


The slamming of his door echoed throughout the apartment, his back hit the door to his bed room with a thud, he slowly slid down it with an audible large breath of air, his fingers the hair on top of his head, and though he was messing up perfectly styled hair, he didn’t seem to care, he felt light headed the moment he closed his eyes and he had to shake his head.  Tonight definitely hadn’t gone as he had planned.  Not only did he meet someone who totally fried his mind, he probably lost one of his best customers at the host club and probably killed his later sales.  Junsu used his free hand to remove the untied tie that hung loosely around his neck, the garment being tossed aside before the top buttons of his shirt was ripped open, cool air touching boiling skin, it felt nice, Junsu allowing his hand to drop from his hair and rest upon raised knees.  He took another deep breath, making sure his eyes stayed closed as the light headedness swirled around and caused him a head ache...  It was getting on his nerves as he snorted to himself and quickly placed fingers on both temples, rubbing them gently, carefully massaging them until the headache began to fade into a dull ache, something Junsu could deal with till he collected himself together and would figure out what to do...  Okay that’s what he thought he would do, until a loud ringing noise, the same one from the party began ringing in his ears, a whole wave of frustration taking over him again as the ringing only seemed to get louder and louder.  Junsu angrily took the phone out of his pocket, not bothering to look who would be calling, his hand lifting throwing the phone across the room, the phone hitting the wall hard with a loud cracking noise.



‘Would you stop ing calling him!?  He’s not here!!’



Junsu shouted, throwing his hands over his ears, lifting his knees up to his chest, burying his face, closing his eyes tightly as the ringing faded into a simple buzzing sound, the lights and the rest of his bedroom fading into black with it has he took one last deep breath.





‘Aw, did I offend you?  Are you trying not to cry?’



Junsu blinked his eyes furiously as his hand tugged at the door knob, it wasn’t budging, tears stinging, but refusing to fall as he sighed heavily, frustrated, he let his arms drop to his side as he turned to face the man behind him, dark eyes glaring at him from across the room, a small smirk falling into a deep frown as the man crossed the room.



‘C-Changmin I demand you let me out of this room,’



Junsu stuttered, tugging at the door again, tensing when Changmin approached him, his body so close, Junsu could feel the tightness of his arms even as they slowly wrapped around him, Changmin placing both hands on his waist, pulling him closer, their faces inches apart, hips pressing hard against each others, Junsu slowly felt the unwanted pain seeping through his veins as he shook his head back and forth.



‘What’s wrong Junsu; do you not like hearing every little detail of what’s wrong with you?  Of how I wonder why I’m with you,  or the fact that I’m just with you because I feel sorry for you?  You should be thanking me; I’m the only one who would take you in their embrace, while everyone else laughs at you from the side.’



Changmin spoke softly, his mouth so close to Junsu’s, Junsu shaking his head back and forth furiously, he didn’t like hearing all that , it made him feel like less of a person and more of just nothing.  Junsu pushed at Changmin’s chest again, his restraints hard to remove himself from than he wanted, the tears already pooling down his eyes.



‘C-Changmin let me go, I don’t want to be here…’



Junsu pleaded, Changmin only pressing him against the wall hard, a grin forming on his lips again as Junsu shook his head back and forth again, Changmin’s hand already roaming Junsu’s body, fingers ing his jeans,  Junsu struggled harder this time, his legs trying to kick the man who was practically forcing himself on him, but his legs only felt like jello, one of Changmin’s arms wrapping tightly around them, making it impossible for him to move, a new sensation in his crotch area causing Junsu to whimper as Changmin roughly grinded against him.



‘Changmin… P-Please stop...’



Junsu whimpered against lips that had just pressed to his, his body trembling with the fear it felt as he was pressed up to the wall harder, his strength slowly being drained from him, his arms slowly slipping from Changmin’s chest, eyes slowly closing, his body just giving up..



‘Oh MOVE!’



Junsu’s eyes shot open, Changmin already moved from his lips down to his neck, it wasn’t his voice that he had just heard, his eyes darted around the room, had Changmin let someone else in the room?  No he and Changmin where the only ones in the room.



‘Stop thinking and just MOVE!’



Junsu’s vision instantly went black, his mind going blank, the noises of Changmin fading into the background as his eyes closed again, the only known noise he couldn’t faintly remember was someone screaming at someone...  He felt content...





Junsu’s eyes shot open wide, his breaths coming out as pants, his body shivering as if it was cold, Junsu’s huddling body stiff, how long had he been out?  And why was he sitting up against the door?  Junsu shifted himself so that his legs stretched out, the stiffness bringing pain, but it was something he would have to get over as he struggled to stand, his mind feeling a bit fuzzy and his head aching.  He shook it back and forth once before catching himself on the nearest wall, the palm of his hand resting on his forehead as he tried to catch his breath that didn’t seem to be there.



