Boy, You Never Cease To Amaze Me

Boy, You Never Cease To Amaze Me (One-Shot)

Boy, You Never Cease To Amaze Me

Kali, a 20 year old latin girl, walked down the streets of Seoul looking for a park in which she could actually relax and think without being bodered by the little kids laughter and their mother's noisy nagging. Her waist long, black hair sat around her shoulders, showing of it's disheveled cut and bright hot pink and electric blue highlights. Her grey-green eyes wide open showing the childish and curious nature of their owner. A smile was plastered in her exquisite little face.

As she picked up her pace, her black, high heel boots made a tiny clacking sound, that was soon muffled by the noise of the busy Seoul streets. As she passed by a few restaurants and street stands, people gave her weird glances. She was attention calling, not only because of her hair and eyes, but the outfit she was wearing grabbed attention too. Short, ripped jean shorts; red, knee-high socks and her black boots where the only things covering her long legs. As for the top part, she had a loose, white, v-neck t-shirt with the British flag printed on it.

But she didn't care what people thought of her, she was who she was and that was the end of it. The smile on her face suddenly became up to ten times bigger when her phone strted vibrating in her short's pocket. She took it from the garment's respective pocket and read the new text message. It was from her best-friend, Karam. Yes Dae Guk Nam Ah's Karam. (Insert smiling face here). It read:
From: Karammie Oppa
To: Kali Ah :D
Text: Kali Ah, let's meet up at the usual place at 4pm.
I have a surprise for you ;D And I know you'll like it.
Love, your favourite Oppa

As soon as she read the words usual place and surprise she grinned like a lunatic, and she was sure people were being creeped by her at the moment and she couldn't help but to chuckle to herself. Usual place meant the coffee house five blocks away from his dorm and surprise, well... Meant surprise, I guess? Anywho, she stopped the first free cab she saw got on it, and gave the driver directions to the coffee house. When she was done she sat confortably she had ten minutes to get there from where she was, and about five more minutes till the clock hit 4 o'clock. When she was confortable enough in her seat, which was kind of hard seeing as the cab was a little bit too old. she texted Karam back.
From: Kali Ah :D
To: Karammie Oppa
Text: Oppa, I'm on my way there, I'll be five minutes early,
so I'll go ahead and wait for you inside. I can't wait for
the surprise, I'm really excited to see you, I miss you a lot.
Love, your baby Dongsaeng

She hit send as soon as she wrote the last dot and impatiently waited to get to her destination. When Kali got to the coffe house, she bought herself a cup of tea and went to sit by the back, where the couches were. She smiled as the door opened exactly five minutes later, only to reveal a smiling Karam holding a humoungous (and I do mean humoungous), mysterious object wrapped in present wrapping paper with a ribbon on top. Kali got up from her seat and shouted at the smiling boy:

"Karammie Oppa, I'm here!" She yelled happily while waving her hands franticaly. The boy only widened his grin as he saw the younger girl waving at him. He trudged towards her carrying the object carefully.

"Kali Ah! You're early as always, why am I not surprised?" He greeted her happily handing her the huge, yet light present.

"Go on, open it. I promise it doesn't bite" He said, smiling softly at her as they sat down. Kali started ripping at the paper with no doubts in her mind, and was surprised when a big, light brown teddy bear, of about 3/4 her height (she's fairly tall, 172cm, so imagine just how tall the toy was), gretted her with a heart in it's soft, fluffy hands that said in bold, white letters "I love you!".

"Aww! It's so pretty! I'll keep it well Oppa. Khamsamnida!" She cooed at her best friend. She really liked the teady bear, it just showed her how much he appreciated her, and she loved it. He was one of her favourite people in the world, besides her grandparents.

"It's nothing. Anything for my princess" He grinned. "I'm glad you like it. Now let's go! I got us a reservation at the norabaeng!" He said childishly. Truth be told he not only cared for the petite foreigner as a brother, that wasn't it at all, he actually liked her, no scratch that, he loved her, ever since he saw her struggling with her bags in the airport the day he got back from Japan with his bandmates (A/N: I needed to put something so yeah, deal with it) and she got to Korea from London.

"Really?! You did?" She asked astonished. The boy never ceased to amaze her, from the day they met until now never had he not surprised her, either with simple phone calls or requesting to meet up to give her presents and take her places. Then again, it was a sure a surprise since he was a busy idol, but he didn't mind one bit since she truly loved the boy, not as her brother but as something more, but she never dared say a word, not even to Injoon, whom she was quite close to.

At the norabaeng they had lots of fun. They played around, sang and danced for a good five hours. It was already 9.30pm when they got to Karam and the boys dorm. Kali and Karam greeted the boys, who where deciding on what to make for dinner, and headed for the kitchen, in Kali's case, and to the bathroom in Karam's. Kali started serving the food, she and Karam bought on their way home, on six plates and heated them one by one. By the time she was done Karam called the boys to the table and they all sat there, stomachs rumbling with hunger.

"I hope you guys don't mind eating Putanesca, it was the first thing that popped into my mind when I thought about dinner" Kali said softly while handing each boy a plate, and sitting between Mikka and Karam, her own plate in her hands urging her to eat it.

"We don't mind at all" Mikka said, smiling kindly at her. "We'll be eating now" The D-NA members said in unison while Kali smiled, and they all had filled their stomachs happily. Jay and Huynmin left the tables with plates, glasses and chopsticks to the kitchen to do the dishes, Injoon went to take a shower and Mikka went to play computer games in his room. That leaves Kali and Karam. They where sitting on the couch, old reruns of Spongebob as background noise while they chatted the night away.

The clock struck 1am by the time Kali and Karam turned off the TV and left for Karam's room, the others already sleeping soundly on their beds. Kali decided it was time she verbally admitted her fer feelings to Karam, as he was thinking of manning up and telling her how he felt. They were sitting on Karam's bed when they both started talking at the same time.

"You go first Kali Ah" he said smiling, though he was way too nervous inside.

"Okay" she said softly. She took a deep breath and said, "We've know eachother for about two years now and I wanted to tell you that I don't care about you as my brother or as a friend, not that I don't care at all, but... How do I say this, it's just that I really really like, scratch that, I love you and well I don't want to ruin our friendship because of this and I thinks it's best if-" but she was cut from her rambling by a pair of soft and sweet lips on hers. Her eyes widened, when she finally got a hold on what was going on, those sweet lips had left her and Karam's forehead was lightly resting on hers.

"Don't worry Kali Ah, I love you too" He said grinning widely. Kali grinned in return and kissed him softly. Maybe as cliché as it sounds, they were actually meant for eachother.


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nice fic~!
ItzJaeKay #2
Ahhh it was cute haha<br />
Karammie ahhh your just so cuteee >///<
Why no comments yet? (o >.< o) <br />
Your story is a little simple but it's kyute~ good job. :)<br />