Say No


two-shot. first part in Heechul's POV, second part in HanGeng's POV

Been listening to HanGeng's album and feeling a Hanchul vibe, this is just a little piece of fluff.

might be slightly angsty i don't know, if it is well sorry about that.

English is not my mother tongue so please excuse any mistakes ^^


The last thing I expected to want was to learn Chinese, especially because of HanGeng's album.

The last thing I expected to hear was Say No, especially coming from the mouth of Kim Heechul.


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Chapter 2: Aaaaw, I cried :( It was so sad... but I am glad that there's a happy end!!! So cute, both of them.
monokalisto #2
Chapter 2: Why did I find this just now?!
I love it... Finally a little hanchul fluff... I always end up crying my heart out when I read about my favourite otp, it's not fair. ><
Your song, omo, it's so beautiful~ >///<
I've always wanted to write a song but I'm not talented in anything even close to artistic.
I like how you use both of the boys' povs so we could understand how they felt about each other~ <3
And I'd definitely love another chapter, two, three, etc~ :D
Thanks~ <3
Yes please! Another chapter!
or no I just want another chapter of this awesome story! *^*
Please? Pretty Please? :l
I love this story so much! Their relationship is so beautiful is so many ways! T^T
amuse_otaku #4
Yeahh, sweet Chulie is so adorable and possesive HanGeng, I love it!! And scene,, hmmm, gladly ,, ^^
Gahhhhh~ this is so beautifully written! The snappy comments! I love the part about the short hair at the beginning! Than the flashback and the fluff bits! So cute! And the whole language thing and song us really adorable! Thank you so much for this~ oh and you know a good short Hanchul chapter is ALWAYS warmly welcomed XDDDDDD