In-Kris-ing Problem


Third Person’s POV:


Suho still wasn’t sure why he ended up running away. His head started to throb as he tried to remember how happy Taeyeon was with that unfamiliar guy. He stayed there, just sitting under the huge tree, thinking and rethinking of what he had just witnessed and what he should do. It didn’t take him too long to cope up though. He stood up and made his way back to the cafeteria, as normally as he could, pushing the sad memory behind his mind. He let out a deep sigh and plastered a smile on his face before entering.


Just before he could process what he is seeing, soft squeals from a table with a bevy of girls to his right caught his attention. They were all looking at him and seemed to be doing aegyo at the same time. He just shrugged and continued walking. Eventhough he knows he is handsome; he never thought that he is “that” handsome. It gained him some more confidence. His smile grew wider at the thought.


Suho searched for Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s table. He decided not to look for Taeyeon for now. He thought that he might burst from so many sad emotions if he would. He knows that guy is still with them so at his best, he will ignore Taeyeon for now.


“Appa! Here!” Baekhyun yelled softly, just enough to steal Suho’s attention. Suho smiled and made his way to their table.

“Yah! What happened back there?” Chanyeol asked.

“Ahh … nothing” Suho answered back instantly.

“Nothing? You know I hate lying Appa”

“Well … I-I just felt like running … all of a sudden” Suho trailed his words and slightly bowed his head.

“Funny Suho, we’re not dumb you know. His name is Kris by the way” Chanyeol announced.

“I hate you for lying Appa” Baekhyun pouted which Chanyeol found to be irresistibly cute.

“K-Kris? The exchange student?”

“Yep, the exchange student” Chanyeol answered back still adoring his cute little boyfriend.

“Oh” Was all Suho could say, his eyes stuck on the corner of the table.

“I suggest you should try this sandwich Appa, I don’t hate you anymore” Baekhyun pulled him off his trance.


Suho shifted his stare from the table to the sandwich in Baekhyun’s hand.


“Oi! Appa! Take it! It’s a treat, it’s especially for you. It’s a new flavor” Baekhyun stated proudly.

“Yeah … more like a new mix of flavor” Chanyeol whisper-shouted to Suho to which made Suho raise an eyebrow.

“What flavor, exactly?” Suho asked and stared at Baekhyun.

“Well … it’s … bacon sandwich” Baekhyun looked shy while stating every word. But his expression instantly changed. “But it has more bacon in it now, and they also added some leafy I-don’t-know-but-it-tastes-good, and more mayonnaise and carrots, and and and most importantly LOVE”, Baekhyun’s smile now is wider and brighter than the sun. Bacon could really make him so happy. Suho just smiled back and happily took the sandwich from Baekhyun’s hands. It made Baekhyun happier.


Suho unwrapped the sandwich from its paper tissue cover and took a bite. It did taste good though, well, better than what it had tasted since they entered this school. He looked up at Chanyeol and noticed how Chanyeol’s nose flinched a bit when he took another bite. Suho thought that maybe Chanyeol had already reached his bacon consumption limit. He smiled at the thought. He knew Chanyeol would still eat it if Baekhyun wants him to, that’s how much Chanyeol loves Baekhyun.


Suho’s lunch time was about to end peacefully, but a distinguishable laugh could be heard from all the noise, putting an end to his supposed to be recovering emotions. It was Taeyeon’s. Suho stopped himself from looking towards Taeyeon’s table. He knows he can’t handle it now. He was already unbearably jealous.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun could feel Suho’s tensed up gestures. It seemed like his every move was calculated and sometimes with a hint of hesitation. Baekhyun just sighed at what he was seeing. Chanyeol elbowed his boyfriend and pointed Suho with his pouted lips, hinting that he wants to know what’s happening to Suho this time. Baekhyun just shrugged.


“Appa, finish your sandwich already. I want to go back to our classroom now, it’s so noisy here” Baekhyun broke the silence between them. Chanyeol nodded.

“Ah, yeah. Yes, I will do that” Suho answered back then smiled.

“We’ll talk about this later” Baekhyun whispered to Chanyeol carefully, trying not to be noticed by Suho.


