Teaser 2.

||♔ || KEYZ ||♔ || [Apply OPEN❤]

"Do you think she'll wake up?" The voice rang and bounced off the plain, white walls. 

I could hear them. Loud and clear. Two voices; one deep and rusty- must be Yongguk- and one sweet, flawless- the voice of none other than Teayeon unnie.

"She will..." Taeyeon paused, "she's a strong-willed girl. There's no way she'll give up so easily, even after what Hamin has done, even if Chi-chi is.." She paused, trying not to say it in a way that might hurt me... She knew could hear them, "...even if Chi-chi is totally out of reach."

Yongguk let out a heavy sigh. "If put it that way. As long as she doesn't completely drive herself into a coma... I'll be going to see the higher-ups to discuss any futher actions and what they plan on doing...next." I heard the door close quietly behind him.

It's must be around three weeks since I drove myself into a deep sleep. Ever since Hamin got...blown up in the hospital...I made myself fall in a coma. Not to run away, no- I'm no that weak- but to think everything over. Including Chi disappearing, it was all just too much for me- too much different things that I have to think over and over agian, just to be sure of what I'll do next. It's too much pain to face everyone now, when Hamin's gone and Chi disappeared. What are they gonna think now? What will they do? What do I do...?

The door opened again and YongGuk announced in a serious tone- "By the way, Taeyeon," he paused, "I'll be taking Kyomin to the Black Triplet."

"What?!" I heard Teayeon shout for the first time in a long time. Taeyeon was never the kind of person who would raise their voice at others, so her shouting at Yongguk of all people was a shock. "I don't aprove this! Never, what are you planning Bang Yongguk?" She asked angrily.

"I'm not planning anything Taeyeon, but it'll be better for us and for her over all." He explained calmly.

"Do you really want the poor girl to go out there and hunt for them lowest and most dangerous scums that call themselves JOKERZ? She'll get hurt and you know it! Why are making her go through the same thing Hamin went through?"

"I'll do it." I sat up and earned shocked looks from both of the standing leaders. "I'll work with Yongguk."

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Chapter 8: Only one got chosen? What happened to the other 6?
Died or something?
Chapter 8: OMG! I got chosen! Yay! So happy, thank you!
I loved the first chapter. Really want to see what role Hamin's gonna play in this.
Things are getting good! Thank you again!
Chapter 8: THAT MUST'VE BEEN SO SCARY! .....

Hope you people don't kill each other with sudden attacks ... keke
Boys .... are .... >.<

LOL. Congratulations!
Chapter 8: wow me like Veronica ><
Chapter 1: I applied as Lee Minki! http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/315806

And congrat to ScissorsandElves! ^^
cathy4reals #6
Chapter 8: I almost ed my pants at the dagger part, no lie. See what you did to me Veronica?
Chapter 2: Congrats to ScissorsandElves!!!
i find it funny how Yongguk still
stays even after her scream
Chapter 2: I wanna apply! Please wait for me!
Chapter 7: i'm happy you updated and
i'm so excited to see who gets chosen!>.<
I edited my app and changed ulzzang to Lee JungHa