Chapter 8

That's Why I Love You


“Su… Sungmin…” murmured Donghae.
Now, his eyes full of tears running through his cheeks. He hoped it’s a dream. A dream that made him woke up in the morning and got his eyes watery. But, it’s not a fake dream, it’s real. Reality in his life. His boyfriend was kissing with his best friend.
Sungmin was his best friend from elementary school. When the other hadn’t a friend, he’s the first one who made a friend with him. When the other cried under the tree because he felt he’s alone, Donghae was the one would comfort him until he stopped crying. When the other left by his parents, Donghae was the one who said ‘it’s okay, you have me. You are not alone anymore.’
Now, he’s the one who was betrayed by his best friend. Betrayed by his lovely boyfriend. He wanted to run away from that place, couldn’t stand anymore. He wanted to scream right away, but Leeteuk held him tightly. He looked at his brother with pleaded look, but the older shook his head.
“You have to hold out your feeling. I know it hurts but you know, maybe he just plays around with him, maybe he doesn’t love him, Hae.”
Donghae, little by little stoped crying, and sat on the ground, hugged his legs and put his head on his knee. “Maybe he’s, Hyung.”
“We better go back to that tree before he catching us here.” Leeteuk suggested.
He drugged Donghae slowly and went back to the first tree. Five minutes later, Eunhyuk went back to them. He gave them his gummy smile like usually. He sat ext to his boyfriend and sighed.
“Are we going to come in?” asked him, relaxing his body.
Donghae just sat there silently, not knowing what to do. He kept silent until Eunhyuk spoke.
“Baby, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Hyuk.” He said, choked.
“But, your eyes look red.”
“I’m fine, Hyuk!!” Donghae yelled and run away.
“No whys.” Leeteuk spoken and run away to catch Donghae.
Eunhyuk not knowing what to say, he even not knowing what had happened. He just sat there and frowning. What’s wrong he had done to his boyfriend? No clue. But, before he could think the other else, his mind was working. ‘Did he know about me and Sungmin?’
Then, he run to Donghae to explain what’s wrong with him. Was it right or not seeing him and Sungmin few minutes ago? He saw Donghae and Leeteuk were walking passed his car slowly. He shouted their names, but the two didn’t look at him at all. When they wanted to entered taxi that they stopped, Eunhyuk grabbed Donghae’s arm and made him to look at him.
Donghae’s POV
When I was about to enter taxi Leeteuk Hyung stopped, someone grabbed my hand and made me forced me to look at the person. I saw Eunhyuk’s eyes stared at me confusedly. I knew he’s confused about me, why I left him. But I didn’t want to say anything about that and choose to look at the others but him. His hand still grabbing mine tightly, it’s making me felt the pain. Then, his other hand touched my face made me looked at his too.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked me sweetly and also worrying me.
Leeteuk hyung answered his question with a harsh tone. “He’s fine, okay?”
“No, I asking you. So, answer me.”
“I’m fine. I want to go home now. Please, let me go.” I asked him to release my arm.
“You are hiding something from me. Now tell me.”
“No, you are the one who keeps hiding this thing to me!” I shouted at him. “Now, let go off me, or I will scream that you want to do something bad to me, and people will hit you!” I was still shouting at him.
But, not released my arm, instead he kissed my lips deeply. I pushed him and slapped him right on the cheek. I turned around, pulled Leeteuk hyung and entered taxi. We stayed away from his sight. I didn’t know what he’s thinking. I hate him. I hate him. But my heart still saying I loved him.
Leeteuk hyung pulled me into his embrace until I felt sleepy and I didn’t know what’s going on with me after that. When I opened my eyes, I catched one figure beside me. He was smiling sweetly at me. He looked like an angel when he showed his smile to everyone. He had sweetest smile in the whole world.
“Hae. Are you feeling okay, now?” My hyung tried to speak with me.
I just nodded my head. My throat was so hard to say. I felt my eyes were swollen. I ignored them, and keep staring at my hyung.
“I have one problem too, Hae.” He started to speak again. “I and my husband are not in love, even he’s not supposed to be my husband. He’s my fake husband. I and him…”
I tried to sit on my bed and I tapped his two hands. Looking at me, his eyes so full of tears that running down from his cheek. Still, my voice didn’t want to let out. I didn't even understand.
“He’s not Jongwoon.”
He’s not Jongwoon? What did he said?
“He’s Jongwoon’s brother, Yongwoon.”
Yongwoon?  I started to cry.
“Jongwoon has had a lover. He loves him so much. He has given his body to that man. Hae… I love him, but he…"
He stopped and looked at me. He forced his smile to me and wiped the tears away.
“I love him, but, you know, he looks like my husband even though he’s not. Today he’s meeting with his boyfriend at that man’s house. I know what he’s doing right now.”
“Hyung…” I called him slowly.
“You have to hold your emotion, Hae. I know he loves you as well as you love him.”
“But, why is he cheating on me?” I asked, “With my best friend.” I almost choked with my own word. Best friend. “No, not my best friend, he’s my fake friend. He is…” I started to cry again.