‘Why do I feel so bad?’



He mumbled to himself, his eyes glancing over, catching a glimpse of the golden cuffs and black jacket he wore, his eyes turning confused as he brought his arm down and examined the clothing he was wearing, his head tilting slightly as his eyes traveled up and down his body.



‘W-Why am I wearing my good suit?’



Junsu asked himself, feeling another tremble going through his body as he used the wall for support, he was so confused, last he had checked, he had went to bed around eight thirty maybe nine, pajama’s and all, nothing out of the ordinary after a day of spending time with Junho and studying right when he got home..  But somehow now he had woken up in his suit and sweating up a storm feeling as though he would pass out from stress and exhaustion any minute?



Junsu bit down on his lower lip as he forced himself to stand up straight, he needed to think, and could he remember anything after going to sleep?  Besides the horrible dream he had?  Did he get woken up in the middle of the night Junho asking him to come along with him somewhere and possible got drunk on accident?  OR had he actually taken Taecyeon up on his offer and went out with him and got drunk too!?  Junsu was gnawing at his lower lip now, his mind frantically searching for an answer, but nothing had came.






A voice shouted suddenly out of nowhere, cause the man to jump, his body tense, but he was no longer trembling at least, he slowly managed to turn, listening for the voice again, when it happened again, he couldn’t help his heart beat that sped up.  He placed a hand on his chest but managed to move to the bed room door, swinging it open.



‘Junsu!  Listen, I know you’re angry but let me talk to you.’



The voice spoke again, he was angry, angry about what?  Junsu willed his legs to move faster now as he approached the door, whoever was on the other side, maybe they could help in answering some things Junsu wasn’t quite sure about.  Opening the door just a little, Junsu peered out the door, a tall figure standing in front of the door, his eyes looking sad as he noticed Junsu.



‘Okay, I know it’s weird that I’m at your apartment, but I’m not stalking you, Junho gave me your address.  But other than that, I need to talk to you, like right now.’



He stated, Junsu raising an eyebrow but opening the door completely, Taecyeon’s full body giving him a slight cold chill all over again, it felt just like this morning, there was no way getting around how good he looked in a suit.



‘W-What happened?  What did you do to me, did I drink any tonight?’



Junsu blurted out now, Taecyeon’s mouth opening to say something, but instantly stopped when Junsu spoke, Taecyeon’s mouth puckered a little as his eyebrows knitted together, the skin on his forehead creasing.



‘What did I do to you?  I should be asking you that question about why you just stormed off at the party leaving Hyorin screaming her head off for you.’



Taecyeon implied, Junsu being taken aback, stormed off?  Had he been that drunk?  Junsu leaned against the door frame, a sudden wave of lightheadedness over powering him for a moment, but he managed to shake it off and keep himself standing up right.



‘W-Wait...  Wait, I’m a little confused here.  I stormed off and left who screaming their head off for me?  I’m not following at all, I don’t remember anything, I was going to ask you and was hoping you knew but, but, what now?’



Junsu asked, the palm of his hand resting against his forehead, Taecyeon instantly reaching out for him the moment he swayed and almost fell forward.  He could feel Taecyeon supporting all his weight now as he took a breath, trying to still his now irregular heart beat.



‘Are you having a panic attack or something?!’



Taecyeon asked now, worry filling his voice as Junsu gripped Taecyeon’s arms, the taller man easily wrapping his arms around Junsu, about to lift him into the air but was instantly stopped the moment Junsu tapped his arms over and over, keeping a tight grip on them.  He was only making him nauseas and that was not helping at all.



‘S-Stop moving,’



Junsu spoke softly, Taecyeon doing so as Junsu rested his forehead against Taecyeon’s chest, the taller of the two trying not to twitch as Junsu did his best to relax, he was so thankful he knew what to do.. 



‘W-What do I need to do?’



Taecyeon stuttered, keeping very still as Junsu took another deep breath, this time slower, letting it out as he clenched his muscles and then let them release each breath he took, his heart beat getting back down to its normal pace quicker than he thought.  He sighed with content when he no longer felt like he would fall over, his shoulders rolling back before he looked up.



‘You just had to stand there.  Don’t worry, I knew what to do.’



Junsu spoke, his lower lip as he released Taecyeon’s arms, slowly backing away, embarrassment written all over his face as he glanced up at Taecyeon.  Taecyeon didn’t look happy at all, the frown on his face prominent and the fear in his eyes told Junsu that he probably had just scared the out of him.  Junsu waved him forward.



‘C-Come inside, maybe we can figure this out.’





‘So you’re saying you don’t remember anything from tonight?’