Suho finished his sandwich. The three friends stood up and walked to their classroom. Baekhyun tried to reverse the atmosphere and hugged Suho’s right arm to which made Chanyeol’s eyebrow raise a considerable height. Suho looked at Baekhyun and pinched his cheek, making Chanyeol stopped from his tracks. Baekhyun noticed this and stared at Chanyeol with an I’m-just-trying-to-lighten-up-the-atmosphere look. Chanyeol just opened his mouth, forming an “o”, indicating that he get whatever Baekhyun was trying to convey with his stare.


Afternoon classes started and ended in a swift. And even though Suho was kinda off from all the sad happenings earlier that day, he still managed to answer every question that their professor had thrown at him. He’s so smart to let his emotion cloud his mental prowess. This is something that he could really be proud of.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol waved goodbye to Suho. Suho decided to go home early for some reason he didn’t bother saying. The couple understood him and just let him go.


“He needed to be alone for now” Baekhyun said to Chanyeol.

“Yeah, so … got something to say?”

“Oh, about that, I think Suho-hyung is hurt”

“Suho-hyung? Hmm … this is gonna be a serious talk then”

“Sure, it really will be”

“Let’s go somewhere then, to settle down and talk”

“Let’s go to my house then” Baekhyun smiled. Chanyeol flashed a great smile and nodded with great agreement to the idea.


So both of them walked to Baekhyun’s home and the happiness in Chanyeol’s face was something that can’t be hidden. The brightness of his smile added to the entire glow that he is already emitting. Baekhyun could just laugh at how amused he is of his mate.


“Wow! This room is just … just … just so YOU! Hyunnie-ah! I like it a lot” Chanyeol stated amusingly while looking at everything in Baekhyun’s room like a small child in an amusement park.

“Oh Yeollie, you adorable giant” Baekhyun giggled at how cute his mate could be, greatly contrasting his height and deep voice.

“So what, are we gonna talk about it now? Or ..”

“Or … what Yeollie?”

“Or should we … make out first” Chanyeol stated shyly.

“PARK CHANYEOL! JUST WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” Baekhyun practically yelled every word out of shock, nearly brushing the living daylights out of Chanyeol.

“Ah .. ah, nothing, I just thought that maybe, we could do that, or something” Chanyeol said while smiling shyly while making circular shapes on the bed where he is seated.

“Psh, I guess it’s too early for that Yeollie, we should talk about Suho-hyung’s state first”

“Too early? So does that mean we can do it later? Like tonight?” Chanyeol’s smile came back on his face almost so instantly. Baekhyun just squeezed his eyes at Chanyeol’s sudden mood change.

“Let’s just talk about Hyung for now. Is that ok, Yeollie?” Baekhyun stated, sounding a little mature.

“Oh! I can’t wait, ok, that’s totally fine with me … but don’t you want to change your shirt?” Chanyeol’s wide grin certainly means something.

“Yeollie, please brush that erted thoughts from your mind, just for now” Baekhyun said with a lingering irritation in every word.

“Ok … but aren’t you even itchy or feeling sticky from your …”


“Ok, I’ll behave now” Chanyeol zipped his mouth with his right hand and pouted.

“Good, so, about Hyung. I never witnessed him been in love before. His reactions are still a mystery to me, but to what I could see, he really was dead jealous earlier” Baekhyun stated while pacing back and forth in his small room while Chanyeol just sat at his bed, eyes following Baekhyun.

“I guess he really was jealous. That Kris guy is also a cutie, and a fairly potential rival”

“Yeah, you’re right about that” Baekhyun sighed and thought for a second. “We could help Appa!”


“I’m still thinking about that”

“Maybe a kiss would help”

“Out! Now!” Baekhyun lifted his arm and pointed at the door.

“Please! Hyunnie! I need sustenance!” Chanyeol was now kneeling and begging like his life depended on it.

“Oh? So what am I now? A drug?”

“Yeah, I mean no, more like a food, the tastiest BACON in the whole universe!” Chanyeol stated, greatly emphasizing on the word bacon. He didn’t fail though, it made Baekhyun smile. Chanyeol then slowly moved to Baekhyun. Their faces now only inches away from each other. They looked at each other’s eyes, trying to block any form of resistance. Chanyeol cupped Baekhyun’s face and leaned closer. Baekhyun closed his eyes. Chanyeol smiled before slowly setting his lips to Baekhyun’s. They stayed like that for some time, seconds or minutes maybe, both of them were too lost to still worry about time. The moment they parted from each other, they know, their relationship just gotten deeper.


