Broken Strings (미안해)

Broken Strings (미안해)

Rain falls and they look at each other. He takes her hand, but she quickly lets go. Fear plasters on his face, once her soaking wet hands brushes his away.

"...I'm telling you, I can't be with you anymore," She tells him, tears flowing from her eyes like a river. "What part of it can't you understand? I'm sick of you! I'm sick of you following me around!" She yells to him. "You're like a lost puppy!"

He looks at her with confused and scorned eyes. It hurts her deep inside to see him being like this. But she really know that she's doing the right thing. "Is this what you really want or are you just ashamed of me? Tell me, Soo Yeon!" Tears were now falling endlessly from his eyes.

"I'm not ashamed of you or ..." He wraps his arms around her. This won't help anything she'd planned to happen. "... Please, Donghae... I'm sorry but our relationship should end..."

"I know deep down there--" He points to her pained chest-- "You don't want this relationship to be over. I know you, Sica... Don't listen to everyone, whatever they think of us--remember, the thing you told me before--always follow what your heart tells you--"

She pushes him away. "NO! Please, Donghae. You're making this harder for me. Can't you see that I want you out of my life? Can't you understand that I can't love you anymore? I have someone else now... Are you always this..." She couldn't say it, but it still came out of as a whisper, "selfish?"

He shooks his head down and he forces a smile. "You think that I'm the one selfish? What about you? You don't think you're the selfish one?" He scoffs and looks at her, with swollen red eyes, straightly. "You're being selfish now." He takes her shoulders and leans his face near hers. "All you think is yourself! You think ending this would help you? No!" He shoves her lightly by the shoulder. "All you think is of yourself--"

"You don't understand!" Jessica tries to inhale much air. She has to tell him the truth. But things makes her hold back, whatever his response would be.

"I don't understand?" His forced smile breaks her heart to pieces. "You're so selfish! You can't even think of others! What do you think will happen to me, huh? You think that I'm going to say, 'Okay, Jess, let's end this stupid relati--"

"I'm dying, Donghae." His saddened face turns more hollow. His heart was pounding, digesting what she just said. "And I can't stop what's happening, okay? I've been suffering brain cancer for years... And... I'm so sorry I'm being so selfish, I just-- Nothing can cure this anymore... I'm dyi--"

"You're not dying," he whispers.

"I am," she sobs.

He looks at her with hollow and surprised eyes. "You're dying and you didn't tell me?! Is this why you're--" She cries out loud, the rain covering her scorned face. She nods. He suddenly wraps his muscular arms around the pained woman in front of him, again. More tears fall down their eyes. Her head hurts like hell now, her lungs are also burning, her stomach feels like it's crushing, and she's dying. "We're going to go through this. I promise you, Jess."

They both stand under the cold and strong rain, soaked and tangled in each other's arms. Her eyes are closing by its own and her head is throbbing like a burning ache. "Oppa..."

"Ssh..." He caresses her blonde slick and wet hair. "It's going to be--"

She sighs out loud and pushes him away, so hard even without all the strength she'd lost. "I don't want him to see me like this--in pain," she thought. She sees darkness clouding her eyes and suddenly falls slowly. "I love you," she whispers with her last breath, "Goodbye." And she collapses into his arms.

"Sica?" He calls. He looks at Jessica's face, eyes closed and he places his fingers on her lips. Not breathing, and her chest wasn't moving anymore--showing any sign of her breathing.

"Sica! Sica! Sica!" Donghae calls out as Jessica falls like a ragdoll in his arms. "This is not funny." He coughs, but tears streak his face more. He falls down to the sidewalk and thumps her chest and he listens to her heartbeat but doesn't feel any. "Sica, wake up," he sobs and patting her cheeks to wake up. "Why are you doing this to me? You're so selfish! You only think of..." His sobs turns to a cry. He carries her body through the rainy road, without any sign of a living thing.  "Jessica Jung Soo Yeon, I know you can hear me.. So..." He falls down to his knees again with Jessica still lifeless in his arms.

Donghae shooks his head down. "Jessica... Wake up." His voice shaking, he says, "I love you. I..." He checks her pulse, but feels nothing. "Wake up, you pabo!..." His whole body goes rigid, it's like everything's turning into slow motion. "Wake... Up... For... Me." He looks at her unmoving lifeless body.

He gives up and kisses her, with his cold and quivering lips. He slowly waits for her response, but didn't get any. He looks at her pale, lifeless, yet beautiful face. "I love you... And I'll always love you, Jessica. I'll be waiting for you...  in our next lifetime."

"I will wait for you..." A single tear drops from his eye. "Even if it takes me forever..." His eyes closes shut.

And with that, the sun shines and everything turns into darkness in Donghae's eyes.


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HSica9 #1
Chapter 1: Im tearing... I really sensitive w/ the story where hae/sica die at the end... OMG!!!
-acedia #2
Chapter 1: So sad! :'( Please Don't Go by Shinee goes along with this fic very well!!
Kris-C25 #3
=.= sad again. I'm so crying right now really I had 4 tissues already
minstal_1 #4
so sad :((
@ErikaSONELF: I already did. It's already a sad ending :'(
Don't make a sad ending please...
sooo sadd... :(:(:(
but i really like it author
cocchi01 #8
This is so sad. But it's beautifully written! Write more Haesica Fics!
So sad~ :'(( Make more oneshots of HaeSica, please. You're really good^^