One Love

One Love


When Hyukjae and his two brothers arrived to the neighborhood; they were well welcome; there were kids everywhere; kids just like them.
Hyukjae was only nine years old; Leeteuk; his older brother was twelve years old while his other brother; Siwon, was eleven years old.
Just next to his house; there was a pair of siblings; Heechul and Sungmin; the older was of the age of Leeteuk so they quickly became best friends and would always be all grown up for the rest since they all were kids; they would always disappear from everybody’s sight and everybody could notice how they were really close to each other. They used to attend the same school and they were just so happy because they could spend time together.
Just in front of Hyukjae’s house were three more kids; the older one, Kibum, was the same age from Siwon and they attended the same school too so they quickly became friends too. Then there was Kyuhyun; who was just seven years old; that meant two years younger than Hyukjae. And there was also this little kid Donghae, who was just a year younger than Kyuhyun and three years older than Sungmin who lived crossing the street.
It was funny; Hyukjae learnt they were now his friends; they would always hang out together; but as the months passed; only little Kyuhyun, little Sungmin, little Donghae and him remained as a group. Heechul and Siwon would always tell Hyukjae he was the oldest of the group; and he was; but he didn’t care at all since he always had fun with all of them.
The four of them used to play together and little Hyukjae grew closer to each of them.
“How have you been?” Hyukjae asked little Kyuhyun when the latter was waiting for him outside his school. “Everything’s alright?” He asked while ruffling little Kyuhyun’s hair.
Little Kyuhyun smiled widely. “Yes!” He exclaimed happily while grabbing Hyukjae’s hand. “Let’s go home!” He exclaimed dragging Hyukjae towards their happy street where little Sungmin and little Donghae were waiting for them to play together.
Little Kyuhyun and Hyukjae used to be always like that; and people didn’t seem to matter the fact that they were always holding hands, waiting each other and they got used to little Kyuhyun’s possessiveness.
“You’re so cute Kyu!” Hyukjae squealed when the smaller kid told him something from his day at the school.
“I’m not cute!” Little Kyuhyun said pouting and Hyukjae couldn’t help but squeal again.
“If you grow taller than me then you can be my boyfriend.” Hyukjae said as a joke, forgetting about it three minutes later; little Kyuhyun was like that; little. Hyukjae didn’t possible though that the younger male would actually grow up.
Little Kyuhyun’s eyes brightened and nodded vigorously before hugging Hyukjae tightly and dragging him to their home.
It was like a silent rule; every day after classes they would make their homework and then go out to play together or just talk in Hyukjae’s porch; Hyukjae was just about to go to Junior high School; but that didn’t stop him from getting a nice time with his younger neighbors.
“Hey Kyu!” Hyukjae greeted when he came back from the Junior High School; he was already thirteen years old. “How are you?”
“I’m fine!” Eleven years old Kyuhyun answered happily standing up from his seat and giving Hyukjae a huge hug before sitting down again and chatting happily; only the four of them. Kyuhyun never let their hands away; he would always make sure they were holding hands no matter what.
“Ok guys…” Hyukjae started after a few hours of just being there telling jokes and chatting silly things. “It’s already dark, go home now.” He ordered and everybody nodded; knowing they would actually meet the next day.
“You have to go too Kyu.” Hyukjae giggled when Kyuhyun was only looking at their intertwined hands.
“Just if you give me a kiss!” Kyuhyun turned up and asked with a bright smile in his face.
Hyukjae giggled again before kissing softly Kyuhyun’s cheek. “There.” He said smiling. “Now go home or your mother will scold me.”
Kyuhyun would always ask for the same; since when? Hyukjae can’t actually tell; he doesn’t remember even one day when the latter didn’t ask him for a kiss and he will gladly comply.
Kyuhyun nodded happily and before going to his house; he took a step closer and looked at his height. “Almost.” We whispered and waved Hyukjae goodbye; leaving the latter dumbfounded; but Hyukjae was getting used to it; Kyuhyun would always see if he grew taller than Hyukjae; though Hyukjae didn’t have an idea of why he wanted to do that.
Hyukjae was already in his second year of High School and Kyuhyun was getting annoyed since it was still a year left so he could go to the same school than the older male. He made sure to always drink enough milk and proteins; he wanted to be tall and grow up quick so he could pass Hyukjae.
