Come With Me

Come With Me

"What?” He asked shaking his head. “No… No!" He couldn't believe it. This wasn’t happening. Not again. Jonghyun had promised him.

Taemin had heard his boyfriend was coming home from a meeting in Japan and hopped on the first bus to go see him. Before Jonghyun had left, he promised Taemin that when he got back they would do nothing, but spend time together. Taemin didn’t know why he was surprised. He had hoped this time Jonghyun had meant what he said, but like many times before, as soon as Jonghyun’s words left his mouth, Taemin knew it wasn’t going to happen.

"Taemin, liste-," Before the other could finish his sentence; Taemin stood up and walked to the back of the bus. He sat down, crossing his arms and looked out the window angrily.

Jonghyun watched Taemin sit. He sighed as he stood up from his own seat and followed. He took a seat next to the redhead. He tried to get his attention by poking him, but Taemin ignored it.

"Tae, listen to me…" He said wanting Taemin would look at him, but with no luck. Taemin didn't budge. "Yah, Lee Taemin, look at me and listen to what I have to say or else." Jonghyun said with a stern voice.

Taemin turned around to face him. “Or else what?” He asked eager to hear Jonghyun’s excuse for breaking his promise, “You’ll just leave me again anyway.”

Jonghyun grabbed Taemin's shoulders and pulled him for a kiss. Taemin didn't want to kiss him back out of anger, but he couldn't resist Jonghyun soft lips. It was like magic. Taemin ended up kissing Jonghyun back and soon and kiss grew more intimate.

As much as Taemin wanted it, he knew a kiss wasn’t going to make up for Jonghyun not being there. After a short moment Jonghyun pulled away. He looked into Taemin's eyes as he caressed his cheek with his thumb. "It's just a week." He said quietly.

"Just a week.” Taemin said shaking his head and pulling away completely. “A week has 7 days. That's like a billion hours!"

"Actually, it's only 168 hours," Jonghyun corrected him, chuckling softly.

Taemin glared at Jonghyun and punched his arm. Hard.

"Ow! What was that for?" Jonghyun asked while rubbing the spot where Taemin just hit him. Sometimes Jonghyun would forget just how strong Taemin was.   

"Don't mock me! It’s not funny. You just got home. You haven't even been here a day and now you're leaving. It’s the first time I see you in 3 weeks," he pouted angrily. “How long do I have to wait before I can see you again?”

"I'm sorry.” Was the only thing Jonghyun could think to say.

Things weren’t always like this. There was a time when he and Taemin would go on dates, stay home and watch old movies. Even talk on the phone till the sun came up, but then Jonghyun inherited the hotel business from his retired father. Before he knew it he had grown accustom to airports and hotel rooms instead of his own home. He missed Taemin terribly, but there wasn’t really anything he could do.
If it were up to him he wouldn’t have taken job, but he didn’t have the heart to turn his old man down.

“A week here. 3 days there. Another 2 weeks after. It never ends,” Taemin said frustrated, looking at his hands.

Jonghyun brushed Taemin’s bangs from his face. “I can't help it.” Jonghyun replied, hugging his boyfriend. “You know this."

Jonghyun was right. Taemin did know. He knew before he and Jonghyun has started dating. He just didn’t think it would affect them so much.

"I know…" Taemin sighed sadly, clinging to Jonghyun tightly. He was scared to let go because letting go meant that Jonghyun would go away. “Come with me,” Taemin said suddenly. His eyes glistened with excitement. He couldn’t bear to let Jonghyun go. Not again. Not this time.

“W-what?” Jonghyun asked pulling away, not expecting Taemin to make such a request.

“This bus is taking me back to Busan. Come with me,” Taemin repeated. “You said yourself you hate this job and the only reason why you took it was because your father made you. How long are you going to keep on trying to please him? When are you going to start doing things that make you happy?”

Jonghyun sat in silence. He wanted Taemin. He wanted to be with Taemin more than anything in the world, but he couldn’t. He had a business to run and as much as he hated to admit it, his job did make him happy. “I… I can’t.” Jonghyun said looking away.

Taemin’s expression quickly fell. “You can’t?” He said tears threatening to fall “Or you won’t?”

Again Jonghyun was silent. That’s the only answer Taemin needed.

“You know what I’ve given up for you. I’ve never held it against you, but I don’t know how much longer I can keep waiting for you, Jonghyun. I’m begging you. Come with me.”

“I’m sorry, Taemin. I just can’t.”

They both heard the driver on the intercom. The bus was getting ready to head out.

“If I leave,” Taemin said as Jonghyun stood up. “I’m not coming back.”

“Don’t. Please don’t do this to us,” Jonghyun pleaded.

“I mean it, Jjong. I deserve to be happy too.”
Just a few hours ago it had been sunny. Now it was raining. Jonghyun felt his shoulders begin to soak as he walked down the sidewalk. He stopped to hail a taxi and turned to watch the bus pull out of the station.

Taemin closed his eyes allowing tears to stream down his cheeks. He rested his forehead against the cold glass and watched as the building soon became harder and harder to see because of the fog that was building up on the window.

Maybe it was fate’s cruel joke. Maybe it was bad timing. Maybe it was something else all together. Something they couldn’t explain. What they did know was that they couldn’t keep going on like this. Taemin had grown tired of waiting. Jonghyun had grown tired of letting him down.

Maybe in the future destiny would bring them together again, but as for now they had to go their separate ways.

‘No’ Jonghyun thought to himself. ‘This is a mistake.’
He had broken too many promises.
He had hurt Taemin too many times.
He had let his job get in the way of things that mattered to him, but not anymore.
He wasn’t going to lose Taemin.

Jonghyun could see the bus getting ready to turn to turn into the busy traffic. Before he had time to think anything over he began to run. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him.
‘Wait. Please.’ He begged as the bus began to pick up speed.
Cars honked and swerved out of the way as Jonghyun ran into the street.
His lungs burned and his legs felt numb. The faster he ran the farther the bus seemed to get.

“Taemin! Wait!” He shouted. “Stop! Don’t go!”
Jonghyun reached Taemin’s window, but was still too far to even touch the vehicle ‘Taemin, look at me. I’m right here.’ The bus would stop. It had to, but it didn’t.
Jonghyun’s came to a slow jog and then stopped all together. As he stood there to catch his breath, reality set in. He was too late. The bus was too far.
All Jonghyun could do was watch helplessly as it grew farther and farther away and slowly disappeared in the distance.

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Chapter 1: This is so sad?
Chapter 1: ;; this is the second time I read this. It's sad ;; I wish Taemin had seen him
lin_lin42879 #3
Aww :( so sad!!!! I wish taeminnie would've seen him in the end
Okay, I've read this. Why is there no comment? Well, I read it again. It was awesome >:3
And sad...


Jonghyun choose his job
Taemin just wanted him there
Now Tae will Min

T.T oh no! Why did it end like that??? So sad
heme-sanloveminho #6
Simple to Busan
and go find taemin.
Why why why Jonghyun choose his job? Sobs.
And why the bus didn't stop. Ughh.

Nice story ;)
nooo !!

why didn't Taemin glance back even for awhile ? T^T
jonghyun youuuu- sigh .

this is a nice one , really :)
great job ! ^^b