Chapter 1

Bittersweet Goodbye

Luhan smiled at the boy seated across from him as he devoured his drink.

“Don’t you ever get tired?” he asked, genuinely curious. “Wouldn’t you like to try something different?”

Sehun rolled his eyes and continued to sip on his straw, delighting inwardly at the delicious flavor rolling across his tongue and down his throat.

He was aware that Luhan didn’t quite understand his attachment to the drink, his need for it. He loved the taste, sure, but it was a lot more complicated than that, went much deeper. His visits to the shop and the drink itself lent normalcy and regularity to what was otherwise a chaotic, unstable life. When Luhan had entered the picture, he’d become a part of that routine. And so much more…

Unable to voice those words, however, he simply said, “No. I’m content with this.”

Luhan chuckled softly, smiling that angelic smile of his that did funny things to Sehun’s stomach. Disconcerted by it as he always was, he dropped his gaze to the table and absently continued to sip on his drink.

When they were done, they made their way back to the dorm.

The mood today wasn’t light and companiable as it normally would be. No…The atmosphere was completely different because of what loomed on the horizon.

“Have you finished packing?” Sehun asked, somewhat grudgingly. He really didn’t want to talk about it but it was the proverbial elephant in the room. They could only ignore it for so long.

Luhan nodded. “Yup. Just a few toiletries left but I’ll throw those in in the morning after I’ve dressed.”

It was Sehun’s turn to nod. “Okay.”

Nothing more was said as they walked the last two blocks to their dorms, ignoring the screams of fans that accompanied them.

When they got to EXO-M’s dorm, all five members of EXO-K were there as well.

“Oh, I forgot,” Luhan said, smiling sheepishly. “We’re having a little get-together tonight, since we won’t be seeing each other for a while.”

Sehun’s eyes narrowed, a vein throbbing in his jaw as he shot s a murderous glare.

Things had been awkward with Luhan all day but he’d take awkward over nothing at all. He’d looked forward to spending the rest of the evening with him before he was forced to return to his own dorm, knowing that the chances of seeing him in the morning were slim since Luhan would be in too much of a hurry to finish packing, dress and get to the airport in time for his flight. He really didn’t appreciate having a wrench thrown into his plans.

Before he could open his mouth to say anything, however, Kai walked over, grinning that stupid, clueless smile of his. As he stopped in front of them, he grabbed Luhan’s wrist, pulling him further into the room.

“You’re just in time. We’re about to order your farewell feast, pretty boy. What are you in the mood for?”

Luhan laughed, flashing Sehun an apologetic smile as he was dragged away.

It was typical of his hyung. He was always in a good mood, mellow and flexible beyond belief. He reminded Sehun of water, flowing wherever the tide took him instead of fighting against the current tugging him in different directions. He envied that quality, wished he could be less intense and introverted. It wasn’t who he was, though.

More’s the pity, he thought, as he ambled across the room, ignoring the questioning looks from his hyungs, until he reached the sofa and flopped onto the far corner, emitting waves that screamed “don’t talk to me.”

The hours ticked by, the apartment filled with laughter and the typical rough-housing that was expected of a group of young males. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were responsible for most of the noise, seemingly unable to resist pecking at each other like two in a hen-house. Suho, ever the vigilant leader, did his best to squash their bickering before it got out of hand but when it finally became more than he could handle on his own, he called in the big gun: Kris.

Sehun’s mood darkened with each second that ticked by. He hadn’t said a word for at least an hour, had only spoken previously when forced to and his tone had been far from civil. He knew that they knew why he was in such a foul mood but he didn’t care. Knowing didn’t stop them from ruining his night so why should he pretend to be happy about it?

In the kitchen, Luhan rinsed dishes as he went over his mental checklist of things to do before bed and things to do when he woke up. He didn’t want to forget anything because he didn’t know when he would be back and replacing stuff once they were in China would not be easy.

He felt someone join him but didn’t turn around to see who it was.

“He’s getting worse,” Kai said, leaning against the counter beside him, crossing his arms over his chest.

Luhan wasn’t surprised by who it was, nor by what he’d said. All of the members had a good relationship but there was no doubt that he and Kai were the closest to Sehun.

“I know,” he replied, not bothering to beat around the bush.

“He’ll miss you.”

Luhan knew that Kai was watching him intently, could feel the heat of his gaze on the side of his face, but ignored it.

“I know,” he said again.

“He already misses you.”

This time he did look up, flashing a small smile. “I’ll take care of it.”