“Kyu!” Hyukjae yelled happily when he arrived home.
“Hey Hyukkie!” Kyuhyun yelled back standing again and hugging Hyukjae; just as usual.
“Guess what Kyu?!” Hyukjae asked super excited and Kyuhyun’s lips drew a huge smile; he enjoyed seeing Hyukjae happy.
“What happened Hyukkie?” Kyuhyun asked holding on Hyukjae’s hand.
“Yesung asked me to be his boyfriend!” Hyukjae yelled happily; totally ignoring how Kyuhyun’s smile faded away and he was now trying to restrain his tears from falling.
“A-And…” He trailed off making sure his hand was still holding Hyukjae’s. “W-What did you say?” He asked nervously while looking at Hyukjae’s eyes.
Hyukjae smiled brightly. “I told him yes!” Hyukjae clapped; leaving Kyuhyun’s hand tasted the feeling of emptiness and coldness.
Kyuhyun wanted to be Hyukjae’s very first boyfriend.
That day Kyuhyun cursed neither Sungmin nor Donghae could go out; because he didn’t want to listen at Hyukjae talking all day about Yesung. He just hated it.
Kyuhyun and Hyukjae were still the best friends; but they couldn’t deny Hyukjae was just distant since he would always be talking by the phone to Yesung or going out with the later. Leaving Kyuhyun swallow all his pain.
“K-Kyu…” Hyukjae once arrived with swollen eyes and Kyuhyun hugged him immediately; cursing now because he didn’t grow taller as to comfort Hyukjae completely.
“What happened Hyukkie?” Kyuhyun asked still hugging Hyukjae who hugged him back and started crying again.
“Ye-Yesung…” Hyukjae whispered whining. “He left me!” Hyukjae finally said and hugged Kyuhyun tightly.
“I will kill him…” Kyuhyun said with eyes full of anger; just loud enough as for the wind to hear; not Hyukjae. He hated how Yesung just hurt his beloved Hyukjae; he hated how Hyukjae was nothing for him. Because Kyuhyun had to admit; that Hyukjae became his everything since the first day they saw each other.
Kyuhyun had to comfort Hyukjae for almost three weeks; telling him how Yesung was stupid enough as to leave the city without telling or talking to Hyukjae.
Another year passed and Kyuhyun was happy; Hyukjae forgot everything about Yesung and now he was smiling like he used to; they still played childish games; they still were four people outside Hyukjae’s house. It was still the same.
Kyuhyun was happy because that was the year he would have to get the nearest to Hyukjae; he was going to attend the same school and he couldn’t be happier to do it.
They started their old habits once again; Hyukjae or Kyuhyun would wait and they would walk towards their home; always holding hands.
Kyuhyun became a careless child when Hyukjae had his second boyfriend; Hankyung. He hated the latter; he just couldn’t stand seeing them together. He preferred going out of his house and not going back until dawn.
“Don’t be like this Kyu!” Hyukjae once scolded him. “I don’t want you to become a bad boy.” He said honestly and Kyuhyun just laughed.
“As if you cared.” Kyuhyun said regretting it when he saw Hyukjae’s saddened face. “Ok ok!” He yelled. “I won’t do it anymore!” He admitted defeat; Hyukjae could just convince him from doing anything.
Time passed and Hyukjae was still with Hankyung. It was almost a year and they were still together; Kyuhyun had almost ten girlfriends in that period of time; he was just thirteen but he was so handsome no girl could ever resist.
Kyuhyun didn’t know why he kept on watching over his height; he just couldn’t help it but to stand by Hyukjae’s side and cursing when he knew he was smaller. It wasn’t as if Hyukjae remembered his promise.
“You won’t surpass me Kyu!” Hyukjae said once. “I will always be taller!” He joked.
Hyukjae didn’t know how much those words pierced Kyuhyun’s heart. “I will!” Kyuhyun said pouting and going back home.
Hyukjae just giggled.
“I broke up with Hankyung.” Hyukjae said flatly; they were on vacation and Hyukjae would go to High School soon. Kyuhyun couldn’t believe his luck when he noticed High School and his Junior High were on the opposite side of the town.
“Really?!” Kyuhyun asked excited with a huge grin in his face no one could ever hide.
