The Best Medicine

The Best Medicine

“Ugh, this stinks,”




Being sick indeed stunk for Lin who was currently in her bed, lying under multiple layers of blankets and suffering from a horrible cold.


Lin, admittedly, had a pretty strong immune system and she seldom got sick. She would get, what she called, little cold episodes which would last a good two or three days. However, the full blown out cold she had just recently got was more than welcomed. The ill girl groaned as she felt her sinuses clog up and her nasal passage was beyond congested. Coughing, Lin could hear and feel the phlegm attempting to leave her body.


The human body… is disgusting.


Sighing and, shortly after, coughing once again, the older teenager mumbled incoherent words of how being struck with an illness is the last thing she would ever want and how it was so not worth it even if it meant staying out of school.


nagged at her as it was itchy and parched, begging Lin to get a drink of hot tea or water. However, the girl felt too miserable to even free herself from the blanket layers just to appease her beseeching throat.


Cough. Cough. Cough.


A violent coughing episode came on as it finally convinced Lin to sit up and fetch a steaming cup of tea for herself. Grudgingly, she picked herself up and slowly paced her way into her white kitchen, walking towards the water boiler which contained the liquid to ease her symptoms.


She quickly pushed the top button to release the boiling water into a cup of green tea leaves and brought the mug to her face, letting the steaming fumes help with her congestion.


After obtaining what she wanted, Lin walked back to her room to return to the space specially meant for her as she, once again, covered herself with the plethora of sheets to warm her body.


About to fall asleep, the sick girl suddenly felt a bit lonely as she realized that she had to do all of the work and take care of herself. Her school stuff lay scattered in the little dining room, some dishes remained unwashed in the sink, her clothes were still in the hamper, waiting to be washed.


And she had to do all of it.


Her parents were off in another city as Lin had moved to Seoul in order to study at her university. Lin couldn’t really bother her friends because… well she felt it was rude to call her friends over and get them sick.


Of course, Lin certainly couldn’t bother her boyfriend, Lu Han, who had been busy the past few weeks with his studying and was unable to even see her.


Though Lin was able to care for herself, she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of sadness at the silence of the room and the lack of warmth in it.


Shaking the thought off, Lin felt her eyelids droop and, soon, she entered the world of dreams.



Interrupting the silence of the room, Lin awoke to an unfamiliar sound as her mind tried to process what the source of the sound could be.




Another sound.


Had she forgotten to turn off the television or something? Or perhaps Lin was completely out of her mind and the illness was seriously getting to her.


Unable to fall back asleep, the awoken girl got up and began to walk towards her kitchen. Lin knew that the kitchen was the origin of all the rowdiness because, as she approached the room, the noises would only increase in volume.


Finally reaching her destination, Lin’s jaw practically dropped at the scene in the cooking room.


There was Lu Han, wearing his blue couple apron and failing attempting to cook, what looked to be, congee.



The ill girl couldn’t help but rub her eyes at the sight.


She was sane, right?


It was at that moment that another one of Lin’s cough attacks began and this had alerted the focused boy of her presence. Lu Han immediately spun around to see his sick girlfriend slightly keeled over, covering as congested coughs could be heard. He furrowed his brows and quickly slid over to her side and lowered his body to meet her at eye level. “Lin, are you okay?”


Feeling the familiar warmth of his hand on her shoulder, Lin felt a burst of happiness as she attempted to speak, but was hindered from doing so due to her continuous hacking.


At this, Lu Han patted her back as he reached over to a near-by counter and grabbed a glass of water, handing it over to his suffering other and helping her to take a sip to ease the attack.


Lin graciously took large gulps as the coughing seemed to cease and she shot him a thankful smile. “Thanks, Lu Han,”


The caring boyfriend sent a warm smile back. “No problem,” His expression then switched a more serious one as he asked, “Why didn’t you tell me you were sick and what are you doing out here? You should be in bed,” Lin slightly cringed at the uncharacteristic harsh scolding tone of her lover’s voice and looked at the ground, pressing her lips. “I… I’m sorry,”


Still refusing to lift up her head, Lin then heard a sigh and looked to the source of it. There was Lu Han with a rather hurt and disappointed look on his face. “I just wish you would call me and rely on me more,”


The former tried to defend herself ad spoke honestly. “I… it’s just that you were busy the past few weeks and I didn’t want to bother you and-” Another coughing episode began as Lin cursed her body for being so unsupportive in her argument.


Instantly, Lu Han braced her body once more and, once again, tried to soothe Lin as the disease continued to rack her body. “See?”


A frown appeared on his face as he motioned Lin to go back to her room and assisted her, afraid that she would fall and break easily in her weak state.


Once in the bedroom with Lin, Lu Han laid her down on her large queen sized bed and buried her body in the layers once again. He tucked her in and brushed away a few stray strands of hair, since Lin wouldn’t be able to in her trapped state. “You better stay here and rest, okay?”


Lin was then reminded of the situation in the kitchen and how an unskilled Lu Han, with a boiling pot and knife, would be cooking food… by himself.


“Wait, can I just help a little bit?” The taller boy frowned at her question, knowing that she was probably worried about him since he wasn’t exactly the best cook out there.


But, hey, he was decent and made edible food!


“No, stay here,” With that, Lu Han left the room and a concerned, cocooned Lin.

“All done!” Lu Han had appeared in Lin’s bedroom again, this time with a tray full of get well food. He put the set down on a nearby counter, first taking out a chair to situate beside the bed and then settling himself with the food. The caretaker helped to unwrap Lin from her cocoon and aided in helping her to sit up as she eyed the tray that sat on the former’s lap.


