Chapter 3

Why won't you tell him


When Kyungsoo woke up, the first thing he noticed was the smell of alcohol that filled the room. He didn’t drink any last night, and he was sure Suho didn’t either, since he’d never disobey the manager’s orders. Maybe someone just spilled their drinks on our clothes. He glanced over to Suho’s bed and noticed the leader was still sleeping. This was weird because Suho never slept in late, Kyungsoo decided to just let his hyung sleep and take a shower first.

When he walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, he saw that his eyes were red and swollen.

Have I been crying that much yesterday?


He quickly splashed some cold water on his face to try and reduce the puffiness. After that he got into the shower and let the soothing warm water run over his skin. Memories of last night came back to him. The vocalist cursed himself for being an idiot and actually believing Suho that Kai might not be as straight as he thought he was. Because, as Suho said that night, he had indeed never seen Kai doing any skinship with girls. But that slightest bit of hope he had, came crushing down all together when he saw Kai dancing in the club last night.

 I should move on. Kyungsoo thought and decided that forgetting about Kai from now on was for the best. He was glad they were going to Disneyland today, he had never been to Disneyland or any other amusement park before and it’d be able to set his mind on different things.

The vocalist left the bathroom with a towel around his waist and noticed Suho was still sleeping.


Then he saw the clothes that were spread all over the floor. There’s no way the leader would get in bed without putting his clothes away, he knew how much Kyungsoo hated that.

Kyungsoo took slow steps towards the bed, making as little sound as possible. He didn’t want the person sleeping in the bed to wake up, what if it’s a crazy fan.

He stood on his tiptoes to try and take a peek at the sleeping figure’s face, but got startled when the figure moved, causing him to lose his balance... 

And then it all happened so fast, Kyungsoo tried to grab the bedsheets to try and prevent him from falling, but he ended up grabbing the sleeping figure’s body and pulling the person down with him. So much for trying to stay quiet.

“Aish hyung, you really have weird ways to wake people up…”

That voice…

When he looked up and opened his eyes, he saw Kai’s smirking face looking down at him, their chests pressing to each other.


What is he doing here?

“..Or are you just so happy to see me that you couldn’t wait to get me all over you?” Kai said, teasing the elder.

“W-what are you talking about.” Kyungsoo managed to stutter, trying to push Kai off his body. “C-can you get off me?”

“And why would I do that? I’m comfortable like this…” Kai knew he was mean for teasing Kyungsoo like this, but he loved seeing the cute boy's reactions.

“I-I’m not…” Kyungsoo thought his face was about to explode from all the blood that was rushing to his head.

“And why is that?” Kai knew too well why it was though. He knew about the other boy’s feelings for him, and he knew about his feelings for the other boy. He just needed Kyungsoo to confirm it and confess, but it seemed like that wasn’t going to be an easy task.

Kyungsoo didn’t know why Kai was acting like this, let alone why it was him sleeping in this room and not Suho. He felt really uncomfortable wearing only a towel and with the younger boy moving around like that he was afraid of what might happen if Kai didn’t get off him soon.

Luckily he was saved by a knock on the door.

“Kyungsoo-yah, Joonmyeon-ah! We’re leaving in 1 hour, make sure you’re ready by then.” Their manager yelled from outside the door.

“Okayy!!!” Kyungsoo yelled back, finally managing to push Kai off him. “You should get ready.” He muttered before going to the cupboard and quickly grabbing some clothes to put them on.



Kai didn’t really feel like going to Disneyland, he was having a headache and was way too busy brainstorming over how he’d get Kyungsoo to confess his feelings.  That last part seemed to be nearly impossible if Kyungsoo kept avoiding him like that. I need to get alone with him. He saw Suho talking to Chen and Baekhyun and went over to them.

“Hyung, can I talk to you for a while?”

Suho was reluctant at first, he was still mad at Kai for what he did yesterday and seeing how Kyungsoo was obviously avoiding the dancer, he knew that Kai didn’t even apologize for his actions yet.

