Walking, Not Enough (Taemin)

You Make Me Feel Like Dancing.

[A/N Okay, so as promised, I'm updating~!!! OMIGOD TAEMIN IS SO ADORABLE AND CUTE AND HUGGABLE AND I JUST ASDFFGHSJKLAF. SO. YEAH. This chapter was also super fun to write, so I hope you guys love it, too. Enjoy, my Lovelies~!!!]

Taemin POV

She started laughing at me.

Not that it helped my racing heart.

"Taemin-ah! You nearly scared me half to death!!!" She tried, unsuccessfully to laugh carefreely while she rearranged her hair. ".....Sorry," I said, still unable to speak much, as I opened the door to the practice room. We were both quiet for a few awkward seconds, until she spoke up. "So..... How long have you been standing outside the hallway?" she asked, hesitantly, her eyes looking a bit curious, but her face scrunching up a bit, as if at conflict with herself. I quickly looked up and tried to cover up my presence, " Oh!, well I haven't actually been here that long, I was really walking to the elevators while listening to my IPod when I took my earphones out and I heard music, I thought I had left the speakers on, so I turned back and found you laughing in a room by yourself, like a crazy person. I didn't mean to scare you, honest,"  I said, nervously, hoping she would buy my lie. ".....Okay,"  she said, but I didn't have time to catch her expression so I could read it. She was bending down to grab her hoodie and cap with her bag and IPod, and I noticed, yet again, how much those shorts rode up and tightened around her legs when she bent down. I cursed myself furiously. Taemin!!! When are you going to learn to control your beastly urges?!? Don't ogle the tired girl, you drooling idiot!!! I screamed mentally, lost in my own world until I saw her face, right under my nose. "Taemin? Let's go home?" she said, a small worried look in her features. I quickly tried to recover myself, "Yeah, let's go home. It's really late" I opened the door quickly and thanked God above for letting the lights in the hallway be dim, conveniently forgetting my earlier wish, as a warm blush made is way from my neck to my cheeks. I held the door open for her, and turned the lights off when she was out of the room. We walked to the elevator and stepped in quietly, with me trying to dilute the blush on my face. When I finally got it under control, I suddenly had an important thought,  "I'll walk you home. It's dark, and it's bad for a girl to walk home this late, don't stay here so late unless I'm here, okay?" I didn't know why I felt so protective of her all of a sudden, but I had to make my intents known. She looked up at me, surprise on her face, then smiled gently. "Gomawo, Taemin." she said looking into my eyes. Angelic.

Right then and there, I had the almost insuppressible urge to hug her.

I tried to remain my composure, not trying to appear bothered, and refused to blush. We were walking down the street quietly, and I felt her eyes on me. "What is it?" I asked, looking down at her, wondering if she had said something and I had been to far gone in my thoughts to have heard her.  "Oh... well I was wondering what you were doing in the building in the first place, with it being so late and all," she said, embarrassed, as she ruffled the back of her neck. I couldn't help but think she was cute.  "I was practicing, just like you were. Except I wasn't laughing like a maniac." I smirked, teasing her a bit. "Yah!" she half yelled- half laughed with mock indignation while she slapped my arm in a joking and familiar manner. We walked in a comfortable silence a bit more, I was just enjoying her company immensely. I then noticed how tired she looked,  and I remembered that she never actually drank anything since I started watching her. She must be dehydrated right now.  "Hey, want some bubble tea? My treat," I asked, worried about her. She nodded, "Yeah, that would be nice, thanks." she said, a grateful look on her features. I went inside a little corner store on the street we were walking on, she waiting outside. At the last minute, I decided to buy water instead, bubble tea doesn't really get rid of thirst, more like it appeases it. I ducked back outside with my bounty, giving her one water bottle. She drank thirstily, not caring if I watched. We walked for a while more in silence, reaching her dorms, and I felt disappointed. You can talk to her tomorrow, you moron. She has to sleep too, you know. I tried to reason with myself, but I still felt a bit sad. We were almost at the point where we had to cross the street to go inside her dorms, when she said,  "Hey, want to swing in the park a little? We won't take long," She looked up, eyes full of hope, but I couldn't help weighing the options. Angel on the Right: She has a full schedule tomorrow! Tell her no and make her go home and rest! Devil on the Left: You might not get this chance ever again, Taemin. Better grab it while you can~! It seemed that I wasn't really listening to my conscience this time though, since I automatically replied after a few moments. "Okay," I decided, happy.

Amber lighted up like the 4th of July, "Alright!" she whooped, grabbing my arm and basically dragging me towards the swings in the park. I started laughing, wondering how this girl brought this unfamiliar, but joyful, feelings from deep inside me.

While I was in La-La Land, I hadn't noticed that we were nearing the swings, she suddenly let go of my arm, making me feel the loss of her warmth. I got sad, wanting to grab her arms and bring her close to me again. I put my hands in my pockets watching her set down her bag and sit down on the swing, she looked up to the sky, a peaceful expression on her face. I didn't want to swing beside her, watching her was more than enough. She noticed me standing in front of her, and he beckoned me closer. I frowned a little, but obliged. When I was standing in front of her and she was sitting on the swing in front of me, she pointed to her back. "Push me," I smiled, and obeyed. I moved to her back and pushed her gently, but she complained, "It's okay Taemin. Push me higher!" she demanded, and I felt her laugh under the soft fabric of her hoodie through her back. I smiled wider, pushing her higher. She laughed louder, whooping a few times. I felt myself laughing, Happy only because she was happy. I eventually had to slow down, even though I had agreed to going to the park with her, I couldn't help but to worry about how much sleep she would get if we kept playing around. I sat down beside her, a bit tired, and looked up to the stars. The stars have never shined brighter. I thought, and I looked at her, noticing her tired face. "Let's go now, otherwise we won't get any sleep." I told her, and she nodded heavily, almost unconscious. I grabbed her arm and helped her to her feet, but I didn't let go; I didn't want to let go, and she grabbed on, like I was an anchor. We crossed the street to her building, which we entered.

