
Soundless Melody


A soft melody echoed through the small halls of J. Tune Entertainment. The sound waves bounced off the walls and passed through the ears of the creator of this music.
Her smooth hands glided across the 4 year old piano as she played with professionalism. Eyes closed as her fingers pressed down on the white and black keys that produced the music.
She didn't need her senses of sight to help her play this magnificent instrument; no, all she needed were her ears. She could listen to anything once and play it on the piano straight away with complete beauty and meaning.
A male figure stood outside the room and laid his back against the wall, listening to every note that was played as the clueless female continued to with her composition. 
Her smile widened when her song was just about to come to its peak, where the playing started to get complicated but full of emotion. Her hands reached the far left side of the piano and pressed down along with her right hand on the opposite side. 
Her elegant smile stopped all of a sudden when she noticed that the music wasn't being produced from the piano, she opened her eyes and looked down at the keys and frowned. She played the keys again but no sound came out. She tilted her head to the side.
"That's weird?" she mumbled to herself as she repeatedly pressed down the keys, but again no music. She started to play her music from the beginning but the only thing that came out was silence. 
The female sighed and stood up to get a drink but forgetting that her bottle of water was right beside her which she had then accidentally knocked down. The plastic bottle hit the ground which caused a thud as the water swished inside the bottle as it rolled back and forth. 
The pianist starred at the bottle for a moment. 
The male outside was wondering why the music had stopped; he peeked through the door to see one of the company's trainee inside. 
At the same time, the pianist picked up the bottle of water and dropped it to the floor... This time on purpose.
She did this another time as her frown grew deeper. She put the bottle back and took a worried glance from the bottle to the piano. 
Her finger lay on top of one key. She pressed it once. 
Twice. She continued doing so while the male continued to watch her curiously.
She bit her lip.
"Why can't I hear anything? Why won't the piano work? Why can't I hear the piano... And the water bottle," she thought.
Realisation hit her as she paused her finger an inch above that very key.
'I'm not deaf... I'm can't be deaf... I'll prove it. I'll hear the beautiful sound when I press down that key. I'll hear the melody again...'
She held her breath but her finger remained its position. She was afraid of the truth; of reality.
The tip of her finger pressed down.
But she heard nothing. A tear formed from her shock. 
'I can't hear... I can't play the piano anymore."
She cried as the male approached her. He still didn't know what was happening. He tapped her shoulder.
The trainee looked up to see the lips of the male moving but not words coming out.
"S-Seungho shi," she stuttered while at the same time wiped her tears.
Seungho smiled and hugged her in comfort.
"Whatever it is, tell me. I know we don't know each other well but I will try to comfort you as best as I can."
The female cried harder when she sensed that Seungho was speaking to her, but knowing she can't reply back because she couldn't hear what he had just said.
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Chapter 1: aww I know this was supposed to be a one shot but if only you wrote more!
the build up was beautiful nevertheless! <3
OHHHHHHTHIS WAS A WONDERFUL ONESHOT, and being a Seungholic, that'd be his real reactions if this happens in real life.
Awww, that really was beautiful.
Poor the girl, and Seungho just so, calm like usual.
People deserve to read this, it's very meaningful for such a short oneshot.
Seungho <3
itsjustlife #4
Lovely one shot! Good job!
However, I do have one question. Did she just suddenly become deaf?
elisaexplosive #5
Oh my God. What a sad scene ;_;
This was a really good oneshot! You write well! ♥