“I thought you really loved him…” Sungmin said while still playing with Donghae.
“You two really looked good together.” Donghae said gaining a mortal glare from Kyuhyun. He knew he was going to regret it once they were at their home; with no Hyukjae to defend him. “B-But I didn’t like him!” Donghae said smiling nervously and looking at Kyuhyun’s stare.
“Why did you break up with him?” Kyuhyun asked happy and curious at the same time.
“I got bored.” Hyukjae said smiling as if that were nothing. Kyuhyun made a mental note of not making Hyukjae bored.
“Hyukkie! Aren’t you excited you’re going into High School?!” Donghae asked changing the topic completely; just as usual.
Hyukjae’s face brightened. “I wanted to talk to you about that!” He said excited. “I’m going to study in the best high school in the whole country!” He yelled happily.
“What?” Kyuhyun asked frowning lightly; He didn’t like this even a little.
“I got a scholarship and they will take me in.” Hyukjae said pointing the nothing with his finger and not even trying to hide his smile. “That means I will move from here.”
Kyuhyun’s shoulders fell; just as his heart broke.
“Y-You’re moving out?” He asked with his heart in pieces. Hyukjae nodded. “Your parents too?” He asked nervously.
Hyukjae smiled softly. “Of course not pabo!” He exclaimed squeezing Kyuhyun’s hand; they were still in that habit. “It will be just me!”
Hyukjae felt how Kyuhyun relaxed a little just by the way he was holding on Kyuhyun’s hand; he liked doing that, it felt like he wasn’t alone anymore. They had stopped giving kisses to each other since they grew up and it could be misunderstood.
“I will miss you so much Hyukkie!” Kyuhyun suddenly said and hugged Hyukjae tightly. “Promise me you will come back often…” He whispered and Hyukjae hugged back nodding.
“I will miss you too.” Hyukjae said smiling. “So I will be coming here often just to see you all”
Kyuhyun’s lips drew a smile. “I’ll be taller than you the next time you come here.” He said with a playful smile in his face.
“I really think that way!” Donghae exclaimed. “You’re growing up like a monster!”
Hyukjae giggled. “Yah!” He exclaimed with a bright smile.
“Let’s get some ice cream Sungmin!” Donghae yelled as his mother came to their home with her bags of groceries.
“Yay!” Sungmin yelled before running after Sungmin.
“Want some?” Kyuhyun asked smiling softly at Hyukjae.
Hyukjae nodded and accepted Kyuhyun’s hand when the latter offered him. “Kyu?” Hyukjae called pulling Kyuhyun’s hand to him.
“Yes?” Kyuhyun asked while smiling at Hyukjae.
“Thanks.” Hyukjae said giving Kyuhyun a kiss in his cheek and dragging the now unconscious boy with him so they could get some ice cream.
Hyukjae looked at his hand and he could feel it was empty; he pouted and he didn’t know why; ha had been already a year in his new school and he still didn’t feel completely happy; he felt bad because he hadn’t go home in the whole year; but it was because it was a demanding school.
It wasn’t his house what he missed the most; it wasn’t his parents nor his brothers. He knew he missed Kyuhyun the most.
Hyukjae fell asleep while reading something about math. That night Hyukjae had a dream and woke up smiling brightly.
“Hey Kyu…” Hyukjae greeted casually when he spotted Kyuhyun was sitting in the placed they used to sit. “How are- WOW!” He exclaimed when Kyuhyun turned around.
“Hyukkie!” Kyuhyun yelled standing up and hugging the stunned Hyukjae. “What’s wrong?” He asked when he felt no response from Hyukjae.
“Y-You’re huge!” Hyukjae said blushing lightly.
Kyuhyun chuckled. “I told you I would be taller than you when you came back.” He grinned. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey!” Hyukjae exclaimed. “Can’t I come to my own house now?!” He asked faking being hurt and pouting while blushing lightly.
Kyuhyun smiled softly. “I’m so happy you are here!” He said while giving a kiss on Hyukjae’s cheek.
Hyukjae could feel his heart beat faster and faster; he could see Kyuhyun’s face near his and he felt he was going to explode.
“But seriously, how could you grow all that in such a little amount of time?!” Hyukjae exclaimed as examining Kyuhyun. “You dyed your hair too…” He said softly as his fingers found their way to Kyuhyun’s brown hair.