We headed to the elevator, I could feel her breath in and out slowly, asleep on her feet, as I pressed the button with her floor number. I looked at her face. Feelings bubbled up, unrecognizable and maybe a bit scary, and I mostly ignored them.

She looked so happy sleeping like a baby. I brushed her bangs back, her hair was silky to the touch. We reacher her floor, and she opened her eyes sluggishly, "We're here, Amber." I said, gently, while smiling, and she smile wistfully back at me. We walked to f(x)'s apartment, and she looked inside her gym bag for her keys. When she finally found them, she was so sleepy that she kept fumbling with them, so I snatched them from her and opened the door myself. She went and walked straight to the living room, a little unsteady on her feet. I stepped inside and put her bag down on the floor. I was about to leave when she said, "Thanks for tonight, Taemin. I really needed that." She smiled at me, and my heart caught in my throat."You're welcome, Amber. Got to your room and go to sleep, don't sleep on the couch." I told her sternly, and she smiled a little bigger. "Okay, Mom." she teased. She walked towards me, and I turned around again to exit. "Goodnight, Amber." I said, joy exploding from my body. "Goodnight, Taemin." she replied, happily, and I hoisted the bag higher on my shoulder, walking away. I heard her close and lock the door, and I felt a feeling like honey run through me.


I kept replaying the whole night in my mind. How her voice sounded, the way her eyes crinkled up when she smiled, how melodious her laugh sounded like, the way she danced. All of these memories were set on loop on my mind, making the walk to my dorm seem like a minute, when it usually takes me about ten. I went inside my building and walked up to the elevator pressing the 8th floor button. When the elevator stopped, I stepped out and began searching for my keys in my bags. I found them, and I opened the door as quietly as I could. I t was dark inside, and I exhaled in relief.

I didn't exactly expect Minho to be leaning on the hallway wall as I was walking to our room, though.

I opened my mouth to scream from being scared, but Minho moved quickly and covered my mouth with his hands, my voice only making muffled protests. "Where were you Taemin? Do you know how worried I've been?" He whispered, aware of the fact that we were standing in front of Jonghyun and Key's room. He moved his hand away from my mouth and I spoke,"Well ,I was practicing." I huffed, walking to our room. Minho followed me, "You've been coming to the dorms late for three weeks now, I know practice makes perfect, but over practicing can damage our performance, too." He said, trying not to sound exasperated, "Besides, you were all alone, by yourself! Do you know how dangerous that is?" He screamed-whispered, but still a bit loud. I shushed him, "I wasn't alone, you know. Amber was there." I smiled triumphantly, finding a loophole in his logic. He was quiet for a few minutes, long enough for me to get dressed for bed. He was sitting on his bed looking at his hands when he finally spoke up again, ".....Amber was there?" He asked, quietly. "Yeah..." I said, a little dreamily, I admit. He looked sharply up at me after I spoke. "That doesn't matter, Amber is a girl. It was wrong for her to be there, too. Is she still there?" He said, in a rush. His tone sounded superior to me, which pissed me off. "Minho, lay off it. I walked her home, she's safe and sound. Besides, why do you care so much?" I asked, curious, but it was too dark for me to see his face. "...I-I.... ah.....Goodnight, Taemin." He sighed, giving up. I didn't reply, I was focusing on falling asleep.

If I wasn't so oblivious, maybe I could've done something to prevent all of what happened.


[A/N Taiyou: TA-DAH~!!! MIHNO IS INTRODUCED~!!! *MILLIONS OF DELIRIOUS FANGIRLS CRY OF JOY* LOL, How do you guys like it? It's it mushy and fluffy and cute? I almost choked on rainbows, Skittles, and bows while typing this, LOL. I'm so excited to write the next chapter,it's Minho's POV~!!! WHOOT~!!! What was your favorite line? Mine was "The stars have never shined brighter" a bit too cheesy, but I couldn't resist. Update tomorrow~!!!

Lots of Love, and Happy Reading~!!!!!]

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WOW, THAT WAS LONG! Hope you guys like the update~!!!!!


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Chapter 15: Poor Taemin... I hope you will.update this story...
SpoiledReader #2
Chapter 15: I thought I was some ninja reader! But my taeber is seriously halfway to sinking, I can't wait for more updates and I can't stay silent
renshy143 #3
Chapter 15: Sorry 4 your lost. Glad that your doing well. Hmm i wondering what will happen next. Can't wait :)
Chapter 15: I'm in love with this fic. Omg. How the hell I didn't find this before? ♥
Huhu T^T
TAEMIN!! Don't worry maknae! Cheer up!
Nice update author-nim!

Poor Taemin TT.TT
But my Minber feels are very happy \(*^_^*)/
no no no, poor baby taem...
but what can i do, i love minber T_T

kekekeke, love you too @Taiyou
i was really excited everytime you updated this ff