Going Crazy

Going Crazy


"You're inseperable from me." He muttered into her ear slowly and deeply as he allowed his arms to slide across her upper torso. She could feel his soft, yet calloused fingers pressed against her skin gently, as if savoring her through his fingers, then  tightly tugging her against his body and holding her there. She felt his cheek rest on the back of her head gently, as his hot breath rolled down her neck and sending shivers down her spine. She was limp in his arms as he supported her weight, happily possessing her for the moment.
Hyesun could do nothing in his grasp. Her fighting spirit definitely paralyzed under his touch. She merely stared blankly ahead, tears streaming down her ivory cheeks silently but steadily. She hated herself for being like this. Each time her neared her, she became unsure of what to do yet unable to give in to his advancees. She wanted to die. The best she could do was muster a bitter smile  and slide her tongue against her lips to taste the familiar salty liquid on her lips. She was desperate. She utterly, desperately wanted to believe him, and she knew in her heart, she did, but she couldn't allow it. Her mind told her no, and she obeyed. It was the only thing in her body with a reaction. The only thing that made sense. The only thing that reminded her she was still sane, still alive, but at the same unfortunate time...still in love. 
She wanted to twist  around and bring his hands to her hips. she wanted to be able to freely lift herself higher on her toes and press her lips to his roughly to show him how much she really needed him. How she was slowly dying without him. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and bring him closer to her, as close as possible and never let go, never leave any space between. She needed to feel the sensation of their forheads and noses pressed together as he whispered a million sweet words deeply onto her lips, barely hovering over them while staring longingly into her eyes. She wanted to love all day, everyday...but she couldn't. She couldn't because she cared. Hyesun cared for his safety and most importantly, his life. 
It killed her inside. Though the pain in her thoughts and words were aimed to hurt him, she knew she was the one on the recieving end of the pain. She always would be. She was tied to him. For each blow she dealt him, it came back three times worse for her...but it had to be done. So despite all the feelings in her body, her heart screaming an shouting at her, threatening more pain and longing to stay next to him and in his arms forever, she followed her mind, and did the opposite. With all the strength she could muster, all the strength she had left, she pressed her hands agaisnt his which was tightly holding to her shoulder. As his hands softened under her own, she silenced a sob. He was trusting her to stay with him...and she would do the exact opposite. She hated herself. Angrily, she ripped his hands from her body, stumbling forward like a child who'd just learned to walk, and regained her balance. She kept her back to him, knowing if she turned to see the betrayed expression on his face, she would never be able to follow through. He didn't fight back. He never did...and it broke her heart to pieces. 
With a large but silent gulp, she ignored the painful knot of guilt stuck in , and calm herself as best she could, knowing her next words would pain him just as they did the before, and the day before that, and the day before that. Yet as she spoke, she ignored the blows she dealt to herself.
"Are you crazy?!" A knife cut into her arm.
"Why are you like this?!" A dagger to her side.
"This isn't love, it's just your obsession!" A baseball bat to her head.
"I hate you!!" A gunshot to her chest.
Her voice cracked at last and she gripped the wall before her desperately in support. She fought the burning of her legs that were far to exhausted to keep her standing. She wouldn't go down in front of him, not until she was done. She would beat herself. Her heart wouldn't win. It couldn't.
"Leave...I don't want to see your face anymore..." She rasped. Her breathing had already fallen uneven and voice hoarse-- practically sandpaper. She had to be strong. She had to be strong for him. She had to. She always felt like this after saying those things. Her stomach clenched tightly in knots twisting and turning painfully. She but her lip to silence a scream as she suffered for him. All for him. 
Through her fighting, she noticed the silent creak of the basement door closing and locking shut. She dropped to her knees, ignoring the pain from impact with the cement ground and  let out a cry before turning into full sobs. Her hands  flew to her face, as she cried--shoulders shaking, chest inflating and deflating rapidly. Just like the days since she had been kept here, her broke into a thousand already broken pieces.
"I love you, Yong Guk, Please, understand and forgive me..." She choked out knowing full well that just like the days before, he'd be right back tomorrow.

