Just a Memory

Memories Of The Past

You may choose any song you like, if the song finishes before you finish reading, you may replay or open the other one.

Baek Ji Young - Don't forget

Shin Jae - Tears are falling


Your P.O.V

I look to my right, I saw us. Our 1st Anniversary picture, we were fine back then. When you used to call me yours, and when I'm used to your late night calls. It had only been a memory buried deep in my heart, where all our memories lie.

I look to my left, I saw it. The first gift you ever gave to me, Mr. Teddy. It can talk you know, at night it will sing to me. You were my radio, you were my light. You would sing me to sleep, even though you were tired. When you had a sore throat, you keep on singing till I fell asleep.

The ice you break, the water you wipes, the heat you create, the feelings I developed. It all connects to you, yes you. When you break the ice of my heart, wipes my tears in the cold night, the things that you do till I blushed, the love you make me experience. Because of you, and will always be you.


''Don't cry, I'll always be by your side,''

You said you'll always be by my side, but where are you now? I'm crying now, but where are you. You lied, you promised me lies. The time I cried, you were always here for me. But why are you not here, now?


''You're beautiful, you're my beautiful girl,''

Lying is bad for your future, did you know that? You said I'm beautiful, then why did you leave me. I'm your beautiful girl? You called her the same. Waiting for the day where you would only call me Your Beautiful Girl, only me.


''I love you,''

Don't tell me you loved me if you didn't mean it. You said it all the time, but I wonder if you really meant it. Did you really love me? Did you really mean it? One day you'll know what it feels to be broken.


''You are my number one,''

No matter how hard I try, I'm always the second choice, always. I was never your number one, but to me you are. The time we would go wear couple t-shirts, it was never the same color, pattern, you never wanted me to be the one.


"We're a couple made by heaven,"

Stupid, I'm not a spirit from heaven. I'm still alive, breathing for you. Maybe one day you'll come back, return to me. When the time comes for me to leave, then that's the time we would be a couple made in heaven.


"I'll be your other half for eternity,"

My other half should be beside me, smiling at me. Make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world, like we are the only couple in the world. You're not here, beside me. 


"No one can hurt you,"

You're wrong, someone did, really deep. You, you are the one who's hurting me. I thought no one can hurt me, does that means only you can? You're wrong, no one can, not even you.


"Don't leave me alone,"

I didn't, you did. I never leave you, never will. You're here, in my heart forever. Where did you put me? Somewhere that I never thought off.


"Just close your eyes,"

Why would I? So that you can leave me without me seeing it? I'm sorry, my eyes are all open at you, and will always do. 


"I can fly to wonderland,"

Far away from reality, from me. Too bad, you're not a bird. Humans can't fly, they don't have wings like angels. Wonderland was never real actually.


"Be happy,"

How can I be happy if you are not here with me. How can I be happy if it's not you who caused it. How can I, be happy? Will it change the fact that you're not mine, anymore?


"This is our secret place,"

It still is, just there are no us, just me. It's still beautiful, but there's no sparkle to bright it up. We would always come here at night to admire the stars. Where you would always said that my eyes are shining, and how hard for you to not kiss me. No more us, just me.

I walked slowly towards our my bedroom. Your scent fills the air, sweet, like you. I sat at the edge of the bed, caressing the pillow we used to share. I don't regret anything, never will. I'm doing this for us, for you.

Tears fell as I walked to the balcony. The wind blows quietly, like they sense my sorrow. I tried my best to smile, I really did. But those tears, my tears betrayed me. I cried even more, cupping a hand over my mouth, trying to hold back those whimpers.


"Oppa, what did you like better. Short or long hair?" The girl asked.

"Anything would be fine. I would still love you even if you are bald" The boy chuckled.

"OPPA!" The girl whined.


It was a memory I saw, at the green land below the balcony. We were walking, enjoying each other presence. It was still fresh in my memory, not wanting to be forgotten. Why can't I forget all this? Because I love you, with all my heart. And I wished, I had told you that.


"Oppa, why do you like me?" The girl tilted her head to the side as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Because, you are you. You are what you really are. Not some girl that just wants attention, you are who you really are. You are my girlfriend," The boy said and kissed her.

"Hey, not fair. That was a line from a movie!" She pouted.

