

What am I doing?


That is my current thought as I continued to stare at the actions by the person who accompanied me. I lied, the person who dragged me with her. It was a Friday afternoon, just a few hours after school let out. Heck, we were still in our school uniforms with our school bags hanging from our shoulders. Yet she insisted that I came with her to hang out. Does she not have better things to do?!


Amber Liu, one of the more popular kids. Above average grades that placed her in a fairly good rank among the students at our school but also not enough to achieve the top spot. I had that privilege, and no one was going to take it from me, not even her. Everyone loved her. She was skilled in basketball and played soccer with the kids at the elementary school to volunteer. Her tomboy look and attitude stemmed from the America culture as she grew up in the states like I did, and that attracted both men and women. Countless times has she been asked to be involved in a relationship, but each time she's turned them down. But that didn't stop the mass of people. Instead, it had the opposite effect and drew more in. Her short jet black hair was swept to the side of her structured face, and her charismatic smile was voted to be the best among our peers. The fact that she wear the male uniform doesn't help since it only emphasized her stature. Not a day goes by that I don't hear someone fawning over her and her cheerful personality; some of my friends do, and I make sure I'm not part of it. I have no interest what so ever.


I sighed as I browsed through the wares that were on the racks. I thought back as to how this happened. I remember packing up in silence as my classmates were too busy talking to each other or bolting out the classroom to go home. Being the anti-social person I am, I made no effort to talk to others. As soon as I put the last book into my bag, the door slammed open, and the person who did it, was Amber herself. She had a huge smile on- she looked like some excited puppy wagging their tail before a treat.


She ran over to me, grabbed my hand, and literally dragged me out. I was extremely confused; I pleaded with my eyes for my friends to help me but they only waved their hands goodbye, wishing that I have fun. Don't make me deal with her, you traitors!


I returned to the present, as Amber called to me. I didn't look up, I was mad at her for wasting my time here while I could be at home studying. While I enjoy shopping, I prefer to shop alone, or with people I fancy. Amber Liu is not one of them. Actually, I don't really favor anyone. That's probably why I'm dubbed “Ice Princess” on campus. Do I care? No. I do not have time to involve myself in petty gossip and the shenanigans of lowly human intelligence. People wonder how I have friends. My friends approached me, and I warmed up to them. Of course, I told this to no one. The only one who knows any soft side I possess besides my friends is my older sister. They are the only ones worthy; My friends had rare moments that they forever captured with pictures and videos that I banned them from showing anyone else. My sister just naturally draws it how somehow, and she tells my friends of embarrassing situations that I'd rather not repeat.




I heard my name being called again, but I continued to ignore the person who did. Get a clue, Liu. I shifted clothes that were hanging in mass quantities as she approached me, holding some wares in her right hand and her left in her pocket.


“Yah, Jung, didn't you hear me?” She pouted. I continued to pretend she wasn't there. I heard her sigh and lift the clothes she was holding over her shoulders. She took her hand out of her pocket and put it out in front of her as if she was praying, but it seemed less serious with her wink and grin.


“Sorry, Krys, please talk to me?”


Now she was sounding desperate. I sighed and turned to her, annoyed that she had no shame to stoop that low just for some attention. But why did it have to be me? I saw her face instantly brighten and I strained my eyes to block the radiant smile from blinding me. She showed me the clothes that she picked out.


“Want to help me choose? I haven't gone shopping in a while, so I thought I should buy something. I can help you out with your choices too!”


I looked at my hands and I automatically had chosen clothes that interested me while I was too busy condemning the world. I shifted my gaze to Amber's batch of clothes and she had a fairly good taste in style. She knew how to express herself with clothes, and the ones she chose shouted it perfectly. I helped her choose after multiple trips to the fitting room, and she helped with me like she promised. Her eyes were sharp as I didn't have to change, and her knowledge of art and color compliments was on point as she logically picked what suited me most. I looked over her decision, and it was perfect; It was my style exactly- down to earth, comfortable, fitting- what else could I ask for and what could I criticize?


It was slightly scary honestly; She was either stalking me because she knows much more than she lets on, or she's extremely observant. We walked out of the store, clothes bought. She continued to drag me to other stores that usually don't hold any interest in me, but she introduced me to new gadgets and the like that spark a small sense of interest. I could tell she knew because she would smile each time I would look at the something she presented to me. I'm still confused as to why we're hanging out. It's not like we're in the same group of friends, and it's not like we talk. Rather, she makes the effort to talk to me, but I don't reciprocate simply because her attitude annoys me. I know she hasn't done anything wrong, but that's exactly why she irritates me to no end- her happy-go-lucky personality was like some plague that contaminated everyone and I didn't know if it was pitiful or if it was admirable. Her very existence confuses me!