Kyuhyun smiled wider. “And you became prettier.” He said making Hyukjae blush even more.
Kyuhyun’s hands were resting in Hyukjae’s waist; he didn’t know why Kyuhyun’s embrace changed so much; it was childish before; but this time it was different.
“How come you got muscles now?” Hyukjae asked as his hands traced Kyuhyun’s arms.
“How come your lips are so kissable now?” Kyuhyun asked back and Hyukjae couldn’t believe his ears.
“Yah Kyuhyun!” He said with a red face. “What are you talking about?!” He asked nervously.
“I’m just kidding Hyukkie!” Kyuhyun said as he released Hyukjae and sat down once again, patting his side so Hyukjae could sit there.
Hyukjae didn’t know why he became mad; it was probably because Kyuhyun said he was kidding; or maybe it was because the latter let go of him. He felt wrong not being hugged by Kyuhyun anymore.
“Forget it.” Hyukjae said frowning. “I’m tired; I’ll go rest a while.” He said while walking to his house with heavy steps.
“Hyukkie!” Kyuhyun called grabbing Hyukjae’s hand. “Why are you mad all of a sudden?” Kyuhyun asked hugging once again Hyukjae’s waist.
Hyukjae got lost n Kyuhyun’s eyes. “When did you become so handsome Kyu?” Hyukjae asked not thinking and tracing his fingers in Kyuhyun’s cheek. He blushed hard when he realized what he did.
“I have been always handsome Hyuk!” Kyuhyun exclaimed laughing lightly but really happy Hyukjae thought of him that way.
“Really?” Hyukjae asked almost in a whisper while leaning up to capture Kyuhyun’s lips with his.
The kiss was light; their eyes were closed and they could feel the mixed emotions coming from there. They broke apart after a few seconds and they just stood there; watching each other’s lovingly eyes.
Hyukjae blushed when he realized he was the one who kissed Kyuhyun. “I have to go!” He exclaimed releasing himself as quickly as he could and entering his house leaving a confused but super happy Kyuhyun behind.
Hyukjae decided to wake up early or more like he couldn’t sleep thinking of what he did last day.
“Why did I run seriously?!” Hyukjae scolded himself while going out to the balcony of his house to grab some fresh air.
It was just three am and he thought he was crazy; he sat down there, until he heard a guitar playing. Hyukjae turned around and he smiled when he saw Kyuhyun playing the instrument and looking at him. Their houses were in front of each other; so when they went out to the balcony; they could see each other clearly; just from a little afar.
Kyuhyun started singing and Hyukjae found himself closing his eyes and enjoying Kyuhyun’s voice. “Thanks Hyukkie.” Kyuhyun said when he finished the love song. Hyukjae blushed.
“I think I own you an explanation right?” Hyukjae asked smiling nervously.
Kyuhyun shook his head lightly. “Not really.” He said chuckling and pointing at his lips. “That was enough for me as to not give up.”
Hyukjae blushed even harder and he thanked the heavens the light coming from the street lights was weak or else Kyuhyun could have seen his red face.
“Hyukkie…” Kyuhyun called and Hyukjae turned to see the latter. Kyuhyun just signaled down with his finger and Hyukjae knew he wanted to talk in their usual place.
Kyuhyun climbed down while Hyukjae decided to take the stairs. “Hey…” Hyukjae greeted shy and nervous.
“Hey!” Kyuhyun greeted back happily and hugged Hyukjae as soon as he could. “I couldn’t sleep at all you know.” He confessed while smelling Hyukjae’s soft hair. “I was so excited.”
“That’s not good Kyu.” Hyukjae said pushing away lightly and touching Kyuhyun’s forehead. 2You could get sick.”
Kyuhyun took Hyukjae’s hand and kissed it lightly. “You know…” He started while watching Hyukjae’s eyes deeply. “I always dreamt with the day I would kiss you…” He said while rubbing Hyukjae’s lips. “Every time was perfect in my mind; I would kiss you and it would be perfect…”
“But then you kissed me.” Kyuhyun said smiling softly. “I never ever dreamt about that; I always thought I was going to be the one to do it.”