Kai nodded but said nothing further. He remained where he was for another minute before finally returning to the living room.

Soon, sooner than Luhan had expected, their manager was ushering EXO-K out of the dorm, telling them [EXO-M] to get to bed early that night. He felt panic rise in his chest. He hadn’t gotten the opportunity to speak to Sehun yet and he had to settle it tonight because he wouldn’t be able to give the problem the time it deserved in the morning. He cast a frantic glance at Kai, wide eyes beseeching, pleading for help.

Seeing his distress, Kai slung an arm across the manager’s shoulder, hugging him tightly as he grinned down into the older man’s face.

“Hyung…Don’t be like that. We won’t see our friends, our brothers, for who knows how long. Make an exception this time. Please? Pretty please?” He put on the most ridiculous impression of aegyo that Luhan had ever seen but Luhan couldn’t help smiling, thankful that his friend was willing to go to whatever lengths necessary.

“Jong In, don’t even think that that’s going to work on me,” the manager replied sternly.

Kai reached out and grabbed the person closest to him, Baekhyun, pulling him into the hug with the manager.

“Baekhyunnie, you don’t want to leave either, do you?”

Baekhyun, who no one could deny was infinitesimally cuter than Kai, pouted accordingly and said in a whine-tinged voice, “Hyung, just a little longer, please, please, please?” He fluttered his eyelashes and puffed out his cheeks to the point where Luhan was afraid they’d burst.

Finally, the manager pushed both boys off of him and threw his hands up in exasperation. “Fine, do whatever you want. But you guys will deal with your manager yourselves. And you…” He the members of EXO-M. “Make sure you’re up and ready to leave on time.” He narrowed in on Luhan. “Especially you, Sleeping Beauty.” With that, he stomped off to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Kai grinned triumphantly and Luhan smiled gratefully in return.

Another hour of noise and near chaos passed before the boys started settling down, some watching television, others beginning to doze on whatever free surface was available in the moderately-sized apartment.

Luhan cast a surreptitious glance at Sehun out of the corner of his eyes, frowning when he saw that he hadn’t moved from his spot in the corner and his expression still looked blacker than ever.

Sighing inwardly, he stood and made his way to his room, briefly meeting Kai’s curious glance as he passed by, exchanging a silent plea to keep any intruders, i.e. anyone who was not Sehun, out. Kai nodded slightly, acknowledging that he’d received the message. Luhan made sure to leave the door to his room ajar, wide enough for Sehun to know that he could come in but closed in enough that the others would think twice about disturbing him.

He pulled his suitcase up onto his bed and double-checked everything that he’d packed so far, one part of his brain going through the checklist while another wondered how long Sehun would take to come in. When finally he heard the door shut behind him, he knew that his visitor had arrived.

Sehun didn’t say anything for several minutes, just stood there watching as Luhan continued to pack for his trip. He knew that Luhan had lured him in, knew that he was purposely staying silent, giving Sehun a chance to sort himself out. It was just his way. His other hyungs would have pestered him until he blew up at them and spilled what was going on inside of his head but not Luhan-hyung. It was one of the things he loved and hated about him most. Sometimes he wished that he’d push him, badger him until he exploded and spilled his inner torment, bared his heart and soul for all to see. It would probably embarrass them both but was not acknowledging it any better? Given how rotten he currently felt, he certainly didn’t think so.

He couldn’t stand there staring at Luhan’s back all night, though, so gathering his courage, he walked closer until he was standing just behind him, close enough that he caught a whiff of his fruity shampoo as he moved around.

“How long will you be gone for?” he asked, his voice slightly husky. He hadn’t spoken for a few hours but he suspected that the tears that suddenly pricked his eyes were more responsible for the way his voice sounded.

“I’m not sure,” Luhan replied softly, zipping up the suitcase before turning to face Sehun. “It could be a month, maybe two. Longer even, I don’t know. You know how it works: they don’t really tell us anything until the schedule is approaching and schedules can always change.”

Sehun nodded, swallowing thickly. None of what Luhan said was music to his ears. It was just another nail in the coffin of his happiness.

“Sehun-ah…” Luhan started to speak then stopped himself. He wasn’t sure what to say, how to appease Sehun’s fears. His gaze dropped and he caught sight of the alarm clock. , he had to get to bed.

Sehun followed his gaze before looking back at him.

“I have to sleep soon,” Luhan said, smiling sadly.

Sehun nodded, unable to speak at this point.

Luhan hefted the suitcase and walked towards the door. As he settled the suitcase against the wall, he spoke so softly that Sehun almost didn’t hear him. Thank God it was quiet!

