

On that cool, fall morning, Heechul had found that he'd recieved yet another letter from Hankyung.

 Dear Kim Heechul,

I know i've sent you quite a few letters, but I couldn't quite convey how I feel in one letter. Your words in your work speak volumes to me, and i re-read them over and over filling myself up with the beauty in your words. I only wish that one day, I can be as talented a poet as you.

I know i've said this before, but i'll say it again- call me shameless if you will- but I just really want to meet you. I want to see the person I admire in real life, right before my eyes. Perhaps you are as beautiful as your words are...?

Who knows, we could become the best of friends!

~ Hankyung


Heechul couldn't help but smile reading his admirer's touching words. He worked hard on his poems. His life was full of many sleepless nights drafting, brainstorming ideas, and re-writing work thinking it wasn't quite good enough for his readers. So, even if they were few, he enjoyed the praise and kind words.

But this man called Hankyung was different. He got letters almost every other day from him, begging for a meeting with his "inspiration." Apparently, he was an aspiring poet himself, being the excuse to meet with Heechul. But, deep down, Heechul thought that maybe Hankyung just wanted to meet him because of some feelings for him.

But that was silly.

His thoughts were rudely interuppted by a door opening abruptly and slamming against the wall.

"Heechul!" his father Eeteuk yelled, storming into the room. "I saw another letter was recieved. Did you open it? Tell me you didn't."

"As a matter of fact, I did," Heechul said, holding up the letter. "It's very sweet."

Eeteuk sighed loudly, walking towards Heechul sitting at his desk. "Give me that," he said, taking the letter right from Heechul's hands.

"'Perhaps you're as beautiful as your words are'?" he read from it. "What is this nonsense!"

"This 'nonsense'," said Heechul, taking back the letter. "Is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."

"I hope you're not falling for his trap. He obviously wants you for your money."

"Who says he wants me in the first place?" Heechul asked, annoyed. "Maybe he just wants to meet me for writing advice! He is an aspiring poet, you know!"

Eeteuk scoffed. "Keep believing that," he said, leaving the room.

That's just what Heechul would do. He kept believing that Hankyung was no such gold-digger, and that he was a nice man. His letter implied that, at least.

He glanced at the letter one last time, before grabbing a piece of paper and writing a response.

Dearest Hankyung,

Thank you again for your kind words. These are the kinds of things that keep me writing, after all.

I do agree that we should meet, considering i've spoken to you on several accounts. You can ask anyone where I live, as my adress is fairly well known.

I look forward to seeing you.


P.S. I am as beautiful as my words.


The next day during morning tea in the dining area, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it, Mr. Kim," said Heechul's servent, Ryeowook. He left the dining area and he heard the door open, and a voice that even though Heechul had never heard before, sounded all too familiar.

Soft and muffled through the largness of the house, he heard:

"I am Hankyung. I'm here to meet Kim Heechul."

Heechul jumped out of his seat, trying not to sound too excited, and walked (with a skip in his step) to the door where he would finally meet his biggest fan.

"Hankyung, it's nice to finally see your face," said Heechul, which made Hankyung turn his head and lock eyes with him.

Love at first sight was something Heechul had never believed in, but yet, something made him think that at this moment, it might just be real.

"It's great to finally meet you," Hankyung said, flashing a smile that made Heechul want to squeal like a teenage girl.

"Yes, you too," he replied, finally ripping his eyes away from Hankyung's. Everytime he did, he seemed to get lost in them.

"Now, Heechul, your father is not here, but he'll be back soon, so make this meeting quick, or else I loose my job," said Ryeowook, leaving the two to themselves.

"What did he mean by that?" asked Hankyung curiously.

"Oh," Heechul sighed. "It's just, my family has seen your letters, and they... don't think very well of you."

"Well, I'll have to change their minds then, won't I?" he said.

"It's more difficult then it seems," insisted Heechul. "But anyway, you can follow me to my study. You said you had something you're working on?"

"Yes, I do," he said, and followed Heechul up the stair case to his study.

For four hours, there they sat at Heechul's desk, papers sprawled all about. You could almost feel the creativity surging through the room as they thought about ideas and inspirations.

"You know," Hankyung suddenly said while crossing out a stanza he didn't think was good enough. "You weren't lying in your last letter."

"Hm?" said Heechul looking up, causing a peice of hair to fall in front of his face.

"In your last letter," he said again. "You said you are just as beautiful as your words."

"I did say that, didn't I?" Heechul giggled.

"Well, it's true," said Hankyung, moving the piece of Heechul's hair out of his face and tucking it behind his ear. "But I think you're prettier than your words."