As expected for a sick person, there was a steaming bowl of congee with cilantro, a favorite herb of Lin’s, and bits of meat in it. To help wash down the meal, Lu Han had also made some green tea.


The patient smiled at the heartwarming site. “Thank you, Lu Han,”


“No problem. Now eat up!” Nodding, Lin followed her cook’s orders and picked up a spoonful to get a taste of the rice porridge which Lu Han had made. Lin had forgotten that the congee was still steaming hot and flinched once the hot meal burnt her tongue. At this, the boy could not help but shake his head and “tsk” his careless girlfriend, taking the spoon from her hand and blowing on it to cool it down. He then repositioned it so that it was facing Lin again. “Say ‘ah’!”


Lin immediately blushed at the display of affection from Lu Han, still not used to having so much care given to her or getting treated so well.


He was feeding her, for Pete’s sake!


“Say ‘ah’!” He repeated once more and Lin could not do anything but obey and open , inviting the spoon as it was given to her. She swallowed the lukewarm meal and savored the herby delicious taste, smiling. “Yummy!”


“Really!?” Hearing her compliment, Lu Han grinned from ear to ear, jubilant that his cooking was actually praised. The last time he had actually cooked, the comments he had received weren’t exactly positive ones.


Now, Lu Han had finally received some praise and it was from his girlfriend, nonetheless!


Lin nodded her head as she gave a gentle smile, once again. The patient reached for the spoon which was still secured in her caretaker’s hand, but he reacted quickly and pulled away, causing the utensil to be out of her reach. “Not uh, I’m feeding you,”


The red color did not fade from Lin’s face. “B-But, I just forget at first, I can-”


“Nope, now say ‘ah’!” Sighing, the girl could only comply to Lu Han’s wishes as she knew that it would be futile to try to get her way. The demanding boyfriend smiled at her obedience and continued to feed her.

It didn’t take too long for Lin to finish the meal as she would take spoon after spoon full of congee. Then again, she had no choice as Lu Han just continued to feed her without any pause or stop. The only real “break” between the servings would be the sips of green tea that Lu Han would allow her to have.


The tray now had an empty bowl and Lu Han would pour more tea for Lin when needed.


There was a slight silence between the two, but it was a rather comforting silence.


Just having each other’s presence was enough for the couple.  


It was then, however, that Lin started to reflect on the situation at hand and slightly frowned, remembering her rather… ungrateful behavior before.


Lu Han had personally come to take care of her, despite his busy schedule and Lin couldn’t help but feel a bit happy, yet guilty for troubling him. However, she did not contact him at all, which further added to the guilt, though the guilt was really unnecessary.


Lin was just a person who thought way too much for her own good.


“Lu Han?” At the sound of his name, he turned his head and gave her a questioning look. “Yeah?”


“… I’m sorry and… thank you,” He blinked a few times, accepting the “Thank you”, but not quite understanding the “Sorry” part. “What’s the ‘Sorry’ for?”


“You’re still busy, right? But, you still took care of me… so I’m troubling you?” The whole sentence was said with a questioning tone, which obviously showed Lin’s own confusion and unknown feelings.


Lu Han grimaced and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “What are you talking about, silly? Didn’t you hear me before? I want you to rely on me more. Why in the world would you think you’re bothering me?”


“I just-” A finger was pressed to Lin’s lips as she pouted, causing Lu Han to chuckle. “You’re no bother at all. You always do stuff on your own, it’s not bad to rely on other people, you know?”


He scooted closer to Lin and pressed his forehead against hers, relieved to find that there was no sign of a fever. “That’s why I want you to call me whenever you’re sick, in trouble, or just want to talk. You can call me for anything,”


Lin felt her heart flutter, hearing Lu Han’s sweet words and smiled with a blush decorating her cheeks once again, “Okay… same here. If you need me for anything, I’ll always be here for you, too,”


Lu Han returned the gentle smile and leaned in even further to press his lips gently to hers, resulting in a sweet and chaste kiss. Lin happily returned the kiss as a warm feeling enveloped her body and she felt absolute bliss. Lu Han broke it after a few seconds, still pressing his forehead against hers as his lips curved upwards.


“I love you,”


A smile.


“I love you, too,”

A few moments later…


“…! Oh no! Lu Han!”




“… You’re going to get sick now!”






Oh my xD That was the fluffiest fluff I have written yet! Of course, I had to add in a little tidbit at the end, though, just to throw in some cuteness :3 ... If you consider it cute that is >.> Hehe, but yes, inspiration drawn from my own sickness and... well, doesn't everyone want to have this happen to them when they are sick? I know I do, but I wasn't lucky like Lin and had to tough it out like a trooper xD Anyways~ hope you enjoyed this quick little oneshot (Yes, quickly done and unedited so feel free to correct, criticize, comment, etc.)!

Please be sure to check out my other full length chaptered story Our Story!
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I'll be sure to have the next chapter to Our Story sometime in June!

Bye-bye everyone and thank you to all my subscribers and readers~! <3

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Joyvin #1
Love this fic <3
Haha cute. Yeah maybe Lu Han did it on purpose ^^
So cute :( sobs at the end haha now Lin has to take care of Luhan!
nizzyool #4
ohoho! this is sweet~~ xD
hyo_511 #5
offering a poster request~!!! ^-^
come come!

thank you!