In the School Lobby

Get out of My Life!


I checked myself one last time in front of the mirror before I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door.

“I’m going now!” I shouted.

“Ok darling, don’t forget to wait by the school gates after school, we are going to Central for dinner with Shen!” my mum shouted back.

I sighed then stepped out of my door and swiped my card to go down the elevator. Level 2, 3,4 ….. as it zooms up, I took out my mini mirror and checked my lip gloss, my mum was right when she said a girl cannot live without looking at her own reflection. Bing! The elevator reached level 34, I stepped in and pressed the “Ground” button. Another of my school days has started. On my way walking to school, I met up with Yu, one of my friends (well more like a follower), who was waiting for me at the crossing.

I arrived at the school lobby and many of the younger students smiled up at me. I briefly smiled back, as brief as not expressing any emotions, but…it still lighted up their day. I sat on one of the sofas provided and took out my timetable…maths, geography, English, science, music…homework: check. Yu sat down beside me and tugged on her skirt while I scanned around the school ground, many of the girls’ skirts were way too long I smiled and brushed a lock of hair behind my ear.

Suddenly, Yu gave me a nudge while pointing at the entrance of the Lobby. I stared past her finger and saw QuiYue walking with her head held high and her bag hanging on one of her shoulders. Her short skirt made her legs seem longer than usual and her curled hair danced around her neck. Her followers walked in behind her each with a smile of satisfaction. I shuddered and stood up and sensed a sudden rush of air as Yu stood up with me.

“Her mascara is not even applied carefully” Yu whispered to me.

“I know right! Her curled hair must be like sooo tangled up by now!” someone else gossiped.

Without turning around, I knew that was Jin, another of my royal followers.

I grabbed my bag and strode towards QuiYue, with disgust within my heart. Yu and Jin hurried behind me while they gossiped to each other about how bad QuiYue looked. But however way I looked, QuiYue was perfect, beautiful but dangerous. I stopped beside her and she turned around to face me. It was one of the day’s activities, showdown between Daiyu and QuiYue.

“Hey ya know, I beat you in maths yesterday by 4 marks! That was just sooo hilarious!” I sneered at her.

“Oh did people tell you what I’ve got huh? Well don’t think I don’t know that your booyyyfrriiend just broke up with you 2 days ago,” she mocked back.

“Well he was just such a bi*ch, he is not even like fit for me!” I answered back.

“From the way I heard it, he was the one who broke up with you, your lies do not work on me!” she snickered and turned away.

“Oh and your ugly skirt is lop sided!” she shouted back and her followers giggled among themselves.

I gave out a grunt and stared angrily after her…such a spoiled brat! I heard some other people who were on my side saying how immoral QuiYue was, but their voices do not comfort me. I swear I’ll get back to her.

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