Yong Guk cursed allowed as he shut the door. So much he wanted to bang the door, break the glass, and just destroy everything, just as everything had been destroyed for him. He couldn't understand anything anymore. He was tired. His mind was tired. His body was tired. His heart was tired. He now glared at the kitchen which had been untouched since the days she'd left him. He couldn't allow her to leave the basement. She might to to escape him again, despite everything they'd been though...and he just didn't understand. He gripped his hair, leaning against the door before sliding into a sitting position. He hands trembled in his hair as he did his best not to break right there.  They'd been perfect once. Once, there was a time where he was allowed to listen to giggles, her laughter. He could sit with her and talk forever, as she leaned her head in his lap. He could hold her with his arms around her waist as she cooked. He would wake up in the morning to breakfast and a kiss. Once, he could love her, and she would love him back. 
However, those days had passed unexpectedly. They were perfect and one day, she left. She told him, and just left. Everything fell from then on. The house was no longer bright. Her laughs haunted the halls, her smiles remained in simple still photos that littered the floors from his nights of staring at them, afraid he'd forget what she looked like. The first few nights he slept in their bed, desperately hoping he'd wake up to a dream, only to be disappointed to the stale smell of air the next morning. There was no trace of her cooking anywhere. She had even removed her voice from the voicemail that he'd desperately been calling.  Slowly, Yong Guk had begun to die and fade away along with her presence in this home.
That is, until he saw her again.
He'd seen her downtown one night. He was on his way to hopefully drink his loneliness away for the first time since the three years they'd met. He'd thrown away that tiny habit for her, but she had left. She didn't notice him at first, simply walking the streets hands in her pockets despite the cold. She was that kind of person. If stressed, she would often take walks to clear her head, but this night he noticed different habits. Her eyes constantly shifted, checking if someone was around. She kept her head down to stare at the ground, and often stumbled out of step, before slightly giving her head a shake and walking in a straight line again. Still, he'd followed her. He attended this routine for three nights.
Until one night, she had tripped. 
She  let out a squeak and had looked around her, and finally set her eyes on him. He didn't know what to do, stunned. She had left him. Should he just let her go. He didn't have time to decide. Quickly, she'd gotten up on her feet quickly trying to run from her. He was doing almost well at least seeing her. He couldn't let her go. He was found out so he had questions, and desperately wanted answers. Without hesitation, he's started after her, sprinting. He couldn't let her go. Not again.
As they neared an alley, he grabbed her pulling her inside and pressed her against the wall. It took all the strength he had inside himself not to force his lips agianst her own in that moment like he'd wanted to for the past three days. Instead, he'd stared at her crazily, her expression unreadable. Tears were streaming down her face as she stared at him. She tried and failed at mustering an angry glare at him. He knew her better. It never reached her eyes. 
"Hyesun...Where have you been?! Tens of thousands of times I've called you, but why, why is there no answer?! Did you forget?! Look at me!" She sobbed under his gripped which he'd noticed he'd unconciously tightened. Still, she did not answer. He wouldn't lose her. Not again.
That was three nights ago. Since then she hadn't spoken a word of why she'd left and it was driving him crazy. He was slowly losing sanity without her touch, her smiles, her voice, her love. He was ready to die, but not yet. She was still with him, and if she was here, he wouldn' leave her. He couldn't bring himself to. With a glare ahead, he stood kicked the lower kitchen cabinets and continuing upstairs. This floor was a mess. He'd managed all his time on the first floor, but he always went up here when angry. The whole floor was tattered. Shattered glass lie all over the carpeted floors. The doors scared with holes from his fists and feet. Some were even unattached. Week old floors scattered everywhere, dead and brown.  He had done all this in his anger. He wad dying without her.
Slowly, he stared at a baseball bat, his weapon of choice since he'd been dealing with his anger. He spaced for a few moments for wrapping his fingers against the cold metal, and walked into one of the rooms. He stared the room--a remnant of her cheerful presence. His lips curled in disgust. It sickened him. Without notice, he began swinging, unaware of anything he was destroying. The sounds of glass shattering and wood cracking numbed him. As he did this, he was completely numb. Numb to the fact Hyesun was in his basement. Numb to the fact he was alone... Numb to the tears that were constantly streaming down his cheeks.
Yong Guk soon woke to find himself on the living room sofa. Just like the nights before, he couldn't remember how he'd gotten there, but he stared to find the baseball bat at the bottom of the stairs like always, simply waiting for him to pick it up again. 
He gave a start as he stared at the phone lying on the coffee table next to him. Hyesun's phone. He was usure of whether to answer it. He glanced at the clock that read 2 A.M. Not just anyone called this late. He flipped open the device and pressed it against his ear.
"Hyesun?"  Yong guk didn't recognize the voice. 
"Who is this and what do you want with her?!" His voice rose and immediately heard cussing on the other end of the line.
"Aish, you were ing right. He's got her. Get inside the house. NOW DAMMIT!" Before he could close the phone, he heard the front door slam open and was being pushed agaisnt the coffee table. Pairs of hands grabbed at his throat as blows were dealt to his sides and face. He wanted to fight back, but he had no energy. He hadn't eaten in days. He had spent most of his time with Hyesun in the basement trying to get her to talk only to fail. Yong Guk's fight was completely gone.
He felt a punch to the side of his face and grunted as his teeth scraped against his bottom lip. Immediately the metal taste of blood filled his mouth and was slowly running out of air. He gasped only to end up hacking out more blood as he felt a steel toed boot land on his side. He was slowly dying because of her. Slowly dying for her. A knife was soon cutting into his skin but he had no breath to scream. He stared at the basement window to see the one person her cared for.