“What do you want?”

“I need you to switch rooms with me again tonight.”

“No.” Suho said and turned around to return to the rest of the group.

“Please I’m begging you. I need to be alo-“ Kai said, following Suho but the latter didn’t allow him to finish his sentence and interrupted him.

“Look Kai, he’s trying to get over you, you should just let him move on, since the only thing you’re doing right now is hurting him.” Suho was tired of seeing Kyungsoo like that.

“But I don’t want him to get over me.”

“Why? Do you like to see him suffer that much?”

“I love him”

Suho, sighed and once again reached in his pocket to take out the card key and give it to Kai. Someday I really need Kris to teach me how to be stricter Suho thought but smiled because he was right about Kai’s feelings for the other boy and besides he didn’t mind spending another night with Lay. Not at all.


The group was having fun in Disneyland, sure there were a bunch of fans following them around but they decided not to get bothered by it. Everyone was enjoying the attractions and the good weather.

“Omo omo D-donald duck hyung!” Luhan’s eyes widened when he saw the Disney character giving out hugs to children. “Sehun… come with me, I want to get a sign.” Luhan asked, cutely nudging the younger boy’s sleeve.

“W-what why me?! I don’t speak English… ask Kris!”

“You’re right… Kris! Where is he?” Luhan immediately went looking for Kris, using his puppy dog eyes to beg the tall leader to come with him to translate. Sehun chuckled when he saw Kris let out a sigh and follow Luhan to the person in the Donald Duck suit.

“Seems like things are going great between you two.” Sehun jumped a bit, he didn’t even notice Kai had been standing next to him.

“Yeah…” Sehun smiled while looking at his lover who was close to passing out because he was getting an autograph from his favorite Disney character.

“Kai… you know, yesterday… you with that girl…” Sehun didn’t really know how he should bring up the topic but he was curious to know why Kai did that. “I mean… I thought you, since you always get jealous over him… I thought you liked Kyungsoo-hyung…”

“I do” Kai said in a low voice.

“Then why…”

“Because I’m an idiot” Kai sighed and let his arm rest on Sehun’s shoulder.

“So are you going to tell him?” Sehun asked, finally taking his eyes off Luhan to look at Kai. He looks tired.


“What? Why not?” 

“Because I want him to tell me first” Kai explained and looked up towards the sky.

“You really are an idiot Kai” Sehun said, shaking his head before turning his attention to Luhan who came running towards them with a huge smile plastered over his face.

“I guess…” Kai muttered to himself.


The day crept by slowly for Kai, he did enjoy riding the attractions but his mind was too busy thinking about other things than talking and playing around with the other members. He put his earplugs back in and watched the other members walk happily in front of him. Chen and Kyungsoo were walking next to each other and he saw Chen putting his hand on the smaller boy’s back. Yah Jongdae! Take your hand off him.

Kyungsoo seemed to be aware of Kai’s gaze burning into his back, because he turned his head around and looked straight in to Kai’s eyes. The taller boy smirked when he saw Kyungsoo widen his eyes and quickly turn his head around again.


The sun was setting when they left the gates of the amusement park and were heading for the bus that was waiting for them. Once he stepped on the bus, Kai noticed Kyungsoo sitting alone on the window side, the seat next to him still vacant. Xiumin, who was in front of him, was preparing to sit down next to Kyungsoo but Kai grabbed his shoulder and send him a death glare.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Kai said in a low voice so only Xiumin could hear.

“I was ju-“ Xiumin tried explaining that Kyungsoo had asked him before to sit next to him, but Kai didn’t let him finish and interrupted his sentence.

“I think Jongdae-hyung wants you to sit next to him.”

“Euhm… okay…” Xiumin muttered and went to the back of the bus where Chen was sitting.


When Kai sat down, Kyungsoo was still looking out of the window, not even bothering to look at the dancer. What are you thinking of Hyung?