"It was originally my line. I'm the script writer friend you know, mehrong~" He winked and continue on walking hand-in-hand.


I smiled again, sadder than before. I'm who I really am huh? I laughed half-heartedly, the scene begun to fade, replaced by another one. A boy standing while a girl was sitting on the swing.


"Stop crying will you! It's just a scratch!" The boy scolded the petite little girl.

"It....hurts," The girl said to no one, softly but hearable.

"Does it hurts that much?" He sighed as he kneels down. Touching the scratch by the tip of his finger.

"It really hurts," She winced as she pushed his hand slowly not wanting to hurt more.

"Mian, get on my back. I'll carry you home, since you injured your knees," He pointed out, already back facing her. The girl obeyed as she circled her hands around his neck, burying her face at his neck.


I remember that time, when we were kid, I fell down. You scolded me for being clumsy, but ended up carrying me home. You even help me clean the blood and all. It was the first time you carried me also. Tears forming again, there was time where you would nag at me for being such a lazy girl.


Did you eat well? Did you get enough of rest? I'm worried, of course I would. Every time I eat, I would remember you and wonder did you eat well. If only I can turn back time, then I would stop you from leaving. I hate goodbyes and you knew that, but why? Why did you bid goodbye?


I walked to the backyard, it was facing the neighbor's garden. Chi Hoon the name, he is an ulzzang. The tree of us were best friend, we would go to the beach together. Now, I'm all alone, Chi Hoon was rarely home when I was home. He would be modeling and studying, he had asked me if I wanted to try modeling. I declined, I'm not fond with cameras.


I walked back inside, the kitchen. I went to the kitchen, what shocked me the most is, I saw you smiling towards me. I blinked, and when I opened my eyes, you were gone. Now how I hope, I didn't blink, I hoped. Every steps I take, reminded me of you. Hence, almost everything I do remind me of you.


I went to the music room, more memories came to sight. You would teach me how to play the piano here. You would sing to me here, also. Everything that had been done by me, used to be done with you.


I glanced at the clock; 9:30. It's already dark outside, inside too. No sound, just silence. No us, just me. I sighed as I walked towards the garden, full of flowers, my favorite. I lay down, not minding if the grasses are wet or muddy. There are many stars tonight, they say that stars can brighten up every creature. I disagree with that, it can't brighten me up. Only your smiles can, those angelic smiles of yours.


Tears fell, again. But this time it brought it friends; the rain. Droplets by droplets fall, mixed with my tears. I was half wet, and I don't care. Soaked me till I die, no one care, no one ever did. It was cold, very cold. Plus, I'm wearing a t-shirt and short shorts. I get up, walking slowly, painfully to my house.


You know what, I'm not deaf nor blind. I choose to let it go, but you took advantage of my pain. You lied, even more, its hurts so much. You could have just told me, really don't need to lie. I thought you said no lies, just truth. Your actions betrayed your words, and that's so not like you.


I should have not let you go, I should have not agree with you. You never said the consequence of it. Did you even plan to inform me? I thought you were different, but no. You are no different.


I didn't watch you today, I stop. No use of keep on watching when you don't even know it. And I know, even if I watch, you would not search for me, you would search for her. I didn't believe in true friendship till I met you, and I didn't believe in first love heart break till I met you too. 


I'm trying hard not to cry again, it'll make the pain worsen then. I don't want to open the television, cause then I'll see you. I don't want to listen to the radio, I'll hear you then. I want to go on a walk, but it's raining and dark outside. Sitting here is boring, but waiting for you is painful. 


I'm moving, I am moving to a place far away from here. A place where you couldn't reached for me, a place where you couldn't see me. Very far from here, just thought that if I was away from you maybe I can move on, like you. Maybe I will come back, maybe I won't make it back. Depends, if I'm strong like you. I don't want to leave this place, but I need to forget you, forget everything about us. I want to forget about the past. 


"Umm, hello. Who is this?" The one I call answered.


"Hello? I'm hanging u-"

"I'm leaving," I simply said and wait for his response.

"...Seulki?" He gasps through the phone.


"Nam Seulki?" He questioned.

"I'm leaving, I love you but I have to leave," 

"Wait, Seul -" I hang up, I had heard his voice and that was enough.


