Going Crazy

Going Crazy (oneshot)



                                   It was another gloomy and mourning day for all the students in Gwangyeon High. The laughter was rare today and almost all of the students- those naughty ones included- were quiet and down. The dark sky and the heavy rain didn't help either. The teachers keep blabber the lesson but no one seemed to listen since nothing is on their mind but the shocking news.


Gwangyeon High's basketball team captain was found dead in his own apartment, dead. 5 gun shots and his neck were slit by a knife.


She stared wide eyed at the hoobae in front of her, who just told her the 'shocking' news. She can't believe it either. Kris-who just confessed to her last week- is dead. 'W-what? Is that true?' the older stuttered, and bit her lip to stop her tears from falling. This was supposed to be the day she'll accept the boy's feelings. They're meant to be a couple already later.


'I'm sorry, sunbaenim.'Hyeri- the hoobae- hugged her as he just stood there, frozen; while she let the younger hold her. Everyone knew about Kris and her. Kris is the school's handsome duizhang, while she was the smartes girl in the campus. 'Careful.' Hyeri caught her sunbae before she could fall in the ground.


'Let me take you to the nurse.'Hyeri announced and the she shook her head. 'No, I'll be fine.' She was trying to process the news in her mind. Is he really dead? Why was he killed?



It's been a week since Kris died. He was now buried so that he could rest in peace, while you were still in the state of shock. You weren't talking for the whole week, haven't been eating properly nor getting some sleep. My brother died the same way as Kris........


16 years before, she and Suho- her brother- was abandoned by their parents. Suho was the one who was by her side when she was growing up. He was the one who taught her how to walk, to eat, to talk. Almost everything was taught by Suho. That's why she grew up as a lovely and angelic girl like him. But when the day she stepped the age of 17, her brother was killed without him knowing the reason. Her brother wasn't that person who loans money since Suho has a nice and decent job, so probably it isn't loan sharks who killed him. His brother isn't also that type to pick a fight. So, why....was he killed? He was exactly killed like how the way Kris was.


5 gunshots and a slit on the neck.


'Hey, are you okay? Get some sleep,'Yixing- her best friend- covered her with the thick sheets. 'I'll be here when you wake up'He said as she brushed her hair with his slender fingers. Yixing was all she got now. Yixing was the only person that's left who she could trust. 'Hold me to sleep, I'm scared.'She softly said under her lips.


Yixing knew she was; she was terribly scared. She was in love with Kris so much, and now he's dead. What could she possibly do now? She needs someone to hold her and to tell her that everything is okay. So, without hesitation, he climbed the bed beside her as she turned around to bury her face on his chest. 'Thank you Xing... I don't know what I'd do without you'



The boy continued to caress her hair as he shushed her. 'Everything will be okay....you need to be strong, okay? Let your brother and Kris know that you can move on with your life without them.'


At the word 'without', hot tears started to wet Yixing's clothes.'I-I....what is happening with my life, Xing-ah?'she sobbed, clinging onto the boy like her life depended on it. 'Don't ever leave me alone....'she said. Yixing pulled her back and looked at her brown orbs. 'Listen, I will never ever leave you. Whatever it takes...I will be with you. I promise.'


But that promised just lasted for 8 hours.


The next morning, she left early morning since it was Saturday and she needed to stuck food on her refrigerator. She is quiet better now, all thanks to Yixing. A smile finally appeared in her face, 'Thank you, my mongmong.'


Back at her house was a chaos. Yixing tried his best to fight back at the 'killer' but it didn't help. He was a lot stronger than him. 'So....it's you?' Yixing asked the man before him, his breathing is about to lose. 'Why...a-are you doing this to her?' he added. The killer just looked at him and evilly smirked as he took out the sharp knife in his secret pocket. 'I-I know y-you're in love with h-her and she re-rejected you...but..d-don't to this t-to her.' Yixing said between his last breaths, his blood flooding the room.


