a start

Flowers of Evil


The younger boy stood at the gates. 
Taemin narrowed his eyes at the human. What was a human doing in front of a vampire school building? But there was something off about this human. So he took a closer look at the boy and saw a small glint of red in the brownish eyes. ‘Is it…?’ 
His large eyes traveled up to meet Taemin’s eyes. “Mister?” 
“What are you doing here?” Taemin asked curiously, crouching to meet the boy’s eye level. He stared into the boy’s eyes with much concentration. The glint of red was still there. This boy was meant to be here. 
“I… I got hungry, and my parents threw me out,” he spoke with a soft, hurt voice. Taemin smiled a little. 
“Well, what did you do when you were hungry?” Taemin asked, his hand on the soft cheek of the boy. 
“I don’t know. I was hungry. And when I woke up, I’m full, I don’t know what I did! I was in the car when I woke up,” the boy sniffed and wiped his tears away in an adorable manner. Taemin knew this situation well. 
“Did anyone… Die?” Taemin said slowly, so as not to frighten the boy. 
The boy thought for a moment. “I don’t know. Hyung wasn’t with us when we went. He always follows umma no matter what.” 
‘He could have killed his brother.’ Taemin carried the boy up and smiled nicely. “If that’s so, why not you live with me?” 
“But my parents…” 
“If they brought you here, you’re staying here,” Taemin cut the boy off with a gentle kiss on the lips. “So what’s how old are you?”
“I’m Minho and I’m six.” 
“Who is this boy..?” Jaejoong asked as he entered Taemin’s room. Taemin spun around with a smile. 
“You? I don’t get it. Tae-” 
“Shhh, he’s asleep,” Taemin’s lips curved upward prettily as he eyed the boy on the bed. “Let’s talk somewhere else, shall we?” 
Jaejoong opened the door for Taemin to walk out and closed it, following the younger one out. It was rare of Taemin to like someone that much. “Well, care to explain?” 
“He was thrown out by his parents for feeding, without knowing. His vampire blood took control of his mind and heart,” Taemin explained quietly. He looked out of the window. “Like me.” 
Jaejoong leaned against the wall, his arms crossed together. “A hidden vampire, like you.” 
“Rare types, aren’t they,” Jaejoong murmured. “You know, you better teach him his manners. Or else he’ll grow up like you, mean, cold… T-Taemin?” 
Jaejoong could feel a dark, evil aura surrounding him and he gulped with a nervous grin. “C-Come on, Taeminnie, I’m just kidding. You know how much I love you.” 
Taemin smirked and the aura disappeared instantly. “Yunho will kill you.” 
Jaejoong smiled a little. “Right.” 
Taemin pinched his nose tightly, not pleased at all. Jaejoong shot him a look and he sighed. “Minho has-” 
“Who’s Minho?” 
“The boy!” Taemin snapped. “Anyway, he has a nice blood scent and all I can do right now, to stop myself from drinking his blood, is this.” 
Jaejoong chuckled a little when he sensed Yunho behind him. Before Yunho could even reach over to hug his beloved, Jaejoong had already captured the older vampire’s lips with his own ones. Taemin blushed, not used to such affection. He blushed even harder when he realized he did like the scent of Minho’s blood. 
‘It means we’re…’ 
“Taemin hyung?” 
“What is it, Minho?” Taemin looked up from his book, feeling bored. Minho, the ten year old boy sat beside the forever nineteen year old boy. Since he last killed his brother- Taemin had found out,  Minho had never ever fed since then. It was strange how he can survive on eating normal human food. Taemin could not stand human food at all, ever since he turned eight.
“I’m bored.” 
“Why don’t you go play soccer?” Taemin asked, sitting up properly. 
“Alone?” he whined. “I miss the city already, I hardly have any friends here!” 
Taemin flinched at the word ‘city’. So Minho wanted to go back. Thing is, he can’t. He was a hidden vampire, he could lose control any moment and kill many humans, risking the vampires’ safety too. Until Minho had completely found his old self, he was not to step out of the school. “I’m sorry, Minho. You can’t go back to the city.” 
Taemin the natural brown locks of the boy’s hair, not the normal black. Minho purred, feeling contented Taemin’s affection given to him, and him only. He realized that when he saw Taemin glaring at almost everyone, except a few like Jaejoong or Kibum. And when with Minho, Taemin could only smile. “Hyung…” 
“Yes, Minho?” 
“When do you think I can go back to the city?” He asked softly. Taemin sighed, his head landing softly on the pillow. 
“Do you really want to go back?” Taemin said quietly, watching Minho cuddle up to him. “Do you want to leave me here?” 
“When I can go back to the city, I’m taking you with me,” Minho whispered. Taemin smiled fondly at the boy hugged him tightly. Minho took in a good amount of Taemin’s scent and sighed at the mild sweetness of it.
“That’s nice, Minho… Thank you.”
Taemin slammed his fist on the table, unable to take more of the that was happening right in front of him. “If you want to nag the hell out of me for my lousy work, go ahead. But don’t insult Minho, songsaengnim.” 