"Hye.." He rasped.

Hyesun awoke to the pounding of a door. Fear crept into her mind at that very moment. She threw the covers over her body and looked around the room paranoid, before slowly standing. Her toes curled as her shoeless feet touched the cold floor, but still, it was as if she couldn't stop herself. Dim light flooded in as she stared up at the light flooding through the basement door window...and the light was calling to her. She frowned  through her swollen eyes as she made her way to the stairs. Slowly, she crept upward one foot at a time, scared to what she mgiht find. She heard a grunt from the other side and her eyes widened as she pressed herself against the window. 
They were back. 
They had come for her. 
They had found Yong Guk.  
Hyesun screeched as she desperately tried to twist the door knob only to find it was locked. She  stood there watching him being beaten before her eyes, unable to do anything. She switched her eyes to Yong Guk who had also caught her gaze and watched as he muttered her name only to stop half way. She screamed as she watched him get a heel to his ribs. It was surely cracked. 
She turned around doe-eyed and desperate for anything that could help. As she looked around a bright flash caught her eye. Her collection of softball bats from when she was younger.. She ran toward them, tripping down the stairs, but getting back onto her feet. She opened the storage closet and grabbed one, sprinting back to the door. with all her might she hit the lock. A dent. Only a dent. She tried once more and gasped as the lock broke, letting the door freely swing open. In an instant she threw open the doors and went to the kitchen knife drawer. Buried under the knifes was a small pistol...fully loaded. 