“Minseokie-hyung, thank you for sitting next to me, I was afraid Kai would if you didn’t.” Kyungsoo said, eyes still fixated on the scenery outside.

“And why don’t you want Kai to sit next to you?”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he immediately turned his head to look at Kai.

“Kai… Why … I asked Minseok-hyu-…”

“Yeah and I told Minseok-hyung to go sit next to Jongdae-hyung”

“I see…” Kyungsoo looked down, fumbling with his fingers. He didn’t know what to say, he just literally told Kai that he didn’t want to sit next to him.

“Don’t you like me?” Kai asked, faking a sad voice.

“What? NO!!! I mean yes… I mean I do like you, you’re my best friend…” Kyungsoo mumbled the last words.

“Then why don’t you want to sit next to me?”


Kyungsoo was getting really uncomfortable with the questions Kai was asking him. He guessed he owned his best friend an explanation but how was he supposed to tell him his reasons without getting the other utterly disgusted with him. Yeah the thing is, I’m in love with you, and I know we’re both guys, but I’m trying to get over you so let’s just not talk for a while. That was definitely not going to happen.


“I can’t”

“Okay, I won’t force you” You’ll tell me soon enough anyway. Kai thought and closed his eyes and leaned back against the chair.


Kyungsoo couldn’t calm his heart down the entire ride, most of the members were sleeping, being exhausted from walking around in Disneyland all day, but how could Kyungsoo just sleep with Kai sitting next to him. He tried listening to some music to calm him down.


You’ll never be mine, but I’m still around you.


Kyungsoo found himself getting lost in the lyrics when he felt something heavy on his shoulder. Kai had fallen asleep. Getting over someone wasn’t supposed to be like this. How was he supposed to forget Kai if the tanned boy kept doing things like this, things that made his heart thump at an unhealthy rate. Knowing his heart won’t be settling down any time soon, Kyungsoo just let his own head rest on the sleeping boy’s and closed his eyes. He thought that maybe, even if his love isn’t requited, it’s okay if they just stayed like this.

What the boy didn’t know was that the owner of the head resting on his shoulder wasn’t exactly sleeping. Kai tried to hide a smile when he felt Kyungsoo lay down his head. I’ll hear you say “I love you” soon hyung, and then I’ll give you all the love back you deserve so much.








A/N:  Update~~ :D  I actually decided to make the ending a little bit longer just for you guys and cut it off here (I feel like this is such a short chapter though >.<)  Please don't kill me that this isn't the final chapter yet, even though I said it would be TT *hides behind tree*

So now you know why Kai was so absent minded in Disneyland, he wasn't sick, just thinking about Kyungsoo all the time lol :D

Also, the song Kyungsoo was listening to on the bus is Rainy by Brown Eyed Soul ^^ Definitely check it out, it's such a beautiful song omg TT 


I love reading all your comments!!! You guys are the best!! 

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Kd1288 #1
Chapter 1: Wow!! I just love reading nonau Kaisoo fics. Your writing is really good and the initial confusion they're facing is so on point. I'd love to read more from you.
Jinu86 #2
Chapter 5: sweet kaisoo
Chapter 1: the part when Luhan is helping Kyunggie in the kitchen waaah, idk but it makes me saddd, I miss ot12 : ( nice fic tho! <3 cute start
Kmjnginch #4
Chapter 5: I really liked this story
And the end was very funny???
Chapter 5: Hahahaa that was really great! I love it when other exo members treat Kyungsoo well since they already knew about his feeling towards Jongin. Jongin is just toooo naughty sometimes! Lol. I love them so much. They really suit each other. Thank you for writing! xoxo.

Ps: really love the ending part! <3
Chapter 5: I loved it!!!
Chapter 1: damn he heard everything didn’t he omg
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 5: So cute. The ending though haha
Kara137 #9
Chapter 5: That was really great!
The end killed me!! Lmao I was 'oh it's so cuteee' and then that scene with the clingy Jongin
I really liked it! ♡
TotallyKaiwaii #10
Chapter 5: This is amazing ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