Taecyeon asked from across his room, Junsu shaking his head back and forth, his eyes searching his room until he spotted what he was looking for, it wasn’t where he had left it when he had went to sleep..  It was up against the wall, fragments of glass sprayed across the floor from the front of his phone.  Junsu in both of his lips as he knelt down and picked up the broken phone in one hand.



‘I wish I could remember,’



Junsu spoke, looking over the broken phone, there was no way of even trying to save it when the screen was practically gone, he sighed moving over to dresser where he slid open the top drawer, placing the broken phone inside, that was something he would have to deal with later.  Junsu stepped away from his dresser, his head rolling as he looked over towards Taecyeon, whose eyes remained on him from his sitting position on Junsu’s bed.  Junsu looked down, his head hanging, the awkwardness seeping in as he shuffled his way to the bed, carefully sitting down next to Taecyeon who had looked away now.



‘You’re acting like this morning.’



Taecyeon spoke randomly, Junsu placing his hands in his laps, his lips forming a thin line as he his lower lip, he didn’t want to speak, in all honesty, he wasn’t sure what to say either, here Taecyeon was telling him a story that was nothing but a black void of nothing.  He shifted nervously.



‘You’re not acting all rude and stuck up like at the party...’



Taecyeon stated, Junsu managing to lift his hanging head,



‘I-I acted all rude, to who?’



Junsu squeaked it was probably the loudest he had been all night, his eyes wide with fear, a sort of guilt running through him as the thought of himself being mean to anyone just seemed wrong in every form and way.  Junsu shook his head back and forth before he took a deep breath, another episode was not what he needed, and even Taecyeon rested a hand on his knee, calming the shaking limb that Junsu hadn’t noticed began shaking. 



‘Well, you made a girl cry.  And scared quite a few people with your act...  Made some angry because you made this particular girl cry...  I think that might be it.’



Taecyeon replied, Junsu’s wide eyes never falling back to normal as he stared at the other, disbelief all over his face.  He hadn’t talked to a girl to make her cry in years!  The last time his mouth had even opened to properly talk to one was when he told one girl he just wasn’t interested in her..  He himself wasn’t particularly into girl’s…  Junsu nibbled at his lower lip as he lifted his feet up to press against his chest.



‘Who’s this girl?’



Junsu asked now, his thumb replacing his lip as his mind searched through the many people he had gotten to know from the past years, none of them even sticking long enough for him to want to hang out with them or something, let alone make cry!  Taecyeon frowned,



‘Does the name Hyorin ring a bell, I said it earlier, but I think you were to out of it to properly hear me.’



Taecyeon replied, shifting his own position as Junsu’s body seemed to stiffen, his shoulders raising, tensing as if the name had ringed a bell, maybe it had, Junsu’s head tilting,



‘It doesn’t sound familiar...’



Junsu spoke, the name ringing in his head and remaining there as he tried to think harder about it.



‘Leave her alone.’ 



His eyes went blurry for a moment, Junsu now blinking furiously as a voice that was so similar to his own rang through his head, a voice that he could remember from the one point in time ago... He didn’t want to think about that right now though as he left the girl’s name roaming around in his head, it wasn’t until Taecyeon shook his shoulder, shaking him out of his thoughts, he looked up to him.



‘Don’t meet her like this...  Leave her alone.  If he tries to make you go with him, refuse, I don’t want you to see her.’



‘Junsu...  Are you alright?’



Junsu hadn’t noticed he was looking directly into Taecyeon’s eyes, the other man so close, he gasped rather loudly, a blush immediately spreading across his cheeks; he could feel both of Taecyeon’s hands on his shoulders, his skin burning him through the shirt.



‘He won’t hurt you...  I won’t let him, even if he tries.’



‘I’m f-fine...  I’m just tired, really tired.’



Junsu finally spoke, moving backwards more onto his bed, Taecyeon’s burning hands leaving his shoulders, a sort of relief falling over him, a sigh wanting to escape but he held it back, Taecyeon’s worried stricken face making him feel bad.  He gave a soft sort of smile, his normal shy one I guess you could call it as he crawled off the bed on the other side.



‘Y-You don’t have to go home tonight...  Since you came all the way here and you live a good ways away...  And it’s so late.  I have some pajama’s you can borrow.’



Junsu stuttered, stumbling half way across his room to his closet, his eyes only glancing at Taecyeon whose facial expression never changed.



‘Junsu you need to tell me if something’s wrong.  I may not have known you for more than today to know this isn’t how a normal person acts.’



Taecyeon stated, Junsu rummaging through his closet, searching for something that could fit the giant on his bed.  Hopefully his shorts and overly large t-shirts would suit him well, his hands gripping his usual pajamas before backing out of the closet and tossing Taecyeon the clothes he was trying not look his way and he moved towards the bathroom.



‘I’m alright.’