“You’re embarrassing, stop blushing” Baekhyun remarked.

“Yah! You’re blushing too, you’re even redder than I do” Chanyeol answered back.


Then silence filled the spaces between them again.


“Is it really supposed to be awkward after first kisses?” Chanyeol asked.

“I don’t know. Can I hug you?”



So they hugged each other, still sitting on the floor. Baekhyun rested his head on Chanyeol’s right shoulder.


“Should we talk about Suho-hyung now?”

“We already did, right?”

“You’re very inconsiderate today, Yeollie”

“Yeah, I think so too, I’m sorry”

“So, how are we gonna help him through this?”

“I’m really not good at this Hyunnie”

“Me too, psh”

“I think we should just observe for now, let’s think and plan things through next time”

“Good idea. I’m getting tired”

“How could you be tired already? It’s just only a kiss”

“I don’t know, but I really am”

“Rest then, but promise me, we’ll do this again tomorrow”


Baekhyun broke from each other’s hug and stared at Chanyeol.


“Are you making this a new hobby, Yeollie? And who told you that you can decide my schedule?”

“Ah … well, what I meant was … I mean … ahh …” Chanyeol stuttered his reply and before he could formulate what he was about to say, Baekhyun pecked him on the lips, making him smile brightly. “I think we really should help Suho-hyung, he needs us, his bestest of friends. He really needs us now, that cutie Kris should just leave Taeyeon alone. We should make something about that. And in order for us to do that, we can seek help from Tiffany, she might help us. She likes us, ahh … I mean she likes you, that could help. I know Taeyeon likes Suho too, in a way. That could be a start. And once we get rid of Kris, we can boost promotions for Suho”


Baekhyun could only clap from Chanyeol’s amazing idea, well, it kind of sound like a speech, judging how Chanyeol stated it.


“You know Yeollie, I’m now starting to think that my kiss really has powers. Before, it can only turn you on and off. Now, it can even boost your thinking capabilities. That’s great!”


“Ahh … never mind, we should settle on observing for now. Then we could proceed to your plan afterwards.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. So, you still up for another kiss?”

“Shut up Yeollie, you should really be going home now”

“Psh, ok. But tomorrow, I’ll be here again, ok?”

“Whatever. We have an assignment, do that first”

“Ok, I’ll be going then, rest well my Hyunnie”



“What now?”

“Change shirt!”

“Go home now!”

“Ok, uhm yeah, I love you Hyunnie”

“Oh Yeollie … Yeollie, I love you too”




A/N : A THOUSAND SORRY's WOULD NOT BE ENOUGH ! I KNOW ! EVEN A MILLION WON'T DO ! oh my , i really am sorry for updating after three to almost four weeks of hiatus . oh , that was unbearably long . sorry for that . ooh . this schedule is killing me , being a Biology Student is really killing me , but I love it though . things about life and .. stuff . JUST WHAT AM I SAYING ? ok , thanks for still keeping up with me , you awesome squishy cute readers . poohoo ! wish you luck , always !


so yeah , so it was Kris huh ? hmm , tight competition it is . kekeke , so , what can you say about it ? hmm ? I LOVE YOU READERS ! I DO ! i'll try to double update now . :))

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I just made a account just to say to you That update soon ^.^ and continue the story because is so freaking good and i can't wait anymore
Chapter 21: cute couple ^^...update soon please...and thanks for the interesting story ^^
Chapter 21: Hehe..Beauty and Beast..i like the way they teased each cute..!haha..nice one..!^^
Chapter 12: uh..hi there?? I was just finished reading the chapter 12 of your story and it was so amazing..i mean, i love SuTae couple very much and also Chanyeol and Baekhyun..hehe.. their so cute..thanks for making this story!!i really like it!!^-^
Chapter 21: Finally~

They way they tease each other is really cute <3
Chapter 20: Beauty and the Beast <3
How cute they are :)
Chapter 1: New reader here author-nimmmmm~ =)
Chapter 20: Sutae is absolutely sweet !!!!
Potatofever #9
Chapter 20: /throws bricks at you/ /takes it all back/ /cries because my Favorite FIC is updated/