Chapter 16

First Love
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Chapter 16


Sehun’s POV


A week has passed since Jaemi confessed what she felt for me. I like her, but just as a friend. But why do I feel sad when she won’t join us during lunch breaks, and what hurts me more is when she ignores my presence. Every time we would met on the hallway where our locker where located, she would ignore me. Since our lockers were beside each other, I tried to talk to her, but she would just walk and ignore me.


“I already have a girlfriend, but why do I feel affected with Jaemi ignoring me.”






 I was on my way home when I saw her walking alone. Usually she would walk with Kai, Hyunjae or Chanyeol hyung. But since that incident with the three queenkas, she tries to stay away from them, from us, from everybody. I once asked Kai why Jaemi isn’t talking to her that much like what they usually do before. Kai didn’t know the answer either, but he thinks that it was about what the three queenkas had said, and that was what I thought. Maybe she doesn’t want others to think that she only used her friends, and that she depends on her friends. Since that day, she won’t join any of their activities.


I was walking behind her; I make sure that there was enough distance for us. I saw her enter their house; I hurriedly went to my room to check on her. Just in time that I entered my room, I saw her in front of her mirror, crying. I grabbed my phone and called her. I saw her reached out for her phone.


“Answer it, Mimi, please.” I said quietly.


But she didn’t move, even just an inch. She was just staring at her phone. I ended the call and called her again. But still she continued to stare at her phone. She put down her phone when I heard someone called her for dinner. So I also decided to eat, after eating I studied for the upcoming lessons at school. But before I could start on studying, I saw her by her table and was now studying.


After two hours of studying, I washed up and was now ready to go to bed. I sat on my bed and stared at my phone. I was debating with myself, either to call her or not. But then I heard an angelic voice being accompanied with a guitar. I know it was her. I listen to the melody; it was the same song she played the other night. I can’t really hear the lyrics; all I heard was the melody and the guitar. Right after the song ended. I dialed her number, I saw her through her mirror once again. She reached out for her phone. She pressed it. I thought she’s going to answer it, but to my dismay, she cancelled the call and the next thing I knew her windows are now closed, lights are now turned off and a tear fell from my eye.





Morning came. I did my daily routine. I went to the kitchen to find Suho hyung eating.


“Morning.” I said.

“Oh! Good Morning.” He beamed happily.


I sat down beside him and served for my own. Just then his phone rang.


“Oh? Chanyeol? Wae?—Chincha? – ara, I’ll be there. Wait for me. I want to greet her too. – ok.”


“Who called?”


“Wae? Why did he call this early?”

“Nothing, but if you want to know come with me outside.”


I hurriedly ate my breakfast, and followed hyung outside. I then saw Kai, Chanyeol hyung, and Baekhyun hyung talking happily to Mrs. Park. I became worried, did something happed? I went near them with Suho hyung. Chanyeol hyung then get something inside

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Babbie #1
Chapter 1: I feel theres too many eeh?huh?ah?Ha?e-eh?
xiaoLu_ieyla #2
Chapter 34: love the story! :D
ilovenino #3
Chapter 34: I loved this so much =)
Chapter 4: second time reading^_^
haeri0610 #5
Chapter 34: What α sweet ending.

Though I cried in α few chapters but I still like this :)
Chapter 34: Omg. Beautiful story. I love it :')
Chapter 8: What a pain to be in love with our own best friend. I hate that feeling, we might just lost both of it. That's what I afraid the most.
I hope this story will end beautifully. Happy ever after.
Chapter 32: beautiful :')
lokita #9
Chapter 34: SEQUELLL!!
Chapter 34: great ending