"Thank you," Heechul smiled, trying to hide his blush. "I think you're more beautiful than your words."

"Well, my words happen to ," Hankyung laughed. "So I must be pretty ugly."

"Not true at all!" Heechul said, mentally slapping himself for his last statement. "Anyway, we're fixing your words right now, right? But even when we're done and we make them fantastic, you'll still be better."

They laughed, and got back to work.

After another hour passed, Heechul realized something.

"Oh," he said, getting up and straightening up his things. "My family should be here soon. You'll have to go."

"I'd hate to part from you," said Hankyung, gathering his things as well. "It's so great to be with you."

"We'll just have to do this again, then," he smiled. "C'mon, i'll walk you out."

They walked down the stairs to the door, and walked outside. When they were on the porch, Hankyung spoke.

"Before I go," he said. "I just wanted to say thank you."


"For all the help. It really means alot to me."

"It's no problem at all," said Heechul, and he meant it. "I'll see you again soon."

Hankyung smiled, and left.


Soon after Hankyung's leave, Eeteuk and Heechul's two brothers, Kyuhyun and Hongki were at the house.

"Hello," he greeted them.

"Heechul, hey!" said Kyuhyun, hugging him. "It's been a while."

"That it has," said Heechul.

"You seem in a good mood," said Hongki. "Why?"

"Oh, it's nothing," Heechul replied. "It's just a good day for me, I suppose."

But even he knew he was a bad lier, for Hongki shot him a knowing look.

"Alright," he said, changing subjects. "So how's your newest poem coming?"

"It's great!" Heechul said. He began to explain his poem about child labour reforms as Kyuhyun yawned, obviously bored by the subject.

"Why don't you write about something interesting, like a love poem or something?" he suggested.

The thought hadn't crossed his mind until this morning, when Hankyung was over.


It all made sense now.

He was in love with Hankyung.

This could only lead to bad things.

"Um, yeah, the thought has crosed my mind," said Heechul, trying his best to hide the look on his face.

"It's probably because the people who write the best love poems are the ones in love," said Eeteuk. "I guess you'll just have to wait until you fall in love, eh?"

"Haha," Heechul laughed nervously. "I guess so."



Their next meeting was just as great as the last.

"So, how's your poem coming?" Heechul asked while walking along the riverside on a misty October morning with Hankyung.

"Fine," he said, but he seemed unsure. "I think I just need some sort of... inspiration."

"Well, fill me in on what your poem is about," suggested Heechul. "Maybe I can give you some sort of 'inspiration.'"

"It's sort of silly," Hankyung chuckled.

"Nothing is too silly," Heechul assured him. "There really are no rules in poetry."

"Alright," he replied, finally giving in, though seeming hesitant. "It's about someone who falls in love with a person they just met."

"Well that's not silly at all," Heechul said honestly. "What else?"

"Even though these poeple have just met," Hankyung explained. "It seems as though they have already met, and known eachother for a life time. You could say it's fate, or-"

"Love at first sight?" Heechul blurted.

"You could say that," he laughed.

"Where did you get this idea?"

"The best stories come from personal experience, right?"

"Right," Heechul agreed. "So... you fell in love at first sight with someone?"

They stopped walking.

"Well, it's the only logical explanation for what's happened to me, even though i've never believed in it before."

"Who did you fall in love with?" Heechul asked eagerly, but deep down, nervously.

He sighed. "It's you, Heechul. Isn't it odd? We've known eachother for what, three days? But I just feel like we belong together or something."

There was a pause.

"Sorry if I sounded really creepy just now," Hankyung added, laughing.

"No, not creepy at all," Heechul said, shaking his head. "More like... romantic."


"I completely agree," continued Heechul. "It's so...."

"Odd," they said in unison, and then they laughed in unison.

"The feeling's mutaul."

"What?" said Hankyung.

"I mean, I feel the same way. About you. I feel like i've fallen in love with you, too."

That made Hankyung smile that smile that made Heechul's heart flutter.

"C'mon then," Hankyung said, grabbing Heechul's hand. "I should walk you back home."

"That's sounds nice," Heechul smiled.

Later, Heechul would say that was the best walk home of his life. Not because the weather was perfect, because it wasn't. It was damp and foggy. Not because he was walking to an interesting place, because he was only walking home.

It was the best walk of his life because he was walking and holding hands with someone he honestly, truely loved.

And sometimes, that's all you need.



"Crazy!" exclaimed Hongki. "This is seriously crazy!"

"Give me a reason why this is 'so crazy.'"

"Because you've just met him! How can you be in love with someone you've just met?"

Heechul sighed. "I don't know, really."

