Chapter Three - Good News (Estelle Kim)

Survivor: Celebrity Edition

Purple indicates that the characters are speaking in French.

Maroon indicates that the characters are speaking in Korean.

Regular (Black) font indicates that the characters are speaking in English.

Estelle walked into her empty home and threw the keys on to the counter. She had come home from a long day at work. After having to argue with about four different customers about the store’s policies, she wasn’t in the mood for much. The main floor of the modern-style house was very spacious, with little furniture but very artistic. Aside from the front entrance, there were no doors – only openings. It made everything connected, something Estelle loved about her house. She walked straight through an opening the connected her living room and kitchen, walking around a large marble counter to get to the stainless steel fridge. She opened it and grabbed a carton of milk and kicked it closed.

 She opened it slightly and drank directly from the carton. Her Mom always pestered her about doing that, claiming that it was dirty and made her look like a chienne but Estelle never heeded to her Mom’s words and continued to do so. She then found a pile of mail on the counter, Mom and Dad must’ve come by here before heading to the hospital. She sighed at the thought and paused for a minute, staring into space. Her brother had been diagnosed with a spinal tumor about two months ago, when he had started to complain about a massive pain in his back. After an MRI, they had discovered a small tumor had taken place on his spinal cord.

Estelle’s family had undergone many changes, eventually leading them to bring her brother to the hospital for a long term stay because he had to be under constant surveillance. The doctors had told them that they were lucky because they had caught it in the early stages, but they had also mentioned that the likelihood of the tumor ever going away with just regular treatments was close to impossible – unless he decided to consent to surgery. But like everything else, it cost money, money Estelle’s family could only dream of having.

With the milk carton still at hand, she sifted through the mail until she found a rather large envelop with her name right smack in the middle. Setting the carton down, she noticed the return address and her eyes widened. As if on cue, her house phone began to ring and she quickly picked up the receiver, refusing to let go of the envelope.


Allo, Mademoiselle Estelle?

Oui, may I ask who this is? It was a woman with a rather high-pitched voice but her tone was that of a robot.

Je m’appelle Laurie, I am calling to confirm that you have received a package from Survivor Korea.” Looking down at the brown envelope in her hand, Estelle nodded and then remembered that Laurie couldn’t see her.

Ah oui Madam, I was just about to open it. She heard Laurie chuckle a bit.

C’est magnifique mademoiselle, I shall leave you to it then. Oh, but I must ask – tu parles l’anglais?

Oui Madam, quite fluently, why? Again, Laurie chuckled and Estelle felt a bit irritated.

Mademoiselle, you can’t expect your partner to understand French. Also, your partner is to arrive at Roissy Airport in three days time, please plan accordingly. That is all, I wish you and your partner the best, au revoir.The line went dead before Estelle could tell her that she was able to speak Korean as well. She just placed the phone back and sat on a stool by the counter. Turning over the brown envelope in her hands, she carefully tore the opening and slipped out the contents on to the marble top. She looked curiously at the travel booklet of Paris and then proceeded to read the letter which was, indeed, in English. She scanned it and her eyes were drawn to the bolded part of the letter and it read:

Location of Pick up: Terminal 2

Date of Pick up: January 18, 2011


Flight No.: KAL114

Time of Arrival: 19:45

She then looked at the time and see that it is still 5:12pm. Smiling to herself she got up from the stool and went to the phone again, this time dialling a number so readily etched into her memory. It beeped a few times before she heard someone pick up.

Estelle? If it was possible, her smile had gotten much brighter as she heard a familiar voice over the phone.

Maurice? Comment ca-va? Are you feeling better? She asked and Maurice laughed.

Don’t worry, the doctors told me that I’ve been responding to the treatment very well. Are you at home? What’s with the surprise call? Estelle took a deep breath before she answered.

Do you remember that form I was filling out for that Korean show?

Oui, how could I forget? After you officially finished your Korean language course, you went straight to that site to print it and fill it out. Estelle laughed.

"Hey, Maman made me take that course - she said it'll help me get back in touch with my Korean roots or something."

"Well she's right!" Estelle scoffed.

"But why didn't she make you take it!" She asked incredulously, earning her a mocking laugh on the other end.

"Because I'm smarter than you and I've been in touch with my Korean roots since birth, pabo! Bet you don't know what that means."

"Shut up, yes I do! But that's not the point here."

"Okay, so what's gotten you all excited?" He finally asked and Estelle gripped the phone tighter as her cherry lips curved into a grin.

You won’t believe it Maurice…

A/N: I know, I at updating. It's okay, I plan on updating all my fics this week so I'll start with this one! Hopefully I can get in another update for this later on this week again. So this chapter introduces Kangin_love's character (Estelle). Hopefully this gives you enough insight to her personal life. I'll be introducing the other six characters in the next six chapters (unless I decide to do a double introduction on one chapter), and then I will proceed to create the regular sequence of chapters in which I will incorporate either some or all of the characters. There may be instances where each pair will get their own chapter, but that'll probably be because of details that just can't be missed. Anyway, I'm sorry again for making you wait so long, I'll try and update as soon as possible. Don't forget to check out Remember Me, and drop by my CL x Junhyung Songfics. Totally pimped myself out right there, heeey.

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>< Update soon..!
LoveLasts #2
oohhhhhooo.<br />
i'm so essited for the rest:)
yay~ an update :D <br />
i'm so excited for the other introductions and pairings! you make the wait so suspenseful haha
Kangin-love #4
yay~~ estelle haha:) i can't wait 'till we all meet up with the partners!
Love the update and how it's becoming more and more international :)
LoveLasts #6
Ohhh, a French speaker, I take French!<br />
The more and more girls that get introduced, the more excited I'm getting!<br />