Finally a trainee

Being in Idol World

Yumi’s POV

“Why are you five minutes late?!?” Mr. Young Min shouted.

Ahh the pain in my head… Aisshh why is he soo loud? I bowed a full 180 degrees and apologized once again.

“I’m so very sorry. I got lost on my way to your office.” Well that was kind of true

“Ok well I will look past it this once, but don’t let it happen again! OK!”

“Yes sir!” I saluted.

“What is that bump on your forehead? Is that from birth? I don’t remember seeing it in your picture? Did you photo shop it to hide it? It will be a problem.” Wow so much for inner beauty and beauty marks.

But what the heck is he talking about? I don’t have a bump on my forehead. I reached my hand to the spot he was intensely staring at (as if by looking at it he could shot lasers from his eyes and zap it away) and there really was a bump on my forehead. I got a bump from bumping into that stupid wall! Why didn’t that tall alien tell me anything?!? Umm how the heck do I explain this?

“Why actually no sir. It’s a bump from hitting my head on a wall.”

“Why? Do you come from a violent home?” He questioned sounding slighty concerned.  

No actually, I come from no home. I don’t even have a place to stay yet to be honest. I came from Busan to Seoul to become a star. I have no family that I know of and a halmoni took me in from the streets and took care of me all these years but she passed away last year leaving me alone again. But you probably don’t want to know that and he doesn’t need to hear that.

“No I’m just really clumsy. I will be careful from now on.”

“You better be or else your trainee days are over.” Wow wasn’t that a bit a harsh? Why so serious man? He is soo scary, “I can’t have you getting yourself hurt unnecessarily resulting in bumps and scars. Your skin should be faultless.”  

“I understand” I said bowing my head scared to face him. I know this may sound weird but I can sense a bit of sincerity in his tone even though his words are harsh. It’s like he’s telling me this so I won’t hurt myself.

“Ok so let’s get down to business” He said. I couldn’t help but feel an urge to giggle. I’m sorry but the fact that he just said ‘let’s get down’ doesn’t suit him at all.

“You will now be starting your life as a trainee at SM Entertainment. Basically the rest of your days will be spent training, eating and sleeping. Nothing else. You were scouted because you have talent but in order to debut you have to work hard and have something that makes you different from the other trainees.” He stated.  Somehow instead of feeling nervous like any normal person would feel at this moment, I felt very motivated by what he said. It was somewhat encouraging and it gave me strength. I guess it was because no one had ever told me I was talented before. I had always hid my passion for singing and dancing from halmoni. I don’t know why but I knew that if I had told her, she would have encouraged me.

“If you want you can stay in a room but if you prefer to stay somewhere else that is fine. I know that you moved from Busan so I thought moving into a dorm would be easier for you. Unfortunately, the room isn’t ready until next week so you would have to room with a trainee until it is ready. Let your leader know what you decided to do.”

All I could do was nod as the new information given. I was so happy that I would have a place to stay since I was worried that I would have to sleep on the streets tonight.  

“Here is your schedule. Work hard and if you have any questions your leader and teachers can help you. Good luck and I will see you again when it is time for you to become a trainee.” He handed me the paper and smiled at me. Woah!! Did he just smile? OMO!! Maybe he is not so bad after all.

“Deh. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. You have no idea how much this means to me. I will work hard so that I will not disappoint you.” I said bowing countless times that I felt dizzy when I finally stopped and stepped back to try and balance myself. I probably should not have done that my head is in pain again. I looked back at him and surprisingly he was laughing. Is my dizziness that amusing?

“You may leave now.” he said after clearing his throat.

I nodded and then bowed once again saying bye before taking my leave. After I had fully closed the door, I spun around and pressed my back against it and exhaled because apparently I was holding my breath all this time. A smile formed on my lips and I placed my hands on my chest absentmindedly crumpling the paper in my hands. Oh right, my schedule! I quickly smoothed out the wrinkles now made on my paper scolding myself for doing that in the first place. My ‘classes’ were dance, singing and etiquette. Thankfully there was a map on it so I had no problem finding the room.

My first ‘class’ was dance. I stepped into the room. There was a mirror on one side and picture of clouds on the other. Huh interesting.. I looked around the room and I saw a bunch of trainees gathered all doing stretches.

The dance instructor looked at me and then smiled. “All the new trainees come up to the front.”

I immediately walked to the front of the room and so did three other people. Two boys and one girl. We all shuffled awkwardly trying to arrange ourselves and ended standing in a perfectly straight line

“Please introduce yourselves.” the instructor ordered.

The girl stepped out and bowed “ Hello Hana im ni da~ Please take care of me” she said smiling. She had long black hair, double eye lids, big eyes, a cute button nose and an eye smile. She was slim and was average height. All the guys are gonna fall for her.

Then a tall guy with black hair, piercing eyes and dark circles stepped forward and bowed “Hi, Tao im ni da” OMO! He looks like a panda! He’s so cute! OMO what did I just say? Oh right it’s my turn.

