One, Commence

The Porcelain Doll (Hiatus)

[A/N I have no life. I have seriously been just laying on my bed the whole day reading fanfictions and writing 3 chapters for my other fan fiction. To be honest, when I wrote the Description, I seriously had no flippin' idea as to what to write about. But then my little brain kicked into gear and finally decided to be friends with me. So, here it is! Enjoy, my lovelies~!!!]

Sehun's POV

I have a lisp.

 Okay, there. Get over yourself, so what? It's not like it's that bad okay? I mean, it makes the girls think I'm Oh so adorable! and that works for me in that area now, if you catch my meaning. But that's going off topic a bit.

Since I was little, the kids in my neighborhood have always teased me for my "Speech Predicament" as Umma1 likes to say, like it is a freaking disease like someone could catch it by standing a bit too close to me. Anyhow, so I always got teased, okay? I was that kid. The kid that nobody likes and that has no friends because they might catch some cooties from me. My Umma tried to make up for it, in her own twisted way. She enlisted me in any and all Dancing Classes near our neighborhood and made me practice non-stop under her supervision. "If you can't speak, then communicate through your body!" she would say, her eyes wide and her lips pursed in determination.

If there's anything that I might thank this woman for, excluding giving birth to me, it would be the dancing classes.

They really did help me a lot, I made my only friend there, Taemin, and we became inseparable. Taemin is a hyung2, he's a few months older than me, but he is still my friend. I mean, I don't even call him hyung anymore. Anyways, he would always come over to my house and we would just talk about the most stupid things, with no one to care about how we sounded or how we looked. You see, Taemin has a little thing called "The Baby Girl Face", he is so obsessed with that fact, that he has the habit of looking down when talking to someone, which was one of the reasons I approached him in the first place. My first time going to our Dance Class, (Taemin and I both being 12 years old) our Teacher introduced me to everyone. He made me stand up in front of the class while he spoke next to me about me to the other students.

It was nothing short of a humiliation.

I looked at the back mirror the whole time, but I could feel their gazes on me. Judging, calculating, and deciding my place in this food chain. When I noticed that they had decided I was larvae, I exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I've only been around kids my own age 10 seconds, tops. They always run away when they see me, not to mention my relatives don't like my Umma, so they don't let me, by association, play with their kids.

So , I've never really had the chance to even know how to make friends.

As the teacher starts clapping his hands and telling everyone to start going over our "Fifth Routine", he pulls a kid of to the side and starts talking to him. I stare at them, I mean, I don't know what the hell our class is doing, moving all around to the beat of the loud music. The teacher is leaning down awkwardly and speaking to the little brown haired kid, making hand motions in my direction. I furrow my eyebrows, are they talking about me? And then I see the teacher notice my staring and start waving me over. I walk over, a little apprehensive, and stand in front of the teacher with the little kid standing on my left side, staring down to the floor and holding his hands in front of him. The teacher tells me that the kid, "Taemin" he calls him, will teach me routines One through Ten all of my first month in the little solo practice room next door. I sigh, I don't want to appear to awkward and talk stupidly to someone who will just turn around and tell the other kids that they were completely right, I am larvae. But, I put on a polite smile as I tell the teacher that yes, I will follow all of Taemin's instructions and that I will not be rude to him or not follow directions when Taemin tells me to.

So, we move into the glorified closet.

Taemin puts the teacher's ancient CD Player on the floor and plugs it in, then he feed it an equally-looking ancient CD and turns around. "Umm, I'm going to dance the First Routine all the way first, then we can go slowly and I will teach you all of the steps," He says, looking down to the dusty floor while he speaks in a quiet voice. "Aratheo3," I say, and curse myself a million times mentally when I see Taemin glance up quickly, a curious look in his eyes.

And here it comes. I give it about five minutes before this whole place knows about my stupid lisp.4

But he turns around just as fast he looked up in the first place, and he pushes the play button on the Oldsmobile. The sound comes out rusty and overused, but Taemin's dancing make it sound like a live band is playing.

It's like he's come to life, a completely different person is dancing.

But, of course that's impossible. Taemin is still in front of me, the only difference is that he now has a determined look in his eyes while his features are set and defined, I don't even notice his "Baby Girl Face". His movements are soft and fluid, going in time with the rumbly sounding bass of an old hip-hop song, but when the chorus comes, his movements become sharp and final, giving him a tough aura despite his small stature and thin body.

