I Secretly Dated My Twin Sister's Boyfriend!



Story Description:


Jae In and Myungsoo had been together since their first year in high school. While Jae Eun and Sehun became
official in their last year in middle school.As senior students, nothing has changed with the two couples. But one day, 
Myungsoo got himself into a bet and lost. His consequence? To secretly ask out the twin sister of his girlfriend for a week.
Will they remain loyal to each other's partner? or will they have a change of heart?





“Call Jae In and demand her to bring us food here. If she does that, then it’s proven that she’s your slave and you will have a punishment. But if she refuses to, we lose and have the punishment and well… you win.” Woohyun explained.

“Game! I’m in!” Myungsoo confidently said.

“Jae In-ah…” Myungsoo continued and took a deep breath.” I DEMAND you to buy us food and deliver it here in the studio.” Myungsoo straightly said.

Jae In was silent for a moment.

“No way!” Jae In answered and hung up.

Myungsoo slowly had a smile on his face. He knew that Jae In isn’t that kind of girl.

After 20 minutes, they heard a knock on the door. Woohyun got up and opened it. Infront of him stood a calm-looking, four-eyed, pretty girl holding a plastic bag.

“Here’s your food!” Jae In said as she handed Woohyun the plastic bag she was holding.

Jae In walked out and Woohyun watched her disappear and closed the door.

“Oops! Looks like we won.” Woohyun smiled, teasing Myungsoo, who is now dumbfounded.

“I have an idea for your punishment.” Woohyun continued. “Ready Myungsoo-ah?” He added.

Myungsoo nodded with an irritated look.

“I’ve always wanted to do this experiment.” Woohyun evilishly said.

“Hurry! Tell me what it is!” Myungsoo ordered.



“Date your girlfriend’s twin sister for a week!” Woohyun exclaimed, grinning.

“JAE EUN?!” Myungsoo said, surprised.



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Chapter 26: TBH, I love Jae In way more. Like I hate her but like her at the same time. And I never really liked Jae Eun and Myungsoo together. Lol I'm too Jae In and Myungsoo biased
Chapter 60: *But the story is really good! And your grammar too ! :)
Chapter 60: I think that your story is too soft .. I was hoping for some fight between the sisters and for myungsoo to fight really hard to get Jae in back ... it's almost like she wasn't angry at him for cheating
Chapter 32: I don't like how passive is jae in ... i mean her sister steal her bf ...
Chapter 60: awee. this was really good. i kinda wanted Jae Eun to end up with Myungsoo but then i felt bad for Sehunnie...
Chapter 60: this story is cute !
Chapter 60: Just finished reading this story! It was really good!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 14: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Wow I just started this morning and I really liked the story so far!! It's jjang!!
Chapter 60: I love this story too much !! Aish , you made me cry author-nim , this story so sad and good :'D
Chicken_curly #10
Chapter 60: This is really great story!!! I cried most of the time cause its so saad and good:)