“You can stay…if you want.”

Yes, yes, for eternity yes!

Luhan glanced at him over his shoulder and he simply nodded.

Luhan didn’t bother to check in with Suho or his own members, knowing that Kai would have taken care of it for him. Instead, he gave Sehun a change of clothes to sleep in and a spare toothbrush and let him wash up first before doing the same. When he returned to his room after his shower, it was dark, the moon shining through the window the only source of light. The apartment was deathly still now as the others had drifted out while he bathed, an act that took longer than it usually would since his thoughts were going a mile a minute. Kris was already fast asleep in his own bed, muttering softly to himself.

He stopped beside his bed, smiling down at Sehun who already lay on his back beneath the covers, eyes closed. Luhan knew that he wasn’t asleep yet but didn’t say anything. He pulled the blanket back and climbed in, turning onto his side before drawing it over his body. He stared at the moon peeking through the window, looking impossibly big and near, as if he could touch it if he only reached his hand out. He suddenly thought of the song Two Moons. There was only one moon in the earth’s orbit but when he went to China and Sehun stayed here in Korea, they would be looking at the moon from different places, different aspects of it, almost as if there were two of them. Or was he thinking complete and utter nonsense?

Sehun stared at the back of Luhan’s head, his gaze warm as it drifted over the soft gold sheen of his hair to the pale smoothness of his neck, breathing him in, committing his scent to memory. Even his ears were cute, he marveled. Was there any part of him that wasn’t beautiful? His fingers itched to touch him but he resisted, afraid that he would scare Luhan away, afraid that he would be rejected, terrified that if he did the soft feel of him would linger on his finger tips long after he’d gone and send him headlong into the spiral of insane longing that he already knew awaited him. But then, if it was indeed inevitable…

Lost in thought, the edges of fatigue beginning to fray his concentration, Luhan heard a soft ruffle behind him, a slight dip in the mattress as Sehun shifted, and he held his breath, waiting.

There was the slightest brush of nervous fingers on his hip before Sehun fully rested his hand on his waist.

Smiling into his arm, which he used as a pillow atop his pillow, he slid his other hand down to Sehun’s and entwined their fingers, bringing Sehun’s arm more snuggly around him. When he felt the boy shift again behind him, his chest brushing his back ever so slightly, his smile widened.

There were things that he wanted to say, things that he knew he should, but the words just wouldn’t come. Or rather, he wouldn’t let them. As much as he wanted to say them, he didn’t think that now was the right time.

At least I could give him this much, he thought before exhaustion finally claimed him and he drifted off to sleep.


The following morning was a flurry of activity, what with all of the members getting ready at the same time and only having two bathrooms between the eight of them, their manager and Sehun included.

Still, Luhan made sure to make the best memory that he possibly could for the boy he was leaving behind. He was already up and dressed by the time Sehun awoke and he made him breakfast, smiling brightly and chattering happily as he fluttered around the kitchen. He could see the darkness in Sehun’s eyes again but he ignored it. The only thing that would completely erase that look was his staying and that wasn’t an option. Leaving Sehun wasn’t his choice, it was his duty. His job. Sehun had to get used to it. As much as he wanted to comfort him, coddling him wasn’t going to help him in the long run. There would come a time in the future when he’d have to leave again, a time when Sehun might have to leave him. He didn’t want to have to go through this every single time. He didn’t know if his heart could take it.

Their EXO-K brothers came to say goodbye and them down to the lobby of the building. By this time, Sehun had completely forgotten how good it had felt to spend the night with Luhan, knowing that he was the first and only member to ever be allowed into his bed. The morning had brought a rude awakening, the reminder of why he’d ended up spending the night there in the first place. Luhan was trying really hard to keep his mind off of it, he knew, doting on him and being even more cheerful than he usual was, but it was all for naught. He was literally counting down the hours, minutes, seconds, until he said goodbye. Now, that time had come.

Hugs were exchanged, there was a bit of ribbing between some of the members, and then the manager was ushering them out into van.

“Hey, hyung, why don’t you let Sehun tag along?” Kai suddenly suggested. He poked the manager in his side with his elbow. “You know how attached he is to Luhan-hyung. Let him go along for the ride so that the rest of us won’t have to deal with his moodiness just yet.” He rolled his eyes heavenward and sighed in mock exasperation.

The manager sighed, shooting an irritated glance at Sehun before he nodded. “Fine, whatever. Let’s just go.”

