Ep 1 Part 1

For you

  In my uniform ( a white long-sleeved tshirt with a plaited red skirt a cm above the knee, completed with a red tie) , I headed to where I knew my classroom was supposed to be - second floor, block B, the third from the front. I almost walked into the classroom without knocking, but stopped a split-second before. I knocked on the door, then waited until the teacher brought me in. Seems that I was late, since all my classmates were seated already. I was aware that I was sent to the best class, and that the reason was that the principle was my father's good friend, and that he pitied my family's state. Even though this was so, I honestly didnt expect the pupils to be so obedient. Hands folded on the dest, sitted upright and almost not talking at all. The floor was litter-free, too. 

  "Class, as you know, we have a transfer student - this is Sherly. She has just moved here, and therefore is not very familiar with the city. Please be kind to her." Mrs Arkland said. I was feeling slightly agitated, the way the soundlessness of the classroom is so choking. "Sherly, sit in that open seat there." She pointed to a desk next to the woindow, next to a boy that somewhat stood out. I'll call him dark since he looked so dull.

  I nodded gently, and while walking, kept my head high to appear confident, but low enough to still look humble. I pulled my chair back and sat down, making as little noise as possible. Dark was looking away from me, his head plopped onto his palm, a position that my mother warned me to never do. I held out my hand, "Hi, I'm Sherly Lim. I'm from Singapore. What about you?" I asked in the sweetest possible voice ever possible. He turned to face me, twisted his face in disgust, then followed with a snort.

  What? Did he want to die so much? Why is he so unpleasent? I wouldve lifted him by his collar if not for my mother's instructions, but I kept my smile plastered onto my face. I didn't expect this kind of behaviour, it took an awkward second or two until I dropped my hand onto my lap, then giggled gently. "Tell me more about yourself when you're in the mood to, okay?" He ignored me. The guy infront of me turned back. Seems like Im surrounded with guys, I thought. "Ah, dont mind Dann, he's always like that." He shot a glare to Dark's direction. "Im Neil, from L.A. Nice to meet you, Sherly." He continued, and we shaked hands. When the lesson commenced, I then realised. Neil? Neil. NEIL!!! Oh god, how could I have forgotten..? Neil Garman was the principle's grandson, and the principle was rich. That means that the principle's son was rich, and that also meant that Neil was rich. Oh, thank my luck. I could use his kindness to get my way.


Oh, hello friends (if you're reading, youre my friend.)

  My SA1 ended and, Im extremely happy with some of my marks. >0< theres just chinese. the only problem is chinese. its always chinese. cant be anything else. chinese is always the problem. UGH WHY IS CHINESE SO HARD!?!? ok, well, that means I might be able to update lots~ Did you like the chapter? I HOPE YOU DID!!! *-* heres da plan, when we meet a new-and-more-impportant character, i'll write his/her profile in another chapter! GOODBYE AND THANK YOU!! ><;

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minhwan's my bias in ftisland tho. =u= ♡
michelle108 #2
Ahk! ^^
Michelle !! Support mine , go and search HappeePill00w09 !
michelle108 #4
{ Gaeun. ♡