Yixing was shot by the gun 5 times already. 1 in his arms, 1 in his stomach, 2 in his chest and 1 in his leg. The killer strode at the dead man already and simply slit his neck with the knife he has. Before leaving the house, he left a note beside Yixing.


As she walked towards her house, she observed that the door was slightly opened. She shook her head. Yixing, you don't really know how to close the door....don't you? But when she stepped inside, her feet were drowned by the blood oozing out from Yixing's body. She stared at the bloody floor and dropped the plastic bags when her eyes caught the dead body. 'YIXING!'


She ran to the dead figure, not caring if she's covered by the red liquid. Her tears blurred her eyes as she hugged the boy tightly. “Yixing-ah! XING!' She cried and screamed telling the dead to wake up even it's impossible. 'You promised me, Yixing. You just promised me last night!' She held onto him, not wanting to let him go.


First was her brother, then the love of her life, and now, her best friend?! What will happen to her now? It's hasn't been a month since Kris died, and another important person left her- dead.


After an hour, police arrived at her place. She was holding the note in her hand, a cold and pale dead body on her lap. Who the could to this to me. 'JUST LET ME DIE!!!!' She squirmed around as the medics started to drag her away from Yixing. 'Let go of me! I want to die!' She pushed and pulled but it was no use.


'Miss Kim? Can we talk to you?' One of the investigators called her and dragged her to the police station. She sat across the police man as her eyes showed nothing but I want to die look. 'Do you have any idea who killed the man?' He asked her. 'Do you think I'll quietly stay here and do nothing if I know who killed Yixing? I would ing kill that person with my own hands!' She exclaimed as two more police entered the room and calmed her down.


'When you arrived, is Mr. Zhang still alive?'She shook her head. 'He's already dead when I arrived.' She said and pulled out the note in her pocket. The police man gave her a puzzled look when she held it in, 'But I saw a note beside his body....' The man opened it and read the letter aloud:


You can't love anyone but me. You only belong to me and no one else.


The police man folded it again and placed it on the table. 'Ms. Kim-' He was about to ask her something when she spoke with a stern voice. 'How did Yixing die?' It sounds like she wanted to kill someone right now. Hatred was all over her voice. The police man blinked at her before opening the folder placed on the side table before reading the investigations on Yixing's death. 'It said he was killed by 5 gunshots and his neck was slit by a knife.'


'This isn't the first time.....'she said as her fist clenched tightly. She was desperate to kill that person.


He gave her a puzzled look, 'What do we not know about this, Ms Kim?'


'My brother and Kris was killed the same as Yixing. There is only one person behind everything that is happening.'


'Kim Junmyeon and Wu Fan....? Am I right?'


She looked at him with wide eyes. 'How did you know about my brother and Kris?' The police man straightened up and started to explain the cases of the deads. 'Kim Junmyeon was killed last 2009, 5 gun shot, and a deep slit on the neck. Same with the case of Wu Fan, and now Yixing.'


Her insides started to churn. She didn't know he would go this far. She thought he was just lying when he said he'll kill all the men in her life. 'Find him for me.' she said and looked at the man with pleading eyes. She needs to get revenge. She lost 3 people in her life and surely he will die with her own hands. 'I need him to rot in hell.'




                After three days, the killer was tracked. The police men invaded the house and to their shock, all they can see was your pictures hanging anywhere in the house. 'Probably a stalker.' one man said. The other man rested his hands on his waist and sighed as he picked up one of your pictures posted on the wall. 'As she said to me, he was madly in love with her but she doesn't feel the same way.'


'Then?'the first man raised his eyebrow and examined your pictures. 'She's pretty. No wonder the guy had to kill all the men in her life. He's a psycho.'


'Then...he killed all men who have a close relationship with her. He killed her brother, her was-about-to-be boyfriend, and her best friend.'


'Yeah. He's a psycho.'the first commented and laughed, 'But where the is- what is this?' The first man stopped and picked up a note at the side of the dining table that caught his eyes. He held it up and read, 'I know you'll find me soon. Come back to me if you don't want to die like how I killed your precious men.'