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Yong Guk looked up and gave a bitter yet bloody smile. Hyesun stood with the same small pistol he'd hidden. A thousand times she'd told him it was useless and dangerous. A thousand times she'd tried to get rid of it, saying they wouldn't need it. A thousand times he'd replaced it back into the same drawer. She remembered.
"Now Hyesun...you don't want to do that. We're just doing our jobs. We won't hurt you. See." One of the men  set down his knife and the other kicked off his steel boots, both standing iwth hands in the air. Hyesun, however, seemed barely amused.
"Get away from him..." She hissed. They did as she asked and moved away from him.
"We're going! We're going... See?" Her lips thinned and there was no humor in her eyes. Yong Guk had only seen her like this once before, and from that moment on, he knew the men would never live past this. She breathed.
Without hesitation she fired. Once, twice, thrice. He couldn't count anymore. She just continued shooting until they were on the floor and unmoving. He stared at her, as the gun slipped from her grip and feel to the ground, now truly useless. She slowly turned her head towards him and blinked before rushing over.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," She sobbed into his chest, as her hand stayed pressed against his cheeks. "I'm so sorry. Mianhe. I'm sorry. I won't leave you ever again. It was because of a debt. i had to go. I promise I won't leaven anymore. I won't go anywhere. I will stay with you. Please, please don't leave me. Please. Yong Guk. I love you, please. Please!!" She screamed frantically at him.
He smiled and lifted a hand to her cheek. The blood on his fingers mixed his her tears and streamed down her face as well. She pressed her hands against his in a bittersweet smile as he smiled as well. 
"I love you." 
She gasped.

Two weeks later...
"Hyesun, where are the chopsticks?!" Yong Guk shouted through the house. Hyesun rolled her eyes as she walked past him pulling a drawer open and shooting a look at him. He grinned sheepishly and ran a hand through his hair.
"Ahh...found them.." She chuckled and went past him.
"Sure you did."
He frowned and grabbed her by he waist pulling her back to him. She giggled as his arms wrapped around her stomach and pulled her closer to him a smiled plastered onto his face. Hyesun grinned and twisted in his arms facing him with a similar smile. They stood like that for a few moments as she simply sat and admired him. She admired his superior looks--cute and y, his abs which she knew were hidden under his shirt, but most of all his smile and expression as he looked down at her doing the same. She had found the right one and couldn't be happier. Slowly, she lifted herself on her toes and gently pressed her lips on his. He returned the favor, kissing back deeper and rougher and his roamed up and down her sides, then around her waist pulling her closer if it was even possible. She s her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, pressing her forehead and nose against his lovingly. His lips were only centimeters can away and she grinned with a slight blush as he spoke.
"I love you. I love your eyes, your smile, your face, your body, your hair. I love you. I love your kisses, your laugh, your humor. I just...I just love you." He breathed, his deep voice sending chills down her spin and through the rest of her body. He gave her energy when she felt ready to crash. He gave her something to laugh at when her day didn't go go as planned. He gave her love, and Hyesun could only hope she could give him half the love he gave her. Maybe...
She broke away from his embrace but kept her hand in his as she tugged for him to follow. confused he obeyed and walked behind her, but noticed them passing the dining room. 
"Where are you going? What about the food?" He pouted cutely and she turned rolling her eyes.
"Dinner will have to wait." His eyes widened finally getting the idea. His confused expression changed into a smirk as his hand tightened around her own.
"Yes, it will."
I hope you guys enjoyed this. ^^ I sure enjoyed writing it. I know it's like REALLY REALLY long...but yeah. It just had so much feeling for this song/story. I'll be coming out with another MV Oneshot Ending soon, so subscribe~ :D
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I am sooooo sorry guys!! i meant to write it all last night, but I fell asleep and don't remember how...? o_O


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Chapter 1: I like long chapter~! Keukeu~ XD So, she killed all of the men??? Heol?! Thank you for the story, Author-nim~ ^-^ Keep writing and supporting B. A. P \(^0^)/ Hwaiting~ p(^u^)q
fictionator #3
ohmygoodness this was just great. Must read again XD
Loved it, adored it, and couldn’t help but wonder if I should read it again xDDD
[Oh yeah I gots the power of being first commenter xDD]
Good job~ but it was sadistic. . well it’s based off of Going Crazy so it’s fine xDD