me after get into my room.

“ Wha—how? With who? “ I asked. Not that Iknowbut more because of necessity.

Because if you asked Tiffany ‘who you will get married with?’ the answer is always…

“ Yuri of course, who else. “ she answer me with weird face.

“ Ah, who’s Yuri again? “ I . Because I know exactly Yuri is. She’s Tiffany 2 years girlfriend. She’s my co-worker and my best friend who secretly I  falling in love with.

“ Jess~ “ Tiffany whined after hear my question.

“ Alright, alright, stop that, it’s irritating me.” 

“ You meanie. “ she pouted.

“ No. You love me. “ I said and give her peck on her cheek.

Her pouted change to smile. “ I love you. “ she said and hug me tight.

“ I know. “

We embrace each other for a while.

“ Hey Tiff “ I called her.

“ Yeah? “

“ Congrats. I’m happy for both of you.“

“ Thank you.” She hug me more tight.

“ Tiff “

“ Hehmm?”

“ I can’t breath. “

“ Oh, sorry. “

And then she release me.

“ Oh I forgot to tell you. “

“ What? “

“ You my bridesmaid! Congratulation! “

“ Yaay. “ I response her with lack of enthusiastically. Fortunately she didn’t know.

How should I said her then? That I don’t wanna be her bridesmaid because I want to runaway from her and Yuri. That every time I see both of her remind me how I fail to get love of my life because I’m to coward to tell her my feeling.  That I want so hard to move on but still can’t because I can’t leave my two best friends. That this heart lately feel empty and frozen to the point I thinking never will fall in love again. How should I tell her that? How should I tell her that I fall in love with her fiancé. How should I…?


End Flashback





The rehearsal dinner finally over. I drove Jessica home with my car. The trip is silent. We lose in our own world. I focus to the road while Jessica looking outside the window all the time.

After almost 30 minutes, we arrived in front of  Jessica apartment. I turn off the car. And resting my head against the wheel. Jessica still look at the window. Her forehead now lying against it. We not talk. Is just silent.

I’m tired. We both tired. Not just physically but mentally. Somehow is like dead-end. Never ending circle except we both trying to move on.

I turn to look at Jessica after a while. My heart hurt to see her like that. I know exactly what she’s feeling now. Because that’s exactly what I’m feeling now.








I drove my car after long hours work at office. I want go home and get rest quickly. But the traffic didn’t give me mercy. Suddenly my phone ringing. I connect it to my bluetooth.

“ This is ms. Kim Taeyeon? “ said voice over there, it sound so formal.

“ Yes. Who is this? “ I arched my eyebrows as my eyes keep try focus at traffic in front of me.

“ Kim Taeyeon you under arrest because sneak in some snake to Biology class at 8 grade and make ms. Maria jump over her table. “ the voice said giggling.

My memory suddenly rush in and makes me laugh loud.

“ Yah it’s not my fault, you the one who can’t read when the box clearly write Sneak instead Frog Kwon Yuri . “ I smile wider after realize that it’s her, my childhood friend who call me now.

“ Hahaha, I read it. I just thought it would funny if I just ignore and it’s true, epic. “ she laugh.

I chuckles. “ How are you Yul? Geez I miss you so much. “ I said to her.

“ I’m fine and guess where I am now? “

I tilt my head, thinking. “ I don’t know, Seoul? “

I heard she giggling before replied, “ No, I’m at London now. “

I widen my eyes after hear her answer, “ For real? What you doing here? “ I ask excited

“ I  have plan to make my best friend come to Seoul at August 4th. “she said.

“ What will happen at August 4th? “ I ask again and her answer make my jaw drop.

“ I’m getting married. “ she said.

“ Oh gosh tell me where are you now, so I can shake your partner hand because make number one player head over the heel to her. “

I hear Yuri laugh at other line. “ She’s not here now, but can you meet me at.. “ she gave me name of some place and I drive to there right away.

“ So what are we doing here? “ I ask to her when we met in front of some jewel store.

“ Meet my best friend so she can help me to pick wedding ring for my soon to be fiancé. “ Yuri link our arms together before walk inside the store.

“ Wait you not propose yet? What if she reject you? “

Yuri hit my arms after hear my sentences. “ Very support words Tae, thanks. “ she roll her eyes before start looking for engagement ring.

I just chuckles and look around.

“ Hey Tae what about this? “ she show me some rings with big yellow gems.

“ That’s good…. For your umma. “ I laugh after finished my sentences and make Yuri pouting.

“ Yaah, help me~ “ she start whining.

“ There. “ I pointed at some ring with pink diamond on centre.

“ That’s perfect. I take it “ Yuri said as she look at it and call the shop keeper.

“ Yeah.. “ I said softly as I imagine someone wear it.




“ Taetae, you here! “ Tiffany my best ex-co worker and my best friend greet and  hug  me when we met again after 2 year ago our company  transferred her back to Korea.

“ Woaah, easy there mushroom. “ I said to her after she release me.

“ How are you? “ I asked her after we sitting nicely at one table on the corner.

She reached my hand and hold it tight. Her sparkling eyes look into mine.

“ What happen? “ I smile to see her cute act.

“ I’m getting married. “ she said with wide smile on her face. But my smile suddenly off after hearing it.

I slowly release my hand from her grab and call the waiter. I asked him a glass of water before he go to take my order. While waiting the waiter comeback. I just quiet. I know Tiffany still look at me with her smile and waiting for my response but honestly I don’t know what to say or do. It’s just to much for me. I need my water.

Fortunately the waiter comeback soon. I finished my water with one gulp and already order another.

Tiffany finally notice my weird behavior.

“ You okay Taetae? “

“ Uh-uh. “

She nodded. “ So? “

“ What? “ I asked her confusedly.