Well since I described everyone I should describe myself too I guess. I have medium black hair, double eyelids and almost 5’4. If you are wondering if I have a Busan accent, I do but Halmoni was from Seoul before she got married and moved to Busan so she often spoke in her Seoul accent when we were at home and her Busan accent when we were out doors causing me to do the same. But since I don’t live in Busan anymore I will not be talking in my accent.  I stepped forward and bowed, “Hi, Yumi im ni da. Please take care of me.” I gave the biggest smile I could muster and then stepped back but then ended up bumping into the panda looking guy, “Ah I’m so sorry!” I said immediately bowing. He gave me a confused look as if he was thinking and then responded, “It’s ok unnie” with a smile. Did he just use banmal? And did he just call me unnie? He’s a guy isn’t he? He looks like a guy to me. And come to think of it his accent is kind of weird, “ahh it…it’s ok” I replied in confusion.

“Everyone Tao is from China and he doesn’t know Korean well so please treat him nicely and take care of him. Kris if you don’t mind could you help him with translating?” the instructor announced. I'm guessing she saw our little interaction. Oh so he’s Chinese! That explains a lot. I hope we become close...not that I want to become close to him because he cute or anything....aishh I think I just sold myself out. 

Yea sure.” A very tall guy with sharp features fit for a male god said. Wow he’s so handsome and tall but his expression is kind of scary and so serious. Is he mad?

The last person stepped forward. He had brown hair, double eyelids and a gaze that was kind of scary. When he spoke his voice was deep and alluring. “ Hi, In Ho im ni da” Wow he didn’t bow? Is he a diva? Instead he smirked and then stepped back. What the heck was that?

“Hana, Yumi, are you both staying in the dorm?” the instructor questioned.

“Deh” we both answered in sync.

“Ok. Yumi and Hana you will both be sharing a room together and Tao you will be sharing a room with Kris.” The instructor stated, “Oh and btw I am Mrs. Kim. I hope you guys will be a great addition to our group. Your leader is Kris so if you have any questions you can ask him. ” I looked back at the Kris guy and felt a little intimidated. He looks like he will beat up if I ask him anything. I wonder why he’s the leader.

Before I knew what was happening class started. I didn’t even remember what was happening. I was too much in a daze. Everything was so fast and maybe it was because I had hit my head but everything was a blur. Before I knew it class ended and I was headed to my next class and the same process repeated for my remaining classes. I didn’t even get a chance to talk to anyone because I was so out of it.

I decided that clearing my head would be a good idea so I headed for the nearest exit to get some fresh air. I searched the map and then I found it. The rooftop.

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nasomi2011 #1
Wow, you're a very tricky author. Of course, it was Happy Virus Chanyeol. Never ever doubted him. :) Update soon!
HANchesterLUnited #2 like Giant alien Chanyeol? By process of elimination..... wait. It could also be Lu Han...maybe.MAYBE idk.
고마워 언니 for the update. *^^*
I really like it!! And I caught on~ XD I was like, Lay isn't tall... >.> so how could the giant alien be Lay? >.> XD But I didn't want to say anything in case I was wrong ;p I can't wait for the next update!!! :D
Waaaahh at first I thought it was chanyeol and then I thought it was lay but I was right the first time! Haha u really fooled me. That was good. :) update soon I really like this story :D
nasomi2011 #5
People could also be staring at her because she could be one of the more... better-looking and talented trainees? That would be an interesting idea. Instead of having her bullied, making her popular is what most people wouldn't expect. Especially when she is the protagonist. And I think Kai pulled her into the room. Based on what you've written about him so far, his personality would fit that the most. :) Update soon!
HANchesterLUnited #6
예~ 한국의... i only know a little so far. so my thoughts: there's nothing wrong with Lay >< i like him~ but from what im getting so far..potential Love interests who have appeared so far: Lay, Kai, Kris (but he strikes me as the guy who gets rejected in the end/steps down for his bros in the end).And the guy friends who stay as friends: SuHo, D.O, Tao. so far that's kinda what im getting.
okay okay and i think Kai pulled her into the classroom, or Lay since he helped her? idk. one of the two. people are staring at her because she is talking to Kris, because he's hot and a male god and everyone is like "kyaa saranghaeyo oppar"/"he's my crush so gtfo batch" in their heads and stuff...he might be part of the "Trainee F..4-12-6" idk lol.
those are just my thoughts... :}
Bahahahaha~!!! I love this story so far!!! I can't wait for another update!!!!! <3
nasomi2011 #8
Haha, wow, I was SO wrong... But, Lay is awesome-possum, too. He's one of my Exo-M biases, so no problems there. :) Thanks for the update. Now, I'm getting a feel for the characters! And "Trainee F4"? That's a really interesting idea! :) Update as soon as you are able!
하하 OMO!You wrote in Korean! Awwiiess 고마워 ~ I'm smiling like an idiot :) So greasy 하지만 아니, 당신은 최고입니다! Haha i put Lay to troll you. No i'm just kidding, don't worry i'll make it up to you ;) And i'm not basing the fic on my list cuz there would be a really big problem since i would choose all of them :P that's why I asked people to vote :P and i will :) And OMG!! I deleted someone's comment again! I am never using my ipod on this site again..aisshh ottoke?! Nan pabo!!!!!!
HANchesterLUnited #10
와~ 애미 언니 짱! Yay~ 감사 for updating *^^* 하지만's Lay?? I thought he was near the bottom of your bias list...not complaining, he has a niceu jaw line and big sparkly eyes and all :3 Lol i thought it was Chanyeol who saved bad then.^^; update soon again :))