The latter snatched it and re-read it. 'Let's go, we need to find Ms. Kim soon!'


                        She was sitting at the corner of her house, hugging her knees to her chest. She doesn't want to move a muscle- no, she was afraid to. What if he come and gets her? She doesn't want him right from the start. I have to kill myself first... she thought. She wanted to attend school, but the school told her to have a break first -which she doesn't want- but the school insisted to.


She screamed when rapid knocks were heard. 'Go away from me! I don't want you! Just leave me alone already!' she kicked the air and cried out loud. 'Ms. Kim, it's the police. Please open the door!' the 4 police men tried to open her door but she used all the furniture to support the door, making sure 'he' won't be able to enter her house. The last thing she knew....she collapsed at the cold and hard floor.


                            Her eyes twitched as the blinding light of the hospital's room welcomed her. Where am I.... She tried to sit up but her head was aching like hell. 'Aw, my head.' She clutched her head as tightly as she could, hoping the pain would go away sooner. 'Oops, careful.' Hyeri took her arms and helped her sit on the bed.


                                  She blinked at Hyeri who blinked back at her. Does this girl know how dangerous to be near her? 'Sunbaenim....' Hyeri shook her lightly, bringing her back to her sense. 'What are you doing here, Hyeri? Do you want to get killed?' It was to inappropriate for her to say that. It could scare the girl, but to her surprise...she stayed cool. 'I'm not a guy...so he won't kill me.'


                      'How do you know about this....and how-'


                      'The policemen called me by your phone, saying you fainted in your house. Good thing they opened your door or...we won't know what would happen
to you.'
Hyeri told as she peeled an apple for her. 'They said he was in your house, not long ago they arrived. He..uhm- left a letter.'


                      You knew he was there. You could feel it. But you just let it pass and leave him alone thinking he'll kill you soon-which you wished for. But do your dismay, he just left. 'Where is it?'


                     'Here.'the younger opened the drawer and took out an envelope. 'I'm sorry but the policemen opened and read it first.'


                     'I-it's okay.'



How does it feel like losing the people you love? Do you now know how I feel when you rejected me? I am ing in love with you. Don't you understand that? So...before I kill anyone who's connected to you again...come back to me. Love me.


                       He wasn't yet finished with her. She is 100% sire he is a psycho. He is not in love....but obssesed with her. She looked at Hyeri who was smiling at her like she thinks she's too safe. 'Hyeri, please...go home. I don't want you to get involved with this.' She took the latter's hand, squeezing it. 'For eonni, please?'


                          Hyeri sighed and stood up, giving her a look. 'Okay, for you eonni.' She said and took her bag. 'I'll go home now. Get well soon,' Hyeri waved as she exited the room and made her way home not knowing he was following her.



                           After an hour, the night stand of the room emitted a sound as her phone vibrated. She turned down the volume of the television and took her phone, looking at the caller's name. Hyeri.....? She pressed the answer button and out her phone in her ears, hearing heavy breathing and yelping sounds.


                           'Hello.......'the man on the other line spoke.


                           No way. He can't have Hyeri with him right? Her heartbeat started to beat faster at its fastest speed when she heard Hyeri's piercing scream. 'EONNI!'


                         'Oh, you just didn't ing get her....'she gritted her teeth and pulled the dextrose, blood oozing out for her hand. 'LET HER GO!' Her voice loudens as Hyeri screamed louder. 
                            'Hey, come here before I really kill her...'


                            Pressing the end button, she ran out of the room just to bump to a familiar police man. She gave him a wary look, 'What are you doing here, Sehun?'


                            'Chief sent me here.'He said. 'But...where are you going? And your hand!' He was about to get her hand to examine it but she slapped it away. 'Don't mind it. Just get me to this address.' she held up her phone in his face. Sehun scratched his head 'But, Chief wi-'


                              'Are you going to take me there...or not?'

After an hour, she and Sehun arrived at an abandoned building. This was the exact place where Suho was found dead. ‘Are you sure you’ll be fine alone? We really should call reinforcement.’ Sehun placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a worried look. ‘I’ll be fine, Sehun. I need it.’