"And besides that, Father will never approve. It's so obvious he only wants you for you're money. He'll admit it's all a trap once he has you right where he wants you and then he'll leave you, sad and heart broken. Is that what you want?"

"You act like you know everything!" Heechul suddenly yelled. "You act like you know exactly what he's going to do, but how do you know? For all you know, he could be the sweetest person, and you're judging him because of some stupid assumption!"

"You're so naive, have you realized that?" Hongki sneered. "Get out of your dream world and into the real one, Heechul."

"Maybe I like my dream world better."

Hongki only laughed harshly, and left Heechul with his thoughts. 


Their third meeting was one that Heechul would never forget.

"I've been all over the world," Hangeng said one day during one of their "inspiration sessions" as Heechul reffered to them.

"Really? Then how come you have problems with finding inspiration?"

"I guess nothing really jumped out at me in my travels."

"What countries did you go to?"

"Well," he said, thinking where he should begin. "I'm from China, so i've been all over there. I've been to India. I saw lots of amazing religious temples, and met some interesting people. For a brief time I explored Britain, mostly in London and..."

Hangeng went on and on talking about the places he's been and the people he met. For most people, it would be boring as hell, but for Heechul, it was the most exciting thing he'd ever heard. But then, he thought of something.

"Hangeng?" he randomly asked.


"You've been to so many places," he said, starting to suddenly feel shy about asking. "You've probably met so many people being so worldy... so why me?"

"What about you?"

"Why did you choose me to love, out of all the people you've met in the world?"

Hangeng didn't even need to think about the answer. "Because you're the most special, beautiful, and perfect person i've ever met."

"You must have met someone just a little more perfect than me."

"Nope," Hangeng siad. "Well, maybe it depends on you're definition of perfect, but in my eyes, you're the most perfect."

Heechul couldn't help but blush.

"I think you're the only person i've ever heard that from," Heechul smiled.

"Now that's surprising," Hangeng said.

And in that moment of silence where Heechul was still getting over the shock of being called perfect (even though he liked to say he knew he was perfect, he still never heard someone actually say it to him before), Hangeng had leaned closer to him and kissed him.

It was more perfect than Heechul himself.


Their last meeting before the question was on a friday afternoon over lunch.

"Heechul?" Hangeng asked.


"I want to marry you."

Heechul couldn't help but laugh. "That would be impossible."

"Why?" he replied in all seriousness.

"Because Father would never approve," Heechul said. "We'd have to run away or something."

"Then that's what we should do."

Just like that.

You could say the proposal wasn't romantic enough, or it was more of a spur of the moment statement than a question, but that didn't matter to either of them. Heechul agreed, and they both packed their bags in secret. They agreed to meet at 6 PM around the cornor from Heechul's house.

Unfortunatly, even though Heechul thought the house was empty, someone saw him getting ready to leave.

"Sir?" asked Ryeowook curiously. "What are you doing?"

Heechul sighed, knowing he'd probably have to tell his servent. "Can you keep a secret? A big one?"

"Of course," he replied.

"I'm running away with Hangeng," Heechul said, almost in a whisper.

"Where will you be going, sir?" Ryeowook asked with confusion in his voice.

"Leaving the country," Heechul said. "We're going to Italy."

"That's so far away!" Ryeowook exclaimed. "Why?"

"Because i'm going to marry him," Heechul explained. "But you can't tell Father. Just tell him I ran off, alright? I'll write him a letter explainig where i've gone when we get there and we're married."

Ryewook hesitated before agreeing, but he did.

"Good luck, Sir," he said with a smile.

"I don't need luck," said Heechul. "I already have love."


Whoever said life doesn't work out like the fairy tales was wrong.

Whoever said happy endings don't exsist was wrong, too.

Heechul could prove it.

He had a happily ever after of his own.

AN: Wow, that was longer than i expected :p I hope you enjoyed my cheesy love story!

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im sorry, im soooo late uploading this story. My computer is still busted so ive only been able to write this on my phone and in school, so it's taking longer..


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narasama #1
Chapter 1: Sweet Stuff,not really my thing but i never silent read so i leave a comment!
it was really well written though!just not my thing!
Extremely impressive.
Pure expression was all I could feel within finishing the fanfiction itself.
Well-planned and this one REALLY brought me into looking for more .
You and many others possess writing skills that are a true inspiration to me.
Thank you!
followurdestiny #3
Ahww... makes my heart swell... this was lovely... <33
I was so into reading this and I'm now sad because it ended and I want more <3 I think these two fit this role perfectly ^^
rellawrites #5
omg! i'm a er for classics! <3
nank45 #6
seems this will be romantic stories ^^
Ohhh so interesting! I hope there's no character death though >< update soon~