She dragged me to the food court to replenish our hungry stomachs with the food they demanded. We ordered, her treat. Why is she being buddy-buddy with me if the only response I give her is the cold shoulder?! Does she not learn, or does she really not know how to read the atmosphere?! I was internally fuming while we ate in a noisy mall. She was scarfing down her food with etiquette, while I ate slowly to digest the previous bite. Our personalities clash, I realize. I slump my shoulders, knowing that she won't stop bothering me. She noticed my supposed disheartened mood.


“What's wrong?” She asked. She looked genuinely worried. I said it was nothing. I may not want anything to do with anybody, but I know when not to be rude. Do I usually follow that feeling? Not really. If people want to be stupid, I usually reply with the truth, and that apparently comes off as rude.


She stopped eating. She leaned forward and stared at me. Staring is rude you know.


“You know, I've never seen you without your glasses.”


Not many people have. Like the classic nerd, I wear glasses. Fashionable glasses, but glasses nonetheless. I look extremely plain with my school uniform on, and I usually don't get my hair done for the weekdays. It's school, why would I want to look nice in a place that's meant to improve our education? My black hair is either straightened or slightly curled. I have small glasses for my sharp face, and the required school uniform. No much I can do, and make up is a waste of time. I decide to respond to her.


“Considering I don't really take them off at school, no, you haven't.” Amber only laughed it off. I decided to ask her the question that's been on my mind.


“Amber, why did you drag me with you? We're not friends, and we don't talk. There is no reason for you to literally kidnap me on a Friday afternoon where I could at home studying.”


She turned serious for a moment before smiling. Does she think this is a joke? She spoke up.


“Well, if you look at it from a logical perspective, what you say makes sense. But you see, Krystal Jung, I like you.”


Heat spread across my face. Amber Liu, one of the more sought out peers, has just confessed. To me. With the straightest face possible. I feel like she doesn't know what it means to be awkward. I retaliated.


“I don't believe you. Don't let your popularity get to your head, Liu,” I warned her. She only continued to smile.


“I'm not, I'm saying the truth. I know that you're an extremely kind person under that cold image because I saw you cover an abandoned kitten with your umbrella while it was raining. I know you're more beautiful than you let on, and that the boring school uniforms are restricting that beauty. I know you secretly practice singing in your spare time, and your voice is unique. I know how you fall asleep in the library because you study until you pass out. I know how you want everything to be perfect because you strive to be the best you can be. I know you're all this and more, you're just shy.


“I know I sound like some type of stalker, but I've fallen for you, Krystal Jung. I don't care about popularity, I don't care if people think you're rude- what do they know about you anyway? I just want to stay by your side. Those glasses give off a cold vibe, but to me, they represent how mature you are. But I want to see the real Krystal Jung, the one that hides herself because she's afraid to be rejected. I want to get to know her better, to hold her, to anything. And I want it to just be me, and me alone.”


I stared at her, baffled. I don't believe this is happening. It just doesn't make logical sense.


“I know it's confusing right now, but I would really like it if you gave me a chance.”


My face was still red. I didn't know who to respond so I did what I normally do when I get frustrated: I yelled.


“Just do whatever! It's your life, not mine! But if you hinder me in anyway, consider it over.”


Her face brightened and her smile got wider. I tried to ignore her for the rest of our break. We threw away our trash and headed home. We took the bus until we were able to walk the rest of the way. I never realized how close she was; her house was just around the corner from mine.


We continued to walk in silence, the orange sky lighting everything the same color. It was a comfortable evening. I felt Amber grab my hand. I looked up at her, but she said nothing. Instead, she grinned at me. I felt safe, stable, calmer than usual. We continued to walk, our hands connected with the occasional swinging.


We reached my house, and out hands disconnected. She approached me and we stared into each others' eyes, trying to read what the other was saying. I couldn't read Amber's, it was foreign and mysterious, but I couldn't help but stare.


Amber reached up, and took off my glasses. I felt bare, , vulnerable with my wall gone. But Amber only smiled. She says that she wants to know the real me. Is this the real me? The one behind the cold frame and focused glass? I looked away; I couldn't handle the eye contact any longer.


She came closer and hugged me. I didn't realize it, but I ended up relaxing into her embrace and returning it. She maneuvered her head so was near my ear.