The female vampire growled. “I do whatever I want, Taemin. Besides, Minho is human. I get to say what I want to say.” 
Jaejoong tried to calm Taemin down. But once Taemin was angry, there was no returning. The boy’s eyes turned bloody red and he stood up. He marched over to the teacher and pinned her to the wall, with only one hand around her neck. “Aren’t you going to apologize to me? To Minho? Minho’s not human, he’s a hidden vampire just like me. Get your facts right.” 
She thrashed around in his grip. No one stepped forward to help because they knew Taemin wasn’t going to go easy on them. “Let your teacher down!” 
“I won’t, songsaengnim,” he laughed mockingly. “Apologize. Before I kill you. Remember, you’re just my teacher.” 
“I can’t hear you,” Taemin snarled, his palm pressing against tightly. She gasped. 
“Taemin ah!” 
Taemin turned his head towards the opened door. “Kibum hyung?” 
“Get your hands off your teacher! Minho’s hurt!” Kibum yelled and caught his breath. Taemin’s eyes widened and let go immediately. His inhuman speed got him to his room in a few seconds, thankfully. He could hear a crash in the room. Kibum appeared behind him. 
“I can hear him screaming. I don’t want to go in. You should do it instead.” 
Taemin nodded his head and burst into the room anxiously. He shut the door quietly, trying not to alarm Minho. But he could sense the fear that was radiating from the younger boy. So he tried calling his name, as he followed the pieces of broken glass and a phone. Taemin grimaced slightly. “Minho ah?” 
It was shocking, his speed. For a human to move so fast, and overpower a vampire, it was impossible. Taemin found himself being pinned down onto the bed by the taller boy. Minho had grown fast, his fifteen year old height a few centimeters taller than Taemin, “Minho!” 
The boy in front of him had blood red eyes, and fangs. Fangs. Taemin gripped Minho’s arms tightly. Minho was scared, he could tell. While he might be throwing things around, he was frustrated and mostly scared. “T-Taemin hyung.” 
“Minho, I need you to breathe, d-don’t do anything stupid,” the vampire whispered.
“I can’t do that,” Minho whispered into Taemin’s ear and gave it a quick . Taemin’s breath hitched, anticipating for what was about to come next. 
“I’m sorry, hyung. Y-you’re so pretty and I always wanted to…” Minho stopped at the crook of Taemin’s neck and he panted, eyeing the pale, desirable patch of Taemin’s skin. He could scent the sweet scent of the blood that flowed within Taemin’s body. And he craved for it. It was like how he felt nine years ago, hungry. But he out without knowing anything. This time, he was hungry and in more torture, staying away from Taemin. His Taemin. 
It was an instinct to Taemin’s neck first. The vampire underneath him shuddered, his lips parted to let out a whimper. “Minho, it’s ok. It’s alright…” 
“I really like you… Is that wrong?” Minho whispered. Then he sunk his fangs into the skin, sending drips of warm blood out. Taemin gasped, grabbing Minho’s neck, trying to be gently. Minho at the wound, his tongue up as much blood as he can. His hunger intensified and he yearned for more. But he was afraid that Taemin would die like his brother did. And on the other hand, he wanted this. He wanted to swallow every drop of delicious blood. 
Taemin moaned softly. How pleasurable… He rolled his head to the side, giving him more excess. Minho smirked against his skin.“M-Minho.” 
Minho greedily drank a few more gulps before the wound slowly, savoring the last few drops and healing it completely. Taemin looked back up at Minho, who’s eyes were slowly fading back to brown. The smug smirk was not there anymore. Instead, it was just a guilty look. “Minho-” 
“I’m so sorry, Taemin hyung,” Minho buried his face in his palms, unable to look at the older boy. Taemin pried his hands away. 
“Look at me.” 
Minho unwillingly opened his eyes, taking in the sight of a flushed Taemin. His eyes were half lidded and his lips were parted. A few droplets of sweat remained on his forehead, and his hair was plastered to his skin.
“I’m not mad at you.” 
“You’re not?” 
Taemin smiled and pulled Minho down, rolling over to straddle Minho’s hips. Taemin leaned in playfully. “I like you too, Minho ah,” Taemin kissed the lips of the boy, which tasted of his own blood. Minho had his tongue into Taemin’s mouth, exploring excitedly. 
And only someone else had this lips. He only allowed one person to kiss him like this.
‘It might be you after all.’ 
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Chapter 1: Well ok I can get on board with this, i like this vampire au. Reminds me of the manga vampire knight :) Tho very disappointed you didn't write a sequel when you said you was gonna
This is good!^^
wow!!! this is so good!!!
Nice story <3
Please make a sequel :D
who is this "one person"? I am dying of curiosity.. This def calls for another part! (pretty please?)
But whoever this is, do not care, I need Taemin to love Minho unconditionaly XD
shirokuroi #7
what a great story XD
aoiworld #8
Love it......where's the link of sequel*looking around*
yspazz234 #9
Very sweet.
Great short story, I wish it would be longer but hopefully the sequal will be longer than this one. :)