He spoke, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him, stripping himself of his clothing.  Taecyeon puckered his lips but sighed, standing up from the bed and starting to his own shirt, his eyes unconsciously roaming around the room while he changed.  Once done, Taecyeon allowed himself to stretch, his sitting back on the bed, waiting for Junsu to come out of the bathroom, this time he knew where his eyes were wandering as he made an audible interested noise as he eyed a the slightly open beside table, a glint from the light flickering off something shiny.  Taecyeon couldn’t help but be nosy as his eyes shifted towards the bathroom, then back to the side table where he inched closer, the drawer being pulled out and the glint disappearing as a sleek, slim black screen touch phone appeared into view, Taecyeon’s head tilting...  Hadn’t Junsu’s phone broken?  Taecyeon reached into the drawer pulling out the phone, eyeing it up and down, turning it over and back, it was definitely a phone, and nothing more than that, but did Junsu really have two phones?  He seemed disappointed that his other phone broke, like he didn’t have another one..



‘Damnit, I grabbed that idiot’s phone instead of mine.’



Taecyeon narrowed his eyes at the memory of Junsu’s words from earlier that night, the words coming out like he had grabbed someone else’s phone other than his own.  Now he was being way to nosey, but he had to see something, something that would either answer some questions, or confuse the hell out of him even more.  More likely the latter, but Taecyeon held the phone carefully as he pressed a small button on the side, the screen becoming bright as a picture appeared, the familiar figure and face of Hyorin beaming bright as she was posing a normal selca like pose.  That answered a tiny part of his question, but the rest seemed impossible as Taecyeon tried sliding his finger across the screen only to find that access into the phone could only be granted by a password...  To which he didn’t have, Taecyeon mentally groaned before slipping the phone back into the table side quickly, shutting it just as the door knob to the bathroom jiggled, the door swinging open and Junsu appeared, his pants being tied with a draw string, not that it mattered though, the pants hung low on his hips anyways so..



Taecyeon eyed him with a smile as Junsu crossed the bed room, fingers rubbing the back of his neck as he stood awkwardly in front of him.



‘I-I know it’s probably going to be awkward since we barely know each other, but we’ll probably have to share a bed.. My couch isn’t exactly big enough to fit me or you on it, and all the floors are hard wood so laying on it with just some sheets would kill your back.’



Junsu spoke, his voice low and shaky, Taecyeon tried not to look amused at the male’s cute gesture; he smiled and nodded his head.



‘That’s alright, we should be fine, and I mean you’re beds pretty big.’



He spoke, rolling over onto one side, Junsu climbing in beside him, Junsu was obviously thankful it was a large bed, his body nearly scooting to the very edge.



‘I got to warn you I cuddle.’



Taecyeon teased, Junsu instantly sitting up, pillows being thrown quickly in between the two, Junsu’s fingers pointing to all of them.



‘Please cuddle with these and not me!’



He replied, before quickly crawling under the blankets.  Taecyeon chuckled lowly before settling into his spot, he had to admit, it wasn’t as awkward as Junsu was making it seem, it almost felt like they had been friends for years and he was just spending the night.  Taecyeon looked over Junsu as Junsu reached out from underneath the covers, flickering off the light on the night stand beside him, the room going completely dark, everything going silent, well except for Taecyeon’s thoughts, they were grinding like gears and it felt like that was all he could hear, that and an interesting heart beat that almost felt like it wasn't his own.

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Sorry guys, I haven't been feeling like myself lately, that's what's taking this so long to update.


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Chapter 4: ooh! are you still revamping this? i'm so curious what the EFF is going on! :)
Chapter 13: A few minor mistakes that I noticed on the latest chapter. You might want to proofread it! Here's two that I noticed:

- But I guess nothing could ever go so easily - *it
- Changmin, you are still - was one of the Junsu's speaking to him?

Anyways good story so far! I hope you will update soon! Also I didn't even notice that Taeckay/Taecsu were dating. Did time pass in the story without me realising?
Chapter 3: I only started reading the first chapter but I quite like it already! I'm going to read some more soon! In chapter 2, was junsu having a panic attack or does he have a split personality?
Jundyuok #4
Chapter 13: its all good. i love you x every single word in this story. ;)
thank you very much for the updatee!~~
Chapter 13: i want some taeckay moments lol xDDD
rurinkosakura #7
Chapter 13: Aaaaaaa :') they're safe! :3
Woo_Infinite_Hyun #8
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for the update^^
Chapter 13: Finally an update!
Oh hod I almost forgot about this story already. .
Im glad u updated this^^
Chapter 13: I know taec will save junsu and hyorin. And so, the '2nd' junsu now has his own life rite? As minjun? And it's gonna end but I really like this story. But, I'm glad u updated thou. Thanks for the update~