
On the edge of my life

Light. Jiyeon was woken up by the lightened surrounding. Adjusting to the brightness, she wanted to rub her half opened eyes, but her hands wouldn't move. Is this heaven? she thought.

If heaven is a place, where you have  tubes established into your organism, especially one, that is blocking you from breathing, then it was heaven. Her head was throbbing and she couldn't move with any part of her weakened body. Maybe because of the sharp sunshine, she eyes couldn't open and slowly got heavier than ever.
Getting a stingy feeling, Jiyeon woke up for the second time. How? She's supposed to be in her never ending sleep.
The nurse pulled out the syringe from the girl's arm and watched her waking up. Jiyeon found out that most of the tubes were taken out already, except of one, that was leading into her arm. 
Her confused eyes wandered around the white room, until a voice disturbed her. "How do you feel?" she heard a man's voice. All the sounds were coming into her her ears in a too loud way, which made her frown a bit. Turning her head to one side a bit, she saw someone who was dressed up like a doctor. He was really young, and his name tag was saying 송 (Song).
Jiyeon tried to open and get some words out, but it was impossible for her that time. The doctor took out the small light and studied her eyes. The soft light was piercing her eyes and made her feel blind. Taking the light away from Jiyeon's eyes, he scribbled something down in her folder. Jiyeon blinked a few times before opening her eyes fully. The only sentence that was in her head right now: 'What am I doing here?' echoed in her brain.
"Can you feel this?" Jiyeon heard a question, which was followed by small stab on her wrist. "Yes." she tried to answer, but her voice cracked up and she sounded like a tortured cat. Seeing his slightly confused expression, she gave him a small nod to confirm her answer.
"Why am I still here?" Jiyeon got out of herself when she finally found her voice. Joongki let out a small chuckle and gave the nurse a sign to leave, before pulling a chair to Jiyeon's bed.
"Do you believe in God?" he asked when he sat down. She stared at him with an expressionless face. "Aniyo..."
"Well, you should." she nodded with a cocky smile. "An average person wouldn't bear that amount of drugs in his body. He saved your life, which you actually wanted to give up on, right? Tell me..." he leaned to her and rested his elbows on his legs.
"Why would a young, pretty girl like you want to die? You have a job, friends, you're succesful in studying..Your life is smooth."
"Having a life without problems is one of the biggest problems." she cut him off. "Do you know how is it? Having life like a broken tape that repeats the same part every day?" she talked calmly, not breaking the eye contact with him.
"Why didn't you just try to change it? Have you ever tried to go home by an other way? Or put a little more of sugar into your cup of tea? Sometimes just a small change can make a different day." he shrugged before standing up and leaving the room.
Jiyeon laid there calmly, staring up at the ceiling and thinking about the doctor's words. "Maybe he's right..." she whispered to herself, but jerked a bit, as she heard a strong, women's voice, calling out her name. "PARK JIYEON!"


First update~~~~~~~~


You know..when I woke up and saw that I have 5 subscribers just for the foreword, I was like..


I know that this chapter is about....NOTHING, but please waaaaaait~ I'll update soon and Himchan will appear~

I hope I didn't disappoint you with this chapter ;~~; And a huuuuge Thank you, guys! ♥


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bbyunEXO #1
Chapter 1: ahhh come on... Update soon
shizukasenshi #2
Chapter 1: waaaaaaa!!!! my t-ara biases!!!! and joong ki baby!!!
jujushadow45 #3
Update fast! I love your gifs!
jujushadow45 #4
Chapter 2: Love the story! I love it! So jiyeon is trying to kill herself! Is himchan the guy that broke his leg?
Haha i love the pic that u used to express ur feelings
myungji_luv #6
jiyeon x himchan
Update soon