“ I’m getting married Taetae. “ she said more calm now. Maybe she thinking with that I finally hear what she said.

“ Yeah, I heard you at first time. Congratulation. “ I said with smile which I don’t know I can still perform, because honestly, everything died inside my heart now.

“ With who? “ I almost chocked when asked her that. Part of me  don’t want to know. But the other part want to see that the person is really  qualified to her.

“ She’s very lovable person. Kind. Beautiful. Every women and man dreamed of. “ she answer my question with dreamy voice. Make my heart bleeding more.

“ She’ll be here latter. So you can see yourself. “ she tell me excitedly.

“ Owh, how lovely. “ I reply without notice my hand clutched to side of my chair so hard.

We talk after that. Most of conversation is about this person who I realize still don’t know her name yet.

“ What’s her name again? “ I finally asked her.

“ Who? “

“ Your… “ I clenched my teeth for moment before finished my sentences. “ Fiancé. “

“ Oh, I didn’t said that before did I? “

I shook my head.

“ Well her name is--- “

For second my eyes land on familiar rings at her left finger before suddenly a voice from my back  cut Tiffany words. I close my eyes when realize who is it. My nightmare finally here.

“ Hi babe. “

“ Baby! “ Tiffany jump from her seat to greet the person.

I still closed my eyes. Didn’t dare look whoever behind me.

“ Taetae, this is—“

“ Yul? “ I call the person who now snuggle closer to Tiffany’s neck. Silently pray is not the person who I think it is.

The person turn to me. And my nightmare become real.

“ Taeyeon? Buddy is that you? “ Yuri my best friend free herself from Tiffany and hug me.

“ You two know each other? “ Tiffany asked us confused.

“ Duh, she’s like my sister. I know her since diaper. “ Yuri answer her.

Tiffany just nodded. Still confuse. And I still silent.

Yuri examine the situation quickly.  “ Wait, when you said you want me to met your best friend, you mean her? “ Yuri asked Tiffany. The latter just nodded.

“ Wow, talk about the small world. “ Yuri laugh after learn the situation.

“ Tell me about it. “ I said bitterly.

“ Oh, by the way, thanks for the advice Taeyeon, you right, she really like it. I should never doubt your taste anymore. “ Yuri whispered in my ear before give me a wink.

I can only nodded at her blankly before for second time my eyes landed at beautiful ring with pink diamond in Tiffany finger before smile bitter.

I’m the one who help Yuri found that ring. I picturing Tiffany wear that ring when Yuri asked me  if it’s the right ring.Ironically, it really is wear by Tiffany now. The different is I’m not the one who give it to her.

Later that night, Yuri asked me to be her best man. I can’t said no. She my best friend after all. And I promise her that I will be there when she married. Oh, how I wished I know who she married before I made that promise.


End Flashback



I still look at Jessica. I can’t see clearly to her face because somehow now her back facing me, so I don’t know if she sleep or not.

Thisis not the coldest night but the drizzle makes it worse.

“ Sica. “ I call her softly. She didn’t budge.

Suddenly lightning came. The reflection from the window glass make me realize that Jessica didn’t sleep at all. In fact I don’t think she can sleep. Not in that state.

I slowly reached her hand. I grab and squeezed it tightly. She do it the same. She held my hand so tight to the point that I almost can’t feel my hand. I didn’t minded though because I know she needed it.

And then I see her body shook so hard. I quickly reached her and take her to my embrace. She didn’t hide it anymore she cried so hard in my chest. Her sobbing loudly fill the silent of the night.

“ I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. “ I repeated that again and again.

I don’t know why, but somehow I feel this is my fault she feels this.

Slowly I cupped her face. Brought it up so she can look me in the eye. She obey me. Her brown orbs now gazed into mine. My thumb caressed her cheek  gentle. Wipe away the tears.

“ Let her go, Sica… “ I rested my forehead against her. “ And give me a chance to heal your heart. “

After that I gently pushed my lips on forehead. Her left eye. And then her right eyes before turn to tip of her nose and finally landed on her lips.

“ Let.. me.. to take.. away your pain… and please.. take.. away.. my pain.. “ I mumble to .

And then she kiss me back.





a/n : Okay this is another oneshot from me and yeah it's not TaeNy I'm sorry Locksmith, it's TaengSic time haha :p

I always love TaengSic I don't know since when tho just they always have special place on my heart :)

Actually I thought this oneshot is failed OTL I don't know I just feel something missing -nods- but yeah,I hope you reader still can enjoy this story.

Pardon any gramatical error and typo, once again english not my first language. :3   Okaaay.. last..hehm enjoy ^^

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Laboli #1
Chapter 1: Awww fighting taengsic!!!!
Iriseapril #2
Chapter 1: TT_TT please i hope taengsic move on and happy together...but anyways thanks authornim for writing this story.hope u will update soon,i will wait
yuutoo #3
Chapter 1: I love this one shoot series i hope yoi continue this XD
aullia22 #4
Chapter 1: yeeyy..woah..finally it's Taengsic..
thanks for great story authornim..
i really like it..^^
Chapter 1: yay... taengsic got together
hope you write taengsic more
Chapter 1: taengsic so sad... but very nice fic i love it!
YhoTaengoo #7
THIS IS WHAT I WANT, THIS IS IT! dream comes true ; __ ; *le cries*
nztaengsicshipper #8
I hope you can make tangsic more..
Yeah that's what I see too.. ._.
And right as long as Taeng happy,I just love her so much xD
Thanks for reading and comment tho :'D
EMT0304 #10
Somehow I know TaeSica love each other but they are just less open their love each other.
But when TaeNy, really can see how cheerful Taeyeon with Tiffany.
Anyway I love them all ^^ as long as Taeyeon happy I'm not really care who is the pairing