“Kyu I-”
“It was even better that any of my dreams; your lips were much softer than I ever imagined when they touched mine; the sensations I got were far more intense than when I imagined.” Kyuhyun continued leaning closer. “You never fail to surprise me.” He finished kissing Hyukjae’s lips and rounding his arms in Hyukjae’s waist.
Hyukjae didn’t protest; he placed his hands in Kyuhyun’s neck and kissed back in an instant; they kissed and kissed until their breath was almost gone.
“Kyu…” Hyukjae called while taking Kyuhyun’s hair away from his forehead to get a better sight.
“Don’t tell me anything Hyukkie.” Kyuhyun said hugging Hyukjae. “Let me enjoy this moment.”
“But I really want to say something too Kyu!” Hyukjae pouted and Kyuhyun couldn’t resist.
“What is it then?” Kyuhyun asked drawing circles in Hyukjae’s back.
“I love you.” Hyukjae said smiling and finally letting go what he didn’t realize he felt. “I didn’t know how it happened…” Hyukjae said blushing. “But I just realized it…”
“I knew I loved you the moment I landed my eyes on you.” Kyuhyun said squeezing Hyukjae. “Please tell me this is not a dream again.”
Hyukjae chuckled and pushed away lightly. “It’s not.” He said with a soft smile and pecked Kyuhyun’s cheek.
Kyuhyun’s face brightened. “Finally!” He said shaking Hyukjae in excitement. “I thought I would never listen those words coming from you! I love you too!” Kyuhyun couldn’t smile wider and just kept on shaking Hyukjae playful and giving chaste kisses here and there in his entire face. “I love you! I love you!”
Hyukjae chuckled. “You already told me that Kyu.” He said enjoying Kyuhyun’s kisses.
“That’s because I love you!” Kyuhyun said excited. “Finally you’re mine! I had to stand those stupid guys from before!” He hissed frowning lightly.
“Are you talking about Yesung and Hankyung?” Hyukjae asked chuckling.
“ yes!” Kyuhyun yelled. “I was so jealous back then! Lucky bastards!”
“Kyuhyun!” Hyukjae scolded hitting Kyuhyun’s chest playful. “It’s not right to talk like that to older people!”
Kyuhyun faked hurt and pouted. “But I really hated them!” He whined. “I really wanted to be the first one to kiss you.”
Hyukjae chuckled. “What about you?” He asked lifting an eyebrow and pouting too. “You got like a lots of girls back then!”
Kyuhyun smirked. “But I never kissed them.” He said touching Hyukjae’s lips. “Not even once.” He rubbed Hyukjae’s lower lip until it was half open. “I was waiting for these lips my whole life.” He said closing his eyes and leaning closer to kiss Hyukjae once again; this time letting his tongue get inside and exploring every part of Hyukjae’s mouth.
“For your first kisses…” Hyukjae said panting when they broke apart from the heated kiss. “You’re just too good.” He admitted looking at Kyuhyun’s eyes.
“That’s because I can make miracles happen because of you.” Kyuhyun said kissing Hyukjae’s forehead, then his cheek, his nose, his jaw line, the corner of his lips; until he kissed Hyukjae gently fully in those red and pump lips.
“I can bet that.” Hyukjae said hugging Kyuhyun and resting his head in his chin. “You’re so handsome now Kyu.” He said closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of Kyuhyun’s heart beat.
“I did everything I could so I would be taller than you, you know?” Kyuhyun asked sighing. “Drinking milk, playing basket ball, making a lot of exercise; I was getting scared when you left; I thought I would never grow up.”
Hyukjae chuckled. “I’m so happy I told you that.”
Kyuhyun opened his eyes and pushed away to look at Hyukjae’s eyes. “Why?!” He asked confused.
“Because otherwise you would be a lazy and fat boy sitting on a couch and playing videogames.” Hyukjae said smiling.
“I still play video games though.” Kyuhyun said fixing his head in Hyukjae’s shoulder. “What should we do now?” He asked after a few seconds.
“What do you mean?” Hyukjae asked confused.
“Well…” Kyuhyun trailed off. “It’s three in the morning and we are here in pajamas.” He chuckled.
Hyukjae blushed when he noticed that. “Let’s just go and sleep…” Hyukjae said with a disappointed face.