Luhan smiled at Kai, mouthing, “Thank you,” before he gripped Sehun’s hand with his free one and led him outside.

The ride to the airport was filled with silence. They were all lost in thought. It was sobering, thinking about living away from the place they’d called home for the past couple of years. Technically, he was returning to his home country but it felt so foreign to him. And he wouldn’t be going to his parents’ house or any familiar surroundings so he would be as much of a stranger to their new environment as their Korean members.

Too soon, they arrived at the airport. One by one the members trickled out until only he and Sehun remained. He saw Kris and Xiumin talking animatedly to the manager and knew that they were distracting him so that he and Sehun could say a proper goodbye.

Here goes…

He turned to Sehun and smiled. “Sehun-ah… Take care of yourself, okay?”

Sehun nodded.

“We’ll talk regularly. Texting and calling may be expensive but we’ll video chat as often as possible, alright?”

Again, Sehun only nodded.

Luhan was a little irritated with the lack of response but he also understood it. He wasn’t saying everything that he wanted to say. Perhaps Sehun was experiencing the same and felt it best to simply say nothing at all.

“I’ll miss you,” he blurted out. “I know that it’ll be hard but we’ll be back before you know it. Don’t forget me!” he quipped, poking Sehun playfully in the side.

Sehun smiled slightly but didn’t react otherwise.

Luhan cast a glance at the manager and saw that he was becoming annoyed.

Sighing, he turned back to is dongsaeng. “I have to go…” He picked up Sehun’s tense hand where it lay on the seat and squeezed it gently. “I really will miss you,” he admitted. Remembering what Kai had said the night before, he added, “I’m missing you already.”

He released Sehun’s hand and slid off the seat, moving towards the open door. After stepping down onto the ground outside, he leaned back in.

“Think of me when you go to the shop,” he said with a smile.

As if I have a choice, Sehun thought. The shop, his drink and Luhan went hand-in-hand now. He didn’t know if he could stomach one without the other.

Luhan fought back his frustration, feeling like he should say more but knowing that he couldn’t. Revealing his feelings to Sehun now wouldn’t change the fact that he was leaving. It wouldn’t be fair to him.

“Luhan, let’s go,” the manager snapped irritably from behind him.

“Goodbye, Sehun-ah,” he said to the boy looking so desolate in the emptiness surrounding him. “I’ll be back soon,” he whispered.

Mentally and emotionally worn out, he forced his feet to move, turning and walking away, determined not to look back, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to leave if he did.

Sehun watched him go, the emptiness around him ading his soul. His chest ached, heart clenching painfully as he bit down on his tongue to stop himself from calling out. He wouldn’t beg him to stay, couldn’t as it would only intensify his own pain. He’d better get used to it, he told himself. This feeling was going to last for a while.

He’d turned away from the sight of the person he loved so much walking away from him, giving in to the urge to wallow in his misery, when suddenly someone entered the van. He looked up in surprise.


Lay smiled, that faraway look he was known for present and accounted for.

“I forgot my passport,” he said, blushing in embarrassment. He grabbed it off the seat he’d been sitting in and turned to leave but paused, looking back at the picture of abject misery that Sehun made, his heart going out to the boy.

“I’ll look after him for you,” he promised. Nodding earnestly to emphasize his words, he disappeared from whence he came.

Sehun absorbed it and felt the tightness in his chest ease a little.

“I’m missing you already.”

He smiled slightly. It would have to be enough. For now…

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quicksilvver #1
Chapter 1: heol this was so emotional... but how cuten with yixing at the end <3
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Why?!?!?!?!?!?!
I'm curious to how Sehun really felt. Lay you promised to Sehun. Keep it!
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwwweee this makes me cry.. I wonder how Sehun felt when Luhan didnt come back with them last time.. When he really left...
Chapter 1: :'(
imagine how Sehunnie felt when Lulu left for good...
Chapter 1: huwaaa,,, like the tittle... it's really bittersweet....
It's so heartbreaking for they to be apart, but their goodbye was so cute and deep... :(
hunhan everywhere, everytime, hunhan forever <3
Chapter 1: daebaakkk!!!
Rainny #7
Chapter 1: I just found this fic now, but I LOVE IT!!!! sooo much! :D
Chapter 1: so sad that EXO have to separate into M and K... if only there's only EXO as ONE ><
poor HunHan.. :( for the past year I must admit that sehun always clinging to luhan everytime EXO reunited haha... but as time goes by well for this year, maybe he become more mature.. not that clingy to luhan like he used to :')
I miss their moment recently and reading this made me flew back to the old times.....