Hello new life..or not?

The Notebook


Sometime around summer...


“Sooyoung! We’re transferring you to a new school and that’s final” said Mr. and Mrs. Choi..


“B-b-but why?” said sooyoung with a puzzled look in her face,


“because all you did was flirt around with girls, I mean look at your grades” said Mr. choi as he threw some papers on the table in front of sooyoung, those papers appear to be a copy of sooyoung’s grades from school are remarks from all her teachers.


“Look at these, you call these grades? STRAIGHT Fs? I can’t help but cry seeing how my daughter has turned into this! Skipping school just to date girls. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.” Said Mrs. Choi with much disappointment in her face.


“We’re transferring u to a catholic school” added Mrs. Choi


“WHAT????” Sooyoung said with much surprise


“B-b-but…~” before Sooyoung could continue her sentence she was cut off by her father..


“no buts young lady, now go to your room and pack your things your plane leaves tomorrow, and you’ll be living with your sister from now own, I just hope she puts some sense into your brain”


“…” Sooyoung was silent…


“Now prepare your things sweetie” added Mrs. Choi…


Sooyoung walked heavily to her room, and banged the door


Inside her room, all was so filled with hatred but couldn’t scream because she wouldn’t was to make a ruckus in their neighborhood, so instead she just cried quietly, but I wasn’t enough, she was so mad, that she started punching the walls of her room until her hands bleed,


After a few punches, she got tired and then fell asleep on the floor,


The next morning...


Sooyoung woke up with a headache, she felt sudden pain in her hands and saw that it was bruised and blood had dried,


“uurrhh… what time is it? What did I do last night” said Sooyoung, who was still confused and dazed from just waking up..


8:30 in the morning,


She stood up, went to the bathroom, and admired herself in the mirror


“uck, I look horrible, but still a bit handsome?” said Sooyoung as she chuckled a bit in front of the mirror


Then she suddenly remembered something, “Oh yeah, today was the day I’d be moving in with my unnie, yes my very perfect unnie that everyone loves so much, *sigh* hello new life”


Then suddenly then was a bang on the door, it was Mr. Choi


“ Sooyoung, are you up already? Come on downstairs, and we’ll sent you to the airport later”


“aiissshh… I hate my parents for suddenly doing this, but I absolutely have no other choice, but to admit defeat” she muttered in the mirror






“ARASSO….!” Sooyoung yelled back, “ aish parents… “








“aish, chincha! This alarm is so loud in the morning” I said as I quickly turned off the alarm clock,


“5 more minutes…” I said to myself


 Then suddenly the door banged open, I was still too sleepy to even take a peek at why I opened, so I just continued to dozed off, when suddenly I  felt heavy body on top of me, ruffling my hair and tickling me everywhere,


“YAH! You lazy girl wake you, it’s your first day of school!!!”  she yelled..


It was my unnie, oh gawd I hate it when she does that to wake me up, she’s so heavy I’m heavy difficulty in breathing, good thing I wasn’t ticklish, or else this’ll feel like hell in the morning


“arasso.. arasso… now get off me unnie, you’re freakin’ heavy you know that?” I said to her,


“aiiisssh… aigoo, my cute dongsaeng is so cranky in the morning, tsk. Tsk. Get your off the bed now and get some breakfast, it’s already your first of school here you know that?”, said unnie in a teasing tone as she smiled so brightly to me, and suddenly slapped my before leaving my room


“ugh, unnie can be so loud in the morning” I said as I chuckled in low volume


While walking to school, I stopped by a convenience store to buy lots and lots of food, being the shikshin that I am, that heavy breakfast unnie prepared was still not enough for me..


Inside the convenience store, I saw a lot of beverages and packed foods taste are still new to me, so I bought all of them, without even knowing what they taste like, but it doesn’t matter, food is food, and they all taste delicious!


Once finished shooing I looked at my watch and saw that it was 10 minutes before 9…


“OMO! I’m gonna be late, and on the first day too, tsk! AYyyy…Choi Sooyoung, why did you let food get in the way…” I said as I quickly dashed my way to the school gates,


 I was running so fast that I didn’t see that someone was walking by when I turned to the left..




“oww, that’ hurts, oh …are you okay miss?” I said to the girl who was still sitting on the floor, I held my hand out to help her get up, and she kindly took it,


“thank you, I should watch out where I’m going, sorry” she said as she bowed down to me in 90 degrees,


“ani…aniyo…it’s ok, and it wasn’t your fault, it was mine for being in such a hurry mianhae”, I said as I rub the back of my neck and bowed back to her,..


“I’m sorry again, I guess I’ll be leaving then” she said as she stopped bowing and looked at me, then suddenly bowed her head as if trying to hide my face from me… and then she left, walking in a hurry


“Now that was a weird girl...but she’s really cute” I said to myself while my eyes gazed at her back view as she walked away and out of my site…


It took me a few seconds to realized that I was daydreaming at the hall, I snapped back to reality realizing how late I was for my first class…





“omo! Stupid me, why am I blushing on front of her, this is so embarrassing, but….”


“that girl…..”


“she’s really….”


“handsome”, I said to myself as I hurry to my psychology class, and never realized that I was going the opposite way, good thing there’s a shortcut somewhere here…


Now back to SOOYOUNG’s POV


When I finally got to my classroom, I took a peek at the door’s window and saw that the professor was there, and it just so happens that the proffesor saw me looking through the window and opened the classroom door


“Excuse me, miss, do you belong in this class?” the professor asked


“uhm, is this psychology 101 with Mr. park?” I asked the professor


“uhm yes? You must be the new transfer student? Please come in and introduce yourself to the class”, said the professor to me,


I walked in, stares were everyone, I stood u handsomely up front and introduced myself


“Hi everyone, I’m Choi Sooyoung, and I’m a transfer student from Japan, but I’m pure Korean, nice to meet you all”, I greeted everyone with my most handsome smile as my eyes were traveling along my classmates, I saw a familiar face, and it was the girl that I bumped with earlier, next t her was a girl who kept giving me icy stares, other’s were just smiling back at me


“nice to meet you too” the class said in chorus


“nice to meet you too, Ms. Choi, welcome to SM academy” said the professor while smiling


“Oh, and Ms. Choi, since your tall you wouldn’t mind sitting at the back for a while right next to Ms. Jung there”, added the professor


“Oh, I wouldn’t mind at all” I answered the professor with a smile as I hovered my way to my seat,


I sat on my seat which was next to the girl I bumped with this morning,


*Wow, she’s even prettier up close* I thought t myself as I glanced at look at here,


But something put chills up to my spine when I say this other girl next to her, who keeps giving me icy stares... brrrr~~~ that was something, I shifted my head to turned to look at the teacher lecturing in front

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Chapter 1: it sounds interesting
please update soon