I don't even notice the music has stopped until he gently nudges me on the shoulder,

"Are you okay? Should I dance the routine again?" he asks, his breath a little short from dancing. I shake my head, saying nothing. Taemin stares at the floor, as if it holds all the world's answers, and rocks on his heels slightly. I clear my throat, determination making my shyness and my embarassment fade away, and seal the deal "The teacher said your name was Taemin, right?" I say, looking down at him a little, "Yeah..." he cringes a little a bit away from me, as if I burned him, "Let's be f-friends, okay? Also, can you go over that twirly thingy you do in the beginning? It looked a bit confusing" I scratch the back of my neck as I say this, a little scared of the answer. Taemin looks up, surprise in his eyes "Sure," he says, smiling a little, as he wipes his nervous hands on his workout pants. I smile, and we go on.

We've been friends since.

Sure, Taemin was a little shy and hesitant at first, even I was, I admit. But he warmed up to me and I warmed up to him. By the time our month together in The Locker had come to an end, I had already been to his house 2 times and him to mine once. He's the one who made me really fall in love with dancing, the way everything wouldn't matter as the world melted away as ice-cream would melt on a summer day. In turn, I helped him come out his shell a lot more, he doesn't stare at floor anymore, only when he finds the person really scary or if he knows the person doesn't like him, which is really unusual because, well everyone knows how he looks like since I forced him back when we were 14 to cut his hair every month so that it actually looks like a boy haircut not a girl's using the excuse that it will make him look manlier. When he went to school the next day though, everyone thought he was adorable and cute, a completely different outcome than what Taemin expected, but who cares? He came out of his shell a little more because of that.

I was also there when he got accepted into SM Academy under the "Idol Trainee" program.

We were 16, and it was a Saturday. He knocked on my house like a madman, and when I opened the door, he couldn't even talk in full sentences because he had run from the bus stop to my house (About a mile and a half, ouch) I made him drink a glass of water and calm down, and then he told me how happy excited he was to start. He was basically vibrating with excitement, and his smile was toothy and wide.

He was also there for me when I got accepted into the SM Academy "Idol Trainee" program.

I didn't want to at first, but after months of begging from Taemin and millions of talks with him about the benefits it could bring, ("Think of the fame, the fortune, the girls, THE FREE FOOD!!!) I was definetly curious and interested. So, I went for it, and I got accepted. My heart beating fast, I told Taemin the good news over the phone and he followed with a round of squeals and 'Oh my Gods' that would put any stuck up school girl to shame.

That was back when we were almost 17, Taemin had just debuted with SHINee, and he was busy all the time, so I couldn't spend much time with him.

Now, we are both 19 and I'm going to debut with SME new bygroup, EXO. As part of EXO-K, the group's South Korean branch.

I haven't seen him in a few months, and today we are both going to meet up and work out at the Practice Room.

I wonder if his hair still looks like a mushroom?


1: Mother in Korean, Mother will always be "Umma" in this story.

2: Older Brother in Korean; Also used by younger males to adress older male friends; Considered a polite social term.

3: LOL, Sehun has a lisp, so I made him say Arasseo, ("Okay", or "I agree" in Korean) but I typed it liked he would say it. I won't do this anymore because it's too time consuming for me.

4: All thoughts will be writing in Italics, other specifications will be pointed out.


[A/N Taiyou: Soooooo? A bit too long? I didn't think that it would be this long, but I guess it's okay. Also, I have the premonition that this story will be a long one, but I won't make it boring, I promise!!! ALSO, sorry to all of the Sehun fans out there that think Sehun is all shyness and fluffyness, I just can't help but picture him this way!!! Oh well! Lots of Love, and Happy Reading~!!!]

P.S.- Update either later or tomorrow?


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Guys, I'm so sorry! I'm currently wrting and spell-checking the next few chapter; they will be uploaded in a few days!


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this is really good ^.^
update soon when it's off of hiatus x))
thank you for liking my story too ~ ♥
Taiyou #2
2ahnminah13: AW! THANKS! It's going to take me, like, 2 days, to update this story, though. My writing juices for this story are running a bit low. LOL, but I will make it up over the weekend if I only managed to update with two chapters. Since my whole weekend is free, I will probably just write all day. (I HAVE NO LIFE) I'll try to update soon, though
Lots of Love, and Happy Reading~!!!!!
I love the start. Can't wait for more!~ ^_^
Taiyou #4
@AsianFae: OH.MY.GOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! IM SQUIRMING FROM HAPPINESS~!!! Oh my God, it was really nice to get another comment!!! I will probably have updated both of my fan fictions by tomorrow? Anyhow, THANKS AGAIN~!!!
Lots of Love, and Happy Writing~!!!!!
I haven't read your first story yet, but I can already tell you're going to be a great writer to follow. Awesomeness is the only word in my head to describe your writing. Keep up the good work! Update soon. <3
Taiyou #6
@Rhiean: I'm actually typing the First Chapter right now, so thanks! I will probably upload it in maybe an hour? Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it~!!!
The idea sounds really interesting, so I'm excited how your fic will continue.