My phone vibrated, signaling someone called. It was him, his number was showed. I wanted to press the accept button, but then it will be hard to leave. I send the busy tone, but it seems like he won't give up. I set the phone on silence and walked out, still raining. I don't care, it’s not like I'm going to kill myself in the rain, drama queen much. The phone? I brought it of course, duh.


I walked past the stores, leading me to the park. I am now soaking wet, right after I dried from the first rain. I carefully walked towards the swing, remember the scene where I scratch my knees? This is the park, the park once filled with our laughter. The stars kept on brightening the whole wide world, probably trying it best to cheer me up. Thanks but, no thanks.


I sat on the swing, swinging back and forth slowly. The rain poured harder, thunder came. I hated thunders, hated not hate, hated. I started to learn that thunder was only trying it best to make us surprises, humans like surprises right, they give us surprise. My phone vibrate again, but this time it was not his number, it was a number I once get when I was in high school. I get up, and walked towards the road, no cars just me and the rain. I picked it up, and placed it at my ear.


"Nam Seulki, where are you now?" The voice sounded, worried.


"I asked you where you are?!" He shouted, a hint of tiredness.

"Our sec-" "BAM!" 

"Seulki! Seulki!" The voice still shouted.


3rd P.O.V

The voice kept on shouting and shouting. Closer, and closer. There he was, running towards the so call our sec. He saw the girl, lying helplessly on the ground. Blood all over her, there was no one to help her.

"SEULKI!" He shouted as he ran towards the body, dialing 911 on his way.

He said something to the phone and continue on shaking the girl up.

"Seulki, Seulki. Come on wake up. I'm here now, come one wake up!" He cried as he shakes her.


The ambulance arrived and take her away, he went with them. Holding her hand tightly, kissing it. Tears fell down, staining her shirt. He look at the girl, he once love, love not loved. He was too busy to handle two jobs in one time. He wasn't allowed to date also, he had to break the girl's heart. He didn't meant to, even the girl herself let him go.


"You can't leave me, not again. Nam Seulki wake up," He tried again, crying even more.

"Wake up Seulki, don't leave me. Not when I just found you, wake up my little Angel," He continued after, kissing her hands.



"Suho ahjussi, why are you wearing nicely today?" The girl asks.

"Ooh, this? I wanted to dress up charmingly for my little Angel," Suho pinched her cheeks, a glint if sadness in his eyes.

"Seulki, how old are you?" The doctor asks, as he walks in.

"10 years old," Seulki said showing 10 fingers. Suho look at her in sadness while the doctor patted his back.

"Bacon ahjussi, why are you so quiet today?" Seulki walked towards Baekhyun, who was looking outside the window.

"Nothing, Seulki," Baekhyun said, closing his eyes.

"Suho ahjussi, where's Joonmyun oppa?" Seulki asks.


Baekhyun looked at Suho worriedly, his hyung had tears in his eyes. Still smiling for Seulki, for his little Angel. Seulki had amnesia actually, when she wakes up, her mind and brain started when she was 10 years old. Where, she and Suho was still children, a happy one. With no problems, with no love problems. She was back to her old self, the curious, happy, caring self. The doctor said, it was hard to get the memories back. Since her brain wanted to stay in that condition. Baekhyun and Suho left the room, sitting outside not wanting to break down in front of her.


"Are you sure, you wanted to do this?" A voice asked.

"This is the only way, I can be happy again. By re doing the past. This is just a memory, memories of the past," A tiny voiced answered; Seulki.

"I love him, I still do. But, I need to do this. For us, for him and for me," She continued after, wiping the tears that were forming.


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misscarat #1
Chapter 1: Crying because this was so good good job ;-;
HaRPMami #2
Chapter 2: Wow, this story really made me cry. Keep up the good work Unnie~!
kimsfangirl #3
Chapter 1: Sad.. that is a word that can describe the whole story..
Chapter 1: Made me cry a bit and perfect for Baek JiYoung's Don't Forget... Coincidentally, the track that I have came from a fanmade video with an accident scene.... just perfect^^
dorkymeow #5
Chapter 2: So good........... and sad T^T
Chapter 2: Wow nice story but sad.
Chapter 4: Wow.. Nice story :)

btw, congrats!
biancabeybe #8
Chapter 4: Are you a Filipino? hihi~
nina_b2uty #9
Chapter 3: congrats!!!!