“I know you're new to this, and it may seem we're going a little fast, but grant me this wish for now. I'll take things slow later, but I really want to do this.”


We stayed like that, her arms around me and my head buried in the crook of her neck until we detached from each. She put my glasses back on with utmost care, and proceeded to tuck some hair behind my ear.


“I'll gently ease you out from your shell, just you wait,” she grinned, and ran off.


I stared at her retreating back. Amber Liu, I'll have to thank you in the future. I don't know why, but my gut is telling me to trust you. This will one of the few times that I'll follow it since the urge never really comes up.


My hand reaches up and touch the rim of my glasses. The thin templates felt cold between my fingers. I thought of the words Amber had revealed to me today. My lips curve up. Maybe Amber and I wasn't such a bad thing.




“Krys. Krys.”


I felt someone gently shake me awake. I look with my sleepy eyes as to who did. It was Amber. I rubbed the sleep out of me eyes and a yawn surfaced.


“Why did you wake me up? I was having a nice dream.”


Amber only chuckled. She was standing over me with a coffee cup in her hand.


“Sorry, princess. But you were in an awkward position. I didn't want you getting cramps when you work up, and I couldn't lift you without waking you up. I can carry you to the bed if you want.”


“No, I'm already awake, so I might as well stay awake. I didn't even know I fell asleep.”


I stretched myself out, ridding the knots that formed in my body and trying to ease the slight cramps from my awkward sleeping position on the couch. I was dreaming about the time Amber confessed to me years before. We're now living together in our comfortable apartment.


Over the years, Amber helped me become more extroverted. I wore my glasses less and switched to contacts. I still had a cold exterior, but it was more chic according to Amber. A lot more people approach me, much to Amber's dismay. She likes that I've finally come out of my shell, but she gets jealous easily. I reassure her that I only think of her and her mood instantly brightens. It's kind of cute actually, how childish she can be. Amber spoke up.


“Yeah, you slept pretty deeply. What were you dreaming about?”


“When you confessed.”


Amber laughed. She sat down next to me after putting her cup down on the table and put her arm around my shoulders. I naturally lean into her.


“See? I told you I would get rid of those glasses.”


I laughed and playfully hit her shoulder. In all honesty, she hasn't changed over the years.






“I love you,” I said quietly. I may have come out of my shell, but I still had difficulty expressing my emotions. I tend to lower my voice when I say what I truly feel. I avoided eye contact but I saw form into a big smile. Dork.




please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. I don't have a editor and editing myself only gets me so far since you start to memorize what you write. So instead of seeing what's actually there, you see what you want to see.


I just really wanted fluff ok? And Krystal in glasses because I want to see her in glasses(I've already seen Ambro with glasses, so now I need Soojung in glasses).


If Krystal seems like a jerk, that was intentional because 1) Cold!Krystal is funny like her sister 2) that's how it's supposed to be to make the story flow into de fluffz.


OMG, I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE... WEEKS BUT EXAMS ARE ALMOST OVER AND I DO HAVE STUFF WRITEN!(In fact, The Fallen ch 2 might be up by next week. Not quite sure about In My Favor. I'm slightly stuck on chapter 7 but I do have that chapter outlined and started) PLEASE BE PAITENT FOR A BIT LONGER. In the mean time, please try to enjoy this oneshot.


Suggestions and crits are much appreciated, comments make me happy, and flames make me laugh so please leave something ;)


hoped you enjoyed reading!



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Alerth #1
Great storie!
Chapter 1: omg thats so cute
NeZuMiLiU #3
Chapter 1: (*u*)d i loved!
Chapter 1: SOOOO CHEESY XD Love it man.
So sweet!
awl, it was cute.
(there was something spell changed wrong or smth but it was weird but idr what it was and i'm too lazy to look for it so ignore me ^^)
amber is a stalker creep but it's cool.
i lub joo <3
Erm if you want I can be your editor...
I am sort of a fanfic grammar nazi, so I would be glad to.
akdjfhasdkjlf, make me fangirl over your fic man. You're a really good writer, tbh, and there were no mistakes as far as I saw; just a few sentences I would have reconstructed. No biggie. But damn, that was really nice. I can still hear myself going "omgomgomgomg". LOL.
1ll1ll9oo #9
So cute ^^
hanber17 #10
Hey! i admire the way you write it, you're so good.
so sad that its only a one shot the story is really cute. :)) thanks for the fic, fighting!!