
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing.

[A/N I'm so excited for this story, you guys. I think it's going to be amazing. This chapter is in Taemin's POV, I'm so excited to write his reaction~!!!. By the way, did you guys see what happened at the SMTown Concert last weekend? KRISSBER ALERT~!!! LOL, Okay. Enjoy, my lovelies~!!!!!]

Taemin POV

She wasn't particularly good at dancing.

I mean, when the music first started playing, all I could think about was the fact that this song was very girly. In fact, I've heard her even say before, to us members in SHINee, that she would never be caught dead dancing something like Beyonce, so of course I was curious. It was merely curiosity at first that made me turned back around and try to talk with her a little than to walk quickly home. I got to admit, maybe I wanted to a little bit, and maybe I wanted to threaten her by telling her that I would tell the rest of my hyungs. She knows some secrets of mine, like the time that I went to practice at the dance room and went for one hour, but then I told everyone I went for two, when in fact I had spent the last hour at an arcade. She had seen me there, she was playing a video game near the exit, and she's been holding it up over my head since then.

So, I turned around to go inside the dancing room to gloat.

But, the window came up to me before the door, and that made me stop short.

She started up a little red in the face, as if embarrassed, and I smirked a little. That's right, Amber, you should feel embarrassed. I'm going to tell everyone! I thought as I was laughing quietly in front of the window, she hadn't noticed me yet. Then I saw how, slowly, a wide true smile spread across her face, making her eyes crinkle up in joyful half-moons, and making her smile appear child-like.

I didn't exactly expect to be rooted to the place I was standing on after that.

The music was a poppy-fun track, and it matched her smile perfectly. She moved her hips in time with the music, bending down to touch the lower part of her leg before tracking her fingers up to her hips where they stayed for a while, she put her arms up over her head, holding her hands and bent down again, showing more of her defined figure. Then, she hugged herself as if she was cold, shimmying a little, and her chest became pronounced under her shirt. I couldn't help but blush, I am a healthy male, after all. All of a sudden, her dancing began to show some mistakes, and her smile went a little rigid. I knew it, the release never really lasts for long. I sighed mentally while I watched her some more. Then, she shook her head as if trying to forget something, and went back to her smiling self. Her hips rolled to the beat of the drums, and then she starts to mouth the lyrics in the song, opening her eyes wide in excitement. She turned for a bit and faced the wall, her eyes still focused on the mirror, and her eyes took on an alluring air,  with a little smile. She danced a little more like that, becoming more alluring and sultry, making my eyebrows shoot up a little. I didn't know she could look this much like a girl. She then faced the back wall for a bit, her sultry expression gone and replaced with the happy one she wore before. She had started to giggle a little, and I found asking myself why couldn't do that anymore. Why I couldn't just feel the music like I used to, like she was feeling it now. My thoughts distracted me for a few seconds, making me unaware of her for a bit. I heard a loud squeak, part giggling and part sneakers on wood, and I frowned a bit as I looked quickly up. Her sultry expression was gone and had been replaced by her happy one and she was facing the back wall, then she turned around to face the mirror again.

She then started laughing, not even caring that she had stopped completely dancing.

Not the sputtering kind of laughter that some people do when they're about to cry, but just happy laughter. As if she didn't have a care in the whole world. She was laughing quietly, standing with her arms at her sides and her legs spread a bit,  cautious to not disturb anyone with her laughter should there be anyone left. She slowly reached her hand up to touch her cheek, still happy, and then she frowns, letting her hand fall down her side again. Oh wow, I think Amber might be bipolar, she's changing her expressions way too fast for a normal person. I thought, bemused, as she proceeded to surprise me yet again. She grabbed the front of her shirt, and raised it up to her face so as to wipe the sweat of her forehead, revealing a bit of her black sports bra, her defined hips, and her whole stomach.

Her flat, toned stomach that shined a little with sweat.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, the sight making my hormones beat into overdrive. I guess there is some woman under all those baggy clothes after all. I thought appreciatively, then I reprimanded myself. She's my co-worker for God's sake! She's my Noona! I grumbled to myself quietly while she, just as quickly as she had brought it up, dropped her shirt back on its place. She looked at herself some more, then she started laughing.