“Can’t we just stay here a little longer?” Kyuhyun asked. “It’s been a year since I last hugged you.”
Hyukjae smiled. “If you want to.” He said flatly but inside he was really happy.
“You look so y in pajamas.” Kyuhyun whispered in Hyukjae’s ear teasingly once they were sitting one next to the other in Hyukjae’s porch, Kyuhyun’s hand in Hyukjae’s waist; never letting him go.
“Yah Kyuhyun!” Hyukjae scolded blushing hard. “You’re so young for that stuff!”
“I’m not.” Kyuhyun chuckled fixing himself so he was now resting his head in Hyukjae’s lap. “I still can’t believe it.” He said closing his eyes when Hyukjae started caressing his face.
“Believe it.” Hyukjae said smiling. “How much has it been Kyu?” Hyukjae asked more to himself.
“Seven years.” Kyuhyun answered sighing. “Seven years since the day I met you; it’s been seven years since the day I fell in love with you.”
“Amazing.” Hyukjae said smiling. “You should have told me before.”
“I tried.” Kyuhyun said opening his eyes and meeting with Hyukjae’s. “But then that stupid Yesung came; and then that idiot of Hankyung.”
Hyukjae laughed lightly. “Don’t curse over them Kyu.” Hyukjae scolded and Kyuhyun pouted. Hyukjae chuckled and leaned closer until their noses were touching. “Thanks for waiting.” He said and finally pecked on Kyuhyun’s lips.
“I was going to keep on waiting even if it lasted ten or a hundred years.” Kyuhyun said smiling.
Hyukjae chuckled. “Should I just pretend this was one of your dreams and play with you?” He asked to the wind and Kyuhyun opened his eyes widely.
“DON’T!” He yelled desperate standing up and grabbing Hyukjae’s shoulders as to not let him go. “Please…”
Hyukjae was shocked but happy. “I won’t do it Kyu!” He laughed. “So don’t worry okay?”
Kyuhyun nodded and hugged Hyukjae once again. “I like being with you.” He said smelling Hyukjae’s scent. “I like holding your hand and know you like my presence too.”
Hyukjae smiled. “Let’s be like this forever Kyu.”
“I won’t object to that!” Kyuhyun said happily and leaned closer so he could rest his head in Hyukjae’s shoulder. “I love you so much Hyukkie.” He hugged Hyukjae by the waist possessively.
Hyukjae giggled. “And I love you too Kyu.”


A/N: So~~
I got a lot of things to say about this story~~

first: this was written time ago and posted in LJ~ I didn't notice I haven't updated this on AFF! xD
Forgive me please! *bows*
I hope you enjoy this! ^^

second: This is a real story actually~~
it's my love story~
I was in Hyuk's place and my neighbor was like Kyu in here~~
I was so scared when he just suddenly grew up! O.o
Then I remembered why was that and keke~
I felt so guilty because I couldn't remember my promise!
but hey! I was so little back then!
how could he actually remember?!
and then I was the one who kissed him first too >///< (oh my~~)
exactly the same... xD

third: Enjoy reading!!
comment a lot!!

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Thank you!


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pillow4hyukjae #1
Chapter 1: your story?wow! omg! im soo happy for u!i hope u last forever with him... :) this is soo romantic :)
lovekyu85 #2
Chapter 1: story of yours? awwwww ~
niajae0411 #3
Chapter 1: true story of yours?? OHMYGOD... THAT WAS SO CUTE!! *faint* ;D
EvilJewelFish #4
Waaaaaaa....this so sweet....LOVE this. Maybe because this based on true story, i can feel kyuhyuk strong love.
Actually i love Eunhae but this Kyuhyuk...just...sweet. ^^
Wooow...i like it more knowing thos os based on a true story....sweet!!
wow this was amazing!!!!
michikokasiumi #8
0mygawd.. Its ur own story!? Woaaa.. So cuuuuute *u*
i read this one on ur LJ sometime ago . . But i like comment here since i know itz sooo easy to make the account n comment here :p
I love this omg!!
So sweet I think I have a thing for childhood fics.
And kyuhyuk.(!!!) I have found a great kyuhyuk writer and I'm just going to go devour the rest of your fics now.
maedeh #10
I have Q??? are U dating now too?
thanks it was fun