Sehun gave her an innocent look, ‘Need what?’ She rolled her eyes and hardly slapped the handsome boy. ‘How did you even passed as a police?’ She said as Sehun handed her the gun.

I’ll kill him exactly the way he killed them.

‘Knife.’She commanded and held out her hand for the boy to give it. Sehun sighed and placed it on her palm. ‘It’s kind of awkward. You are still wearing the hospital gown.’ He chuckled and received a smack on the head. ‘Aw! That hurts.’ He pouted, ‘I’ll be there on the corner of the gates. Just shout my name loudly and clearly if you need me, okay?’

She nodded and stepped out of the car. Inhaling and exhaling for a few seconds, she walked towards the building. Sehun surely made sure she entered before calling the others to come to the said address.

She warily kicked the gates and surprised her when it creaked loudly. ‘I’m here!’ She yelled. Not even a second passed, and a figure appeared in front of her. He gave her a smirk as he twirled the knife in his hand.

She touched her back, making sure the weapons are still attached with her. ‘Where’s Hyeri? Let her go! That girl has nothing to do with this!’ She accusingly pointed at the smirking man before her. He shook his head with a tsk. ‘I killed her.’ He plainly said.

Right then and there, she wanted to kill him. ‘What? You promised you won’t touch her if I come!’ You exclaimed. ‘Hyeri!’She called, hoping for the girl’s answer. ‘Eonni! Help me, please!’ the younger girl replied. She’s nowhere far. Her voice is clear and audible.

‘Please, let her go.’She once more pleaded. He sighed and turned his back, walking towards a door; which she assumed Hyeri was inside. Slowly, she was pulling the gun hidden on her back and aimed it on his head. ‘Killing me, aren’t you?’ She stopped and looked at the man’s hands; gun was also in his own hands.

‘This is actually the reason why I came here.’She stated and clicked the gun, ready to shoot anytime. ‘To kill you like how you killed them.’

He turned around facing her, looking into her eyes. ‘All I wanted was to be with you. I would do anything just for you to be mine, even if that’s killing all of them.’

‘You . Killing all of them won’t make me love you! Do you have a brain? There’s million of girls out there…it’s not just me. You’re a nice guy or so I thought.’

‘But I only want you!’

You tilted your head side wards and gave him a playful look. ‘Uh huh?’ with those words, you didn’t care where the bullets will land. All you have to do is to shoot him 5 times or more.

Following your shadow, I called you on your phone.
Your shaky breath makes it exciting.
Your footsteps sped up and so does my heartbeat.
I think I’m going crazy as the night gets darker.
Under the dead streetlight in front of your house, I’m watching you through the crack in your window.
Until the night ends…come one and find me quickly.
We play a suffocating game of hide-and-seek.
There’s no way we can be separated.

Hearing the continuous gunshots, Sehun and the others darted inside the building, own weapons in their hands. But when they enter the particular room, all they see was a yelping and tied-up Hyeri, her, and a dead body on the ground.   

Some police helped Hyeri and some checked on the dead body. ‘He’s dead.’ Sehun announced. She glared at the knife in her hand. ‘No, not yet. He’ll never be dead without this.’

She strode towards the body pulled his hair and merciless slit his neck with her knife, like how he did with Suho, Kris and Yixing. ‘For a high school girl…you’re too brutal.’ One police man commented and the other laughed.

Contended, she stood up and threw the knife on the floor.

‘Rest in hell……Chanyeol.’

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nd1903 #1
Chapter 1: Mannn i thought it was kai anyw great job authornimm!! <3
Chapter 1: Chanyeol suits these kinds of thing really well =))) sometimes his smile looks creepy LOL
BlueberryIceTea #3
ChefZhang #4
I thought it was kai
subreddit #6
Chapter 1: OMG! This was so cool haha :D
I had no idea who it was but I definetly didn't think of yeol TOT'''
great one shot ^^