Really laughing.

Big, loud guffaws exploded from , and giggling that would make the most girly girl even cringe, but I just couldn't stop staring. She looked thankful, as if she needed this as much as oxygen, as if all of the bad experiences she ever had in her life disappeared in a cloud of smoke the moment she started really laughing, laughing without conviction or remorse, laughing with such a relief it almost made me angry. Angry because that used to be me. I was the one that used to laugh like that whenever I danced, now I was the one that just watched stupidly as others laughed like this, but I admired her more. I admired her because, even though she probably was under the same amount of stress and judging eyes as me, she still prevailed, and that took some courage. Courage I had lost a long time ago.

So, I watched her laugh.

Her face slowly turned up to the overhead lights, her laughter still bubbling, and she closed her eyes, peaceful. The lights casted a white glow to her face, making her look innocent and pure, and I smiled unconsciously.  She lowered her head to face the mirror again, her laughter dying up, looking so refreshed it made her sweat not noticeably anymore, a determined look in her eyes and posture. She looked a little longer, then she flipped her bangs to the side and walked to the her gym bag and to the IPod dock near the wall, where she stopped her music.

I hadn't even noticed in the first place that the music was still playing in the first place, but the shut down of noise jarred me enough from the trance she had put me under to make me drop my gym bag.

  I only have time to see her shoulders stiffening before my back is against the door, my heart beating fast and scared, not wanting to be discovered. She didn't say anything for a while, I think she was scared, but her voice came out jokingly and familiar when she said, " Alright, girls. You caught me. Just slap on the cuffs, okay? You guys can tease me as much as you like tomorrow, but please, can we just get home so I can take a shower and go to sleep? I want to be able to function properly..." Her voice ending like an echo. I tried to speak, but no words would form from my lips. She said again, " Guys? I'm not mad, I promise, just please stop it. You're scaring me."  Her voice was trembling a bit, genuinely scared. "Hello, i is there anyone there?" She sounded paranoid now, almost as if she thought that she hadn't really heard something, that it was just a figment of her imagination. My stupid mouth started working then, forming only one word, "N-Neh" I said lamely. "Who are you?" The relief was almost tangible in her voice, as if she recognized me. ".....Taemin." I replied, ready to face my consequences.

I don't think I had yet noticed that I had fallen in love with her then and there.


Noona: "Older sister" in Korean; Males use it to address older female friends; Also used when smaller brothers speak with older sister; A polite term.


[A/N Taiyou: So? Do you guys like it? I'm so happy with this chapter, it's all pretty and concise and such. I think I made it a bit too long, though, but I sure love spending time on my descriptions, it makes me happy. Did you guys like the little cliffhanger? LOL, I like teasing you guys~!!! *starts a very generic evil laughter* In all seriousness, though, I would love it if you guys love it, and nothing says "I LOVE YOU" more than COMMENTS~!!! So, PLEASE COMMENT~!!!

Lots of Love, and Happy Reading~!!!!!]

P.S.- Update tomorrow?

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WOW, THAT WAS LONG! Hope you guys like the update~!!!!!


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Chapter 15: Poor Taemin... I hope you will.update this story...
SpoiledReader #2
Chapter 15: I thought I was some ninja reader! But my taeber is seriously halfway to sinking, I can't wait for more updates and I can't stay silent
renshy143 #3
Chapter 15: Sorry 4 your lost. Glad that your doing well. Hmm i wondering what will happen next. Can't wait :)
Chapter 15: I'm in love with this fic. Omg. How the hell I didn't find this before? ♥
Huhu T^T
TAEMIN!! Don't worry maknae! Cheer up!
Nice update author-nim!

Poor Taemin TT.TT
But my Minber feels are very happy \(*^_^*)/
no no no, poor baby taem...
but what can i do, i love minber T_T

kekekeke, love you too @Taiyou
i was really excited everytime you updated this ff