Hyung held me tightly into his embrace. I started to cry. I felt my tears falling down and wetting his shirt. I wished he could see I was crying because of him I knew him well, he loved me. I loved him too. That I didn’t understand was why did he cheat on me? Was I not good for him? Was I not enough for him? Was I?
I just wanted him to know that I loved him so much and nobody could change him until the end of my life. But, few hours ago he broke my heart, my hope that I put on him. He’s the heartbreaker. Yes, he’s.
Few minutes later, I felt my eyes were dried slowly. I rubbed them, they were became more swollen. I didn’t know, when I would stop crying because of him. I stared at Leeteuk hyung who was sleeping on my shoulder. I thought, it’s not just my problem. He had his problem himself with his husband and I shouldn’t make him in trouble with my own.
“Hyung, I’m sorry making you in trouble. I’m being a selfish when I’m like this. I shouldn’t do this to you. I hope you and I will be okay soon.” I murmured, letting out my thought.
I led him on my bed, putting the blanket over his body. Slowly I caressed his smoothing face. I knew, everybody had their own problem, mistakes, and even happiness. This time not only me, but also him.
One hour later, he woke up. I was still on my bed staring at him. He rubbed his eyes and staring at me. He smiled. His pure smile that I ever saw. I smiled back at him. But, he looked frowned.
“Are you okay, Hyung?” I asked.
“Yes. Hae…”
“What is it, Hyung?”
“I want to go home. Would you take me home?”
I laughed. I thought he wanted something or what. I nodded lightly and get off of my bed to take my coat and my car key. He got up and walked towards the door.
30 minutes passed. We had arrived at his house, his husband’s house. The gate open by itself. Teukie hyung bowed his head when we entered the gate, it was the security. I smiled at him.
“We are here.” I said, smiling.
“Thanks, Hae.” He replied, “Just take a rest. I know you are tired. So, take care your self, okay?” he kissed me on the cheek before going off of the car. Before I turned around my car, I looked at his eyes. I felt he’s alone here, but what should I do for him? I couldn’t help him a thing just saying took care hyung and I love you.
I left him alone there, in front of the house. He’s still waving his hand to me. I would miss you, Hyung. I would. I loved you, Hyung.
It’s dark. I had to be careful to bring my car. I was not good enough bringing a car. When I was about to reach my house, I saw a car was parked near the gate. One figure approached the gate, opened it and stood near the door. I thought a few moments and realized he’s Hyukkie. I approached his car and parked my car then turned down from my car.
I knew it’s him by his shirt. A shirt I gave him two months ago when he got his new car.
I didn’t know why, but maybe due to my heart was crying and the rain falling down, it’s crying too. I hoped it’s just a dream, nightmare that he broke my heart and when I woke up in the morning he called my name by phone, we could smiling to each other. I hoped…
“Hae…” I heard he called my name and approached me. He held my hands and kissed them. “I’m sorry, Hae. It’s pure my fault. I had broken your heart. I’m sorry, please forgive me.” He said that between the rains.
I still keeping my mouth into a silent didn’t want to let out my word, my harsh word to him. In the fact I still loved him. He knelt down and crying on my feet. He said the word sorry repeatedly. I couldn’t help anymore. I knelt down too and cupped his face to look at his eyes. Even though it’s dark and raining, but I could see his expression full of apologies. I shook my head and kissed his forehead.
“We had broken up, Eunhyuk.” I said between my sobs. “We are not in any relationship anymore. I’m sorry. Just go.”
“No! I’m still your boyfriend, Hae. I’m still.. I’m still yours…”
“No. I’m not and neither you are mine. I’m free and you have him.”
I stood up then walked towards the door and closed it with little bump. He didn’t move a little bit from his place. He just sat there. Crying. I could see his body was trembling due to the water still pouring him hard. I closed the curtain and headed to my room to dry my body and decided to sleep. Thought I couldn’t sleep. I would try it. I didn’t want to see him again, even in my dream…
hebteuk :: no KangTeuk, but i hope you enjoy this part. :))
cheonsa-angel:: here it is part 8.. hope you enjoy dear :)
rayie_159:: so you and i prefer Yesung is an uke right? that's why didn't make Yesung as a seme.. #i'm sorry YeTeuk's shipper i love you <3
tifane:: you will know what's wrong with Hyuk and Ming, do your best to depend Hyuk, he needs our supports #i'm such a bad author :D# Teukie is smart, he didn't want to make Yesung upset.. so he chose to keep silent :D You are the best commmentator you know, you also surprised me by your comments, and thanks for the compliment, nice you like my writing style... so now, you are a YeTeuk bias? #keep fighting dear.. :) thanks for your support, i love you
angelye:: aaahh,, hug you, nice to see YeWon shipper,, i like KyuSung but such a brothership.. :) but, thanks for reading and commenting dear :)
yuyumunaw:: update. ^^ hope you enjoy :))
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this is my second place to share my stories... for the updates and for continues look for shinigami_icha @ ^_^


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zuzuaikha #1
Chapter 14: It has a sad ending but overall i love it !!
So I finally read the last chapter and it was.. well.. weird. Not only the last chapter but the whole story. But in the end I ask myself: Why did kangin give both of his eyes to Leeteuk?! Now he's blind. What about giving him just one and keep the other for himself? Both of them could've seen everything in the end.. it was unlogical.
And now to sum up what I think about your whole story: Parts of it were quite good but others bothered me. The whole part in the middle where hyukkie and Sungmin; Teukie and Yesung were in love with each other was horrible for me to read. The idea of your story was quite good, but - I am very sorry, but this is my opinion, hope you don't mind too much - I didn't like it at all. For me it was too sad and there were to many parts I really didn't enjoyed to read..
Well in chapter 12 I didn't liked the fact that DongHae forgive Sungmin so fast. If I was in his place I would've told Sungmin to go to hell instead of embracing him. Its just too cruel what he did. And Hyukkie behaves a bit stupid because he accepted to get the kidney. Well, maybe a person would act like that, if he is in his place, but I can't understand it completly..
I like the fact that Kangteuk is becoming more and more a real couple.
But I think the Yewon parts are.. kind of uninteresting. Not those parts where the real story goes on, but where they're on their own. I always skip this parts. But this is just because I hate Yewon, not because those parts bore me.. As I said I didn't read them so I can't tell wether they're boring or not :P
What the hell is it?! I really don't like the story yet :( Hyukkie & Minnie?! DongHae felt someting like "love" when he saw Kangin? Leeteuk fell in love with Yesung? And Yesung and Siwon?! WTF? I REALLY don't like the couples!!! :( Espacially the story between EunHae is sad.. I hope it will all be better in the further chapters :(
Actually it ending happy in a way! We just should accept Kangin decision! :'( Yaaaah! I cried a lot with smiling like a fool! :'(
It's so precious! The ending is really adorable! :'( *sobs
I'm happy that they are all together and at least alive.. yeah! :)
Oh God! It really touched my heart!! :'( You made this really full of emotion!! *.*

thanks sweetheart, thank you for this story! Thank you so much! You're the best here! you give us a very beautiful KangTeuk - EunHae and YeWon fic! I did enjoy it till the end! :'( *keep crying! awwww ><
I hope you will write moOOore uh... Yesung's fic '^^ especially YeWon and KyuSung! hehe :p
Anyway, can't wait for it! I'm sure that will be interesting, cause you have a very good writing skill! It's amazing! *o*
Fightiiiiiiiiing! (=^.-.^=)

hebteuk #6
kangiiiiiiiiiiiiin T______________________T
actually, *sob